


American Dream - American realities, speech analysis







Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill
Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities
Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten
Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr
Q1 Englisch GK
Name: Jill

Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr Q1 Englisch GK Name: Jill Klausurteil B LISTENING: BEING BLACK IN PRINCETON Listen to former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama reading from her memoir Becoming, published in November 2018. In the extract, she describes starting college at the prestigious Princeton University in the 1980s. (4:27) You will hear the recording twice. First you will have time to read the tasks. After each listening, you will have time to complete your answers. While listening, fill in the missing information. You do not need to write complete sentences. 1. 2. m 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The groups of people Michelle spent time with as a student (name two) What Michelle did in her free time (name two activities) What the university administration wanted the students to do On college campuses, the "burden of assimilation" is carried by ... The challenges many non-white students faced (name two aspects) The number of roommates Michelle had With regard to white students, Michelle describes her younger self as ... What the mother of Cathy, one of Michelle's roommates, asked the university to do The reason Cathy's mother contacted the university Cathy's family background (name two aspects) What Cathy eventually did a) latinos b) black students (30 Punkte) ✓ a) had dinner with her family friends b) danced half the night on parties to live in harmony mingle of minority students, the black and latino students a) being the only black person b) only a...

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few white students want to do something with you. two ✓ concious Cantious to separate Cathy from Michelle Obama, her roommate she was hortified that... a) they come from New Orleans b) n-word was part of the "family lexikon" She moved any roommates. ✓✓ into a separate room without 10 15 20 Congressman John Lewis, before his passing, wrote: "Democracy is not a state. It is an act." refers to the past And what he meant was that America's democracy is not guaranteed. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it, to guard it and never take it for granted. 5 25 30 35 Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities Name: Jill Q1 Englisch GK Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr 40 Klausurteil A Kamala Harris' Vice President-Elect acceptance speech, 7th November 2020 Good evening. And protecting our democracy takes struggle. being realistic It takes sacrifice. There is joy in it and there is progress. Because 'We the People' have the power to build a better future. [...] And to the American people who make up our beautiful country, thank you for turning out in record numbers to make your voices heard. I know times have been challenging, especially the last several months. The grief, sorrow, and pain. The worries and the struggles. But we've also witnessed your courage, your resilience, and the generosity of your spirit. For four years, you marched and organized for equality and justice, for our lives, and for our planet. And then, you voted. You delivered a clear message. You chose hope, unity, decency, science, and, yes, truth. You chose Joe Biden as the next president of the United States of America. Joe is a healer. A uniter. A tested and steady hand. (120 Punkte) And to the woman most responsible for my presence here today, my mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, who is always in our hearts. When she came here from India at the age of 19, maybe she didn't quite imagine this moment. But she believed so deeply in an America where a moment like this is possible. So, I'm thinking about her and about the generations of women, Black women. Asian, White, Latina, and Native American women throughout our nation's history who have paved the way for this moment tonight. Women who fought and sacrificed so much for equality, liberty, and justice for all, including the Black women, who are too often overlooked, but so often prove that they are the backbone of our democracy. But while I may be the first woman in this office, I won't be the last. emotive language Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. And to the children of our country, regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message: Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others might not see you, simply because they've never seen it before. Refers to the american dream And we will applaud you every step of the way. To the American people: [...] Now is when the real work begins. The hard work. The necessary work. The good work. parallelism The essential work to save lives and beat this pandemic. To rebuild our economy so it works for working people. To root out systemic racism in our justice system and society. To combat the climate crisis. To unite our country and heal the soul of our nation. The road ahead will not be easy. parallelism 1 Sentence structure Written Exam No. 1 American Dream - American realities Bearbeitungszeit: 135 Minuten Klausurstart: 10:35-12:50 Uhr Q1 Englisch GK Name: Jill 45 But America is ready. And so are Joe and I. 11.4 before his passing - before he died 13 1. 15 resilience - the ability to recover quickly 25 1. 27 pave the way-create a situation in which something (positive) can happen 411.45 to root out-hier: aufstöbern/entwurzeln [source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/07/kamala-harris-victory-speech-transcript/] KLAUSURTEIL A: LESEVERSTEHEN UND SCHREIBEN INTEGRIERT (120 Punkte, davon 48 Inhalt) (Hilftsmittel: Wörterbuch EN-DE) wiederherstellen 1. Summarize Kamala Harris' view on who is responsible for restoring the American democracy and point out her visions for the future. (Comprehension; 12 Punkte) 2. Analyze how Kamala Harris communicates her message to the audience. Consider line of argument as well as the use of rhetorical and stylistic devices. (Analysis; 20 Punkte) 3. OR: Choose one of the following tasks: 3.1 "Because 'We The People' have the power to build a better future". (1.9) Taking into consideration the given quote, recent events and your knowledge from class, comment on the question whether you think the American people can re-establish the American Dream. (Evaluation: comment; 16 Punkte) In her speech Kamala Harris says "Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.", (I. 34). You are an immigrant listening to this sentence. Write a letter to K. H. telling her about your dreams and whether you share her visions. (Evaluation: re-creation of text; 16 Punkte) Good Luck 2 English GK Teil A: Schreiben/Lesen Q1 American Dream-American Realities (EH) - Inhaltliche Kriterien Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler... Verfasst einen Einleitungssatz (speaker, occasion, place, date, topic) Benennt das als Hauptverantwortliche das amerikanische Volk als Verantwortliche für die Wiederherstellung der amerikanischen Demokratie. V Joe Biden unterstützt dies in der Rolle einer verbindenden Position. - Schreiben/Lesen (1.) Nennt folgende Zukunftsvisionen die Harris benennt: more women in high-ranking political positions - gender-quality - everyone following their dreams beat the pandemic rebuild the economy root out systematic racism combat the climate crisis ✓ unite the country V ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) - Die Schülerin/Der Schüler... Analysiert line of argument und nennt einige der folgenden Aspekte: These: Demokratie muss aktiv erhalten bleiben, denn sie ist kein Zustand in sich. Schreiben/Lesen (2.) Versprechen: Das amerikanische Volk hat the Kraft diese Demokratie zu erhalten und eine bessere Zukunft zu bauen. Herausforderungen: Benennt die Schwierigkeiten der letzten Monate, aber auch die Taten vieler Amerikaner (II. 4-12). Versprechen: In der Vergangenheit wurden Frauen, insbesondere schwarze Frauen, ausgegrenzt und sie wird nicht die letzte sein. Wunsch: Nennt 6 Ziele für die Zukunft. Analysiert rhetorische Mittel und nennt z.B. einige der folgenden Aspekte Creates an emotional atmosphere by addressing the 'good' people (I. 11- 22) use of a quotation ("Democracy is not a state. ...", I. 5) -> highlights fragility of democracy and the role of every individual use of personal pronouns (cf. I. 10, I. 39 "we" or l. 17, "our") → direct VV address of the audience, feeling of togetherness negatively connoted words ("grief" 1. 5, "less sorrow" 1.5,"pain" 1. 5) → creates rather grim picture of the past, underlines Harris' positive attitude ✓✓ towards the future positively connoted words when talking about the future and Biden's presidentship ("joy" 1.9,"progress" I. 9, "beautiful" l. 12) → underlines ✓✓✓ Biden's role for a positive development of the country reference to mother's history (II. 23 ff.) →giving examples makes her speech more relatable Die Schülerin/der Schüler... use of enumerations ("equality, liberty, justice", I. 30) -> highlights rights and goals of the American society Analysiert stilistische Mittel und nennt z.B. einige der folgenden Aspekte repetitions / anaphora (e.g. "to root out", "to combat", "to unite" II. 43-45 → easy to follow, puts emphasis on agenda of Biden use of a triple (II. 42 "The hard work. The necessary work. The good work.") -> highlights what has to be done ✓✓ parallel sentence structure ("Winning...." I. 15-17) ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (4) Schreiben/ Lesen (3.1) [comment] 2 2 8 12 6 12 vv V comotive lang. Jill erreichte Punktzahl 18 2 1 erreichte Punktzahl 6 12 18 erreichte Punktzahl English GK Q1 American Dream - American Realities (EH) verknüpft das Zitat mit dem Konzept des amerikanischen Traums, z.B. mit Blick auf die mit dem Ideal der USA als Einwanderungsland verknüpften Hoffnungen und Erwartungen die gebotenen materiellen und gesellschaftlichen Chancen das Gefühl von Zugehörigkeit und Sicherheit in einer auf dem Gleichheitsprinzip beruhenden Gesellschaft. beleuchtet unter Rückgriff auf im Unterricht erworbenes Wissen kritisch die Gültigkeit der im Zitat ausgedrückten Erfahrungen in der heutigen amerikanischen Gesellschaft. 2.B. mit Bezug auf Möglichkeit der Selbstverwirkung Fragen zum Wohlstand, sozialer Mobilität und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit Diskriminierung und Rassismus isolationistische und nationalistische Tendenzen formuliert ein Fazit, in dem er/sie das Zitat auf der Grundlage seiner/ihrer Ausführungen zusammenfassend bewertet - Gesamtpunktzahl Inhalt 1), 2), 3) Schreiben/Lesen (3.2) (re-creation) Die Schülerin/der Schüler... verfasst einen situationsgerechten Brief in dem er den vorgegebenen thematischen Formalien berücksichtigt. beleuchtet unter Rückgriff auf im Unterricht erworbenes Wissen Argumente, die für den amerikanischen Traum als stärkere Persönlichkeit sprechen. z.B.- die USA als Einwanderungsland die Möglichkeiten der Selbstverwirklichung ✓ religiöse und politische Freiheiten beleuchtet unter Rückgriff auf im Unterricht erworbenes Wissen Argumente, die für den amerikanischen Albtraum als stärkere Persönlichkeit sprechen. z.B. -Grenzen der Selbstverwirkung ✓ Fragen zum Wohlstand, sozialer Mobilität und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit - Diskriminierung und Rassismus ✓ isolationistische und nationalistische Tendenzen bringt die Diskussion zu einem Abschluss aus dem das eigene Urteil im Hinblick auf die Frage nach der Erfüllung des American Dreams im heutigen Amerika deutlich wird. Gesamtpunktzahl Inhalt 1), 2), 3) Darstellungsleistung Schreiben/ Lesen Kommunikative Textgestaltung (Gesamtpunktzahl max. 24) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler... AUFGABENBEZUG richtet ihren/seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 4 6 10 2 16 48 2 6 6 2 16 48 Gesamtpunktzahl max. 72 erreichte Punktzahl 2 3 3 2 10 35 erreichte Punktzahl 6 English GK TEXTFORMATE beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. TEXTAUFBAU erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. ÖKONOMIE gestaltet den Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. BELEGTECHNIK belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Q1 American Dream-American Realities (EH) Ausdrucksvermögen (Gesamtpunktzahl max. 24) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler... EIGENSTANDIGKEIT löst sich vom Wortlaut des englischen Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. ALLGEMEINER und THEMATISCHER WORTSCHATZ verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. FUNKTIONS- UND INTERPRETATIONSWORTSCHATZ verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktions- und Interpretationswortschatz. SATZBAU verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Sprachrichtigkeit (Gesamtpunktzahl max. 24) Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Gesamtpunktzahl Darstellungsleistung 1), 2) und 3) Listening 2: Being black in Princeton 1. a) black students, b) Latino students 2. a) threw parties/partied/stayed up late dancing, b) had long dinners (with her friends) 3. to mingle in heterogeneous harmony/ to socialize in ethnically blended groups 4. minority students 5. a) realizing their disadvantages, b) always being in the minority 6. two Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurteil B (max. 30 Punkte) Inhaltliche Leistung (listening) GESAMTPUNKTZAHL KLAUSUR 6 Note: SEHR GUT NIMS в Рилкте 4 4 4 4 7 5 8 9 9 6 72 + 6 1.4-21 +++ 4 4 4 4 7 5 8 7. cautious/she stuck to what she knew 8. she asked the university to separate Cathy and Michelle 9. she was appalled that her daughter had been given a black roommate 10. two of these aspects: mother was a school teacher from New Orleans/grandfather was a sheriff/the 'N-word' was used in her home 11. she moved out of the (shared) room 9 8 5 (22) 70 2/2 105 2/2 3/4 2/2 4/4 2/2 3/3 3/3 1/3 35 watt 3/3 2/2 MAXIMALE ERREICHTE PUNKTZAHL PUNKTE (24) (24) 30 27 150 132 FANTASTIC R "visions for R (avoid Short forms !) W the Klausurteil A: Leseverstehen und Schreiben integriert The given speech is presented by Kamala Harris on the 7th November 2020 and is her Vice President - Elect acceptance speech. She addresses all Americans and explains the American democracy and her visions for the future. In the beginning of her speech, Kamala Harris quotes John Levais who wrote that Decromacy is not the state itself, contrary it is an act. Harris explains that the democracy of America is not guaranteed and points out how much work it is. ✓ After that she values the Americans and their hard work. Additionally, she mentions many things the Americans have done for e.g. voting Joe Biden as their new president. in the third paragraph Kamala Harris mentions her family back- ground and the story of immigration of her mother. She values all women and their fight for equality, Liberty and justice. Next, she speaks about the future and the next generation, Rand mentions the American dream. 1 a future" [ too short! some are missing for example the climate crisis and systemic racism. The last thing she talks about is the topics that need to be heard and the work that needs to be done. Here she mentions. To sum up, Kamala Harris shows many visions and dreams ( she har regarding the future of America but also points out the importance of any American and their work to restore America's democracy. Kamala Harris uses different techniques of persuasion and other rhetorical and stylistic devices to communicate with the audience. and make her visions and message comprehensible.. The speech can be divided into five paragraphs. The first paragraph begins with the starter "Good evening" (1.1) to welcome the audience. Harris refers to the past by quoting the former congressman John Lewis who wrote: "Democracy is not a state. It is an act." (1.2). It is a quote that is easy to understand and from a man whose name is known. K.H. explains the quote and refers to reality by mentioning the strength and sacrifice that is needed to protect a democracy (cf.bl 4 ff.). The speaker also values the "joy" (1.6) and "progress" (1. 6.). • She shows her positivity and the ability of every American to "build a better future" (1.7.). The next paragraph is about the hard work and the circum- stances of the Americans. Kamala Harsis speaks directly to audience and every person that is listening by using the word "you" more than five times. The repitition is in lines 9, 10, to be found 13-16 and 17. the The way she speaks to them directly makes them feel heard. and seen by their new vice president. She values her audience and shows that she knows that "times have been challenging " (1.11). Harris mentions the "grief, sorrow, and pain" (1.12) and the "worries and the struggles" (1.12). By mentioning all of these she points out the knowledge she has about the struggles the people have during these times. She gets close to the audience which will get her acceptance from them. gain R А, се GR GR 3 the listeners choice to have Moreover, she points out that it was Joe Biden as their president and Kamala Harris as their vice presi. dent (cf.1. 17). Again, she values the Americans and their choice. She explains with an enumeration t that they chose "hope, unity, decency, science, and, yes, truth "(1.16). The enumeration gives her the ability to mention why I] That important ? many important aspects within one sentence. The third paragraph is about Harris' family background. She explains that her mother "came here from India at the age of 19, maybe she didn't quite imagine this moment" (1.22). Additionally, her mother believed in America where "a moment no short forms! I like this is possible" (1.23.). K.H. refers to the American dream and the possibility to become anyone you want to be. Her story is R (S.P.) dream a good example for the message of the American because contrary to all expectations she stands there and is now the first female black vice president of the United States of America. Her story is important because it for settles an example for many people, especially blacks and hispanics Furthermore, Harris mentions different ethnic groups by using an enumeration : "Asian, White, Latina, and Native American [...]" (1.25). By speaking about any of these groups she speaks directly to many Americans. It makes the people of these groups e.g. Asians feel valued... Furthermore, Harris makes clear that she sees Joe Biden as "[-] a healer. A uniter. A tested and steady hand" (1. 18). These words point out the hope she has in her colleague. K.H. also mentions the history of the nation and makes clear that she knows the difficulty of fighting for basic human rights. She values the sacrifice of the women while fighting for "equality, liberty, and justice for all, including the Black" (1.17). This is also a reference to the past because these rights the women fight for were written in the Declaration of Independence over In hundred years ago. In the next paragraph she says that she "may be the first woman in this office, I won't be the last " (1.30). She points out her hope for the future that many more. and get the women will chance to become vice president or the president of the United States. she mentions nd the "children of our Kamala Harris uses emotive language as "every little girl watching tonight" (1.31) and country" (1.32) and their endless possibilities. It is also a personi- fication because countries. can not get children like women. it shows the importance of the next generation and the need to prepare the world for them. Harris tells about the message that the country has sent (cf. 1.32): "Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see your- self in a way that others might not see you, [..]" (1.33). it is a reference to the American dream and the chance of R(s.v.) every American. Jill Kolecki refus The last paragraph is directly to the audience as "To the American people: "(1.36).. differentiates She uses parallelisms and a sentence structure that differences from the normal used structure as she begins her sentences with "to [..]" (11.40 ff.). K.H. also uses a repetition of the word "work" in the 38th K.H. Says: A W präp prop 5 live to make clear that it is not easy to restore the democracy. This is something she mentions again by saying it will not be ✓ casy" (1.44). In the last line K.H. gives hope to her audience. "America is ready. And so are Joe and 1." (1.45). She points out that they will fight and do reach their goal. 3. My dreams as an immigrant To sum up, by using techniques of persuasion like emotive language and references to the past and using different stylistic devices Harris makes her position and her visions and hope dear. Dear Ms. Harris. ON in my by saying: career as everything My name is Jill and I am On TV an immigrant from Germany in the tv I saw your presentation of your speech and one sentence got stuck in my head. You said "Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities" and it made me think about my dreams for the future. I came to America to follow my dreams and get the chance to start a songwriter. I always had mind that I shouldn't be dreaming because I won't a to 25th October 2021 reach my goals. Your speech, especially the part where you talked about the women that made a difference in the past. made me rethink. I share your visions and also think that it is possible to restore the democracy. It is really important to fight against systemic racism and do something. Thank you for sharing your speech. Yours sincerely, Jill