


The American Dream: History, Definition, and Examples







<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

<p>The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals

The American Dream is often referred to as the belief that the United States is a country of unlimited opportunities, where individuals can work their way "from rags to riches" and have hope for a better life without the kind of persecution or obstacles they faced in their home countries. The American Dream is built on the foundation of freedom and the pursuit of a better life.

Symbolism of Freedom and Hope

The Statue of Liberty, given to the USA as a gift from France in 1886, symbolizes enlightenment, independence, liberty, and freedom. It is a representation of the American Dream and the freedom that immigrants sought when they arrived in the country. Similarly, Ellis Island served as the gateway to a new and better life for the majority of immigrants, although some faced legal and medical challenges upon arrival.

Key Beliefs of the American Dream

The American Dream is rooted in the beliefs of success, progress, and manifest destiny. It is the belief that everyone can realize their highest goals in life and improve not only themselves but also their community. Manifest destiny refers to the belief that America is a chosen country, and individuals consider it their duty to spread American democratic beliefs and moral values across the globe.

Frontier and Territorial Expansion

The idea of crossing borders to expand territories and pushing the borderline between civilization and wilderness further back played a significant role in the American Dream. This mindset led to the push for territorial expansion, as Europeans sought a better life in the USA and Americans felt justified in spreading their traditions across the country.

Historical Context and the American Dream

The American Dream has been a part of the country's history since its founding. It is still relevant today and has had effects on the American mindset over time, despite some dark sides of American history. Immigration has played a crucial role in the realization of the American Dream, with diverse groups of immigrants seeking a better life in the USA throughout history.

In conclusion, the American Dream is a complex and multifaceted concept that has influenced the beliefs and actions of Americans for centuries. It is a symbol of hope, freedom, and opportunity, although it also has a dark side based on historical events. Despite its complexities and contradictions, the American Dream continues to shape the mindset and aspirations of people in the United States.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • The American Dream is the belief in unlimited opportunities in the USA
  • Symbolized by the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
  • Rooted in beliefs of success, progress, and manifest destiny
  • Connected to territorial expansion and historical context
  • Influences the mindset and aspirations of people in the USA
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Hochgeladen von Lea

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Lea Gymnasium, 11 Klasse (NRW) LK: Mathe, Englisch Wünsche & Ideen gerne kommentieren:)

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the American Dream and its key elements?

A: The American Dream is the belief in unlimited opportunities and the pursuit of a better life, rooted in freedom, success, progress, and manifest destiny.

Q: How is the Statue of Liberty symbolic of the American Dream?

A: The Statue of Liberty symbolizes enlightenment, liberty, and freedom, representing the hope and freedom that immigrants sought upon arriving in the USA.

Q: What role did territorial expansion play in the American Dream?

A: Territorial expansion played a significant role in the American Dream, as it led to the push for expansion and the spread of American traditions.

Q: What is the historical context of the American Dream?

A: The American Dream has been a part of the country's history since its founding and has been influenced by immigration and diverse groups seeking a better life.

Q: Is the American Dream still alive today?

A: The American Dream continues to shape the mindset and aspirations of people in the United States, despite its complexities and contradictions.

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