


Summary, Analysis, Interpretation und Characterization schreiben







Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...]
and published in [...] (is a story of ini-
tiation and) deals with the topic of [
Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...]
and published in [...] (is a story of ini-
tiation and) deals with the topic of [
Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...]
and published in [...] (is a story of ini-
tiation and) deals with the topic of [
Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...]
and published in [...] (is a story of ini-
tiation and) deals with the topic of [
Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...]
and published in [...] (is a story of ini-
tiation and) deals with the topic of [

Einleitungssatz: The short story ..[...]" written by [...] and published in [...] (is a story of ini- tiation and) deals with the topic of [...] Hauptteil (Formulierungen) TiPPS: • The story begins with / At the beginning the author explains Next, following, subsequently, after (wards) • Finally, in the end... 0 ! Nicht zu lang schreiben! Nur die wesentlichen Aspeuren herausschreiben! immer nur (!) simple present keine Aufzählungen, Beschreibungen usw. - eigene wörter, keine Zitate, Sārze USW. ! Einleitung: The short story (...) written by (..) and first published in (...) deals with (short intro to story) Hauptteil: I. PIOŁ LD 1.) Exposition 2.) Rising action → conflict (Internal / Extarmal?) 3.) Climax 4.) falling action 5.) Resclution I. Seting place, time, weather, social, mood, atmosphere II Character → protagonist/antagonist is flat, dynamic, static Point of View LD first second, therd person narrator • limited /omniscient in innocent eye /naive narrator (child), stream of conciousness LD,, moral of the story" I. Theme II Languge to figures of speech, tone, choice of words, meaning- ful language Schluss: conclusion of overall all text: (In conclusion, overall, As exp. ressed, thus) Einleitung: The short story ..[...]", written by [..] and first Published in [...] deals with [CONFLICT] Hauptteil: Schluss: o very, very brief summary of current action • Analysis 4D seting, atmosphere, characters, point of view, theme plot + conflict, climax, figures of speech (metaphors, similies, symbois, hyper- boles, ellipsis), tone, choice of words... o interpretation 40 put all of the...

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described analysis points in context and describe & interplet the meaning behind it => The story (through various aspects) portrays the notion of initiation" => bridges / rivers as rite of passage (innorence to maturity) Bezug zur Gegenwart Einleitungssatz: In the short story [...] written by [...] (name of character) is on of the main characters Hauptteil: Schluss Formulierung 1.) Description of the appearance 2.) Description of personality and charater traits 3.) Description of feelings & thoughts 4.) Relation to other characters conclusion + character development 0 O [...] is / seems to be/acts like / is described as o His behaviour shows that/From the way he acts you can assume that o this is an example of.../ This shows that --- o Another important fact is that o to sum up, one can say that...! All in all you can see that O Throughout the [...] the character changes/does not change Sammy_ -19 y/c - cynical - romantic - heroic. -Obervational -sarcastic - opinionated ✔ stokesie -224/0 - 2children - observes girls w/inte. rest - married - might be how Sammy ends up 0 e Chunuy one - chunky, big booty - new bathing suit •very ran chubby berry face insecure, self-aware unhappy about bod 2nd place 4 talked w/ Lengel Lengel -manager represents e the system: management, policy, decensy -friends w/ Sammy's parents • Queenie 1 -oauy hair - not fall - prim face -long legs - very wide shoulders confident, proud, extrovert, leader atitude, self aware cool.dominant 1st place 0 Tall one - tall -blackhair-> odd frizz -sunburn, rong chin - not special that aware of her attractiveness - 3rd place - prally shy -does not get in way (values/standards)... Theme individualism, reber in soc- iety