


American Dream- Immigration







Illegal immigration
• number in the USA constanly rising
• 2010 11 Million people living and working
illegaly in the USA
- risk of being de
Illegal immigration
• number in the USA constanly rising
• 2010 11 Million people living and working
illegaly in the USA
- risk of being de
Illegal immigration
• number in the USA constanly rising
• 2010 11 Million people living and working
illegaly in the USA
- risk of being de
Illegal immigration
• number in the USA constanly rising
• 2010 11 Million people living and working
illegaly in the USA
- risk of being de
Illegal immigration
• number in the USA constanly rising
• 2010 11 Million people living and working
illegaly in the USA
- risk of being de

Illegal immigration • number in the USA constanly rising • 2010 11 Million people living and working illegaly in the USA - risk of being de ported lack of social security - must work for low wages, many employers. exploit their situation. - threat for Americans →> they losing their jobs POLITICAL ANSWERS - more efficent border control . prevent immigrants from entering the us .- for immigrants who lived a longer time in the US ways to a citizenship (democratic). - • denying Us Citizenship and sending back (republican) PROBLEMS → • 24% of all Hispanics live below the poverty line. only speak spanish • they don't need English. often work for low wages: · Live in poor city districs • Children suffer from a lack of good education ● . Hispanics Spanish colonies starting setteling in Texas, California 16th century • travel now to find work and better living conditions → have to support their families IMMIGRATION Native Americans • millions were killed by diseases transmitted by European colonists or in wars bad schooling and housing • high rate of suicide -> loss of identity/cuture, alcoholism lack of prospects, unemployment PROBLEMS • remote settlements reservation (Lack of prospects and Oppertunities) • bad living conditions in the reservations SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS. Steps have been taken to preserve their culture and heritage • Programms for education and economic devolpment have been implemented on the reservation • Some established successful companies in their resevations ·eg in the tourism industry SOZIAL IMPROVEMENTS gain...

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more political influence. DACA → easier for young Immigrants have become successful entrepreneurs PROBLEMS ■62/1% White alone. 132% Black or African American alone African Americans PROBLEMS with a • often live in poverty ; 26% of all black families; UA,2% of families AA males biggest ethnic groups of prison imales! • Discrimination still exists in a lots of areas AA man is six times more likely send to prison. in average 10 month longer than while man. . 13,4% Hispanic or Latino $4% Asian alone 12% American Indien and Alsko Native alone 92% Nolive Hawaian and other Pacific Island alone the rate of death from gunshot wounds is nine times higher for blacks than for whits (15-34) SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS programms to support socially disadvantaged groups ROLE-MODELS → successful African Americans Asians • the fastes growing group in the US in politics, buisness, entertaiment, sports civil rights organizations fight false prejudices against black men. * experience racial discrimination and prejudice • Conduct their entire lives within their ethnic enclaves SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS • alot are well-educated and appriciate a good education for their • tend to be more successful in buisness thanother ethnic groups Immigrants threaten our way of life. • Americans fred about changes to the traditional fabric of society • have to learn English. benefits from multiple kinds of threades ● IMMIGRATION ENRICHES YOU AND ME • Immigrants bring DISEASE, "WRETCHEDESS AND WANT" to America. · • broken, byzantine immigration system • Immigration reform is an unconstitutional power grab by a dictator • staggered by the chaos Obama = "deporter in chief" → deported more than his predecessors Immigrants today are different because they're illegals. They're prasiles. • vast some breaking up families incarcerating honest men and woman who just want to work →→→ undaunted courage and ambition for a better life. UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS • $ 100 Billion to Social Security over a decard without any intention of collecting benefits, thus shoring up the system don 4 the PAYROLL TAXES to the US econmy they рау. March 1790 congress ses the first law Naturalization Irish Immigrant Wave 1815 1891 1875 re-estalolished between the us and Britain allows any white Immigration from good person who Western Europe Lived for two years or longer to. apply for Citizenship IMMIGRATION TIMELINE civil war some states passed their own immigration laws many arrivesick or dying Steerage Act. → better conditions on Ĉ the supreme court declares that it's the responsibility. of the federal goverment to make. and enforce immigrantion Laws ships -ethnic composition of immigrants in the us second Wave →→ between 1880 and 1920 more than 20 million immigrants arrive Chinese Exclusion Act January 1880 1891 1892 periode of Industrialization and urbanization settle in major U.S. Cities and work in. factories Immigration Act of 1891 excludes whocan. enter the us Start of WWI Ellies island opens in New York Habor May 1924 WWII Illegal Immigrants 1942- 1962 2001 2012 Mexicans fill Labor Short- ages Immigration Act of 1924 ↓ limits the number of immigrants allowed DREAM ACT DACA What are benefits or problems or immigration? Benefits of immigration promotes genetic diversity, enriches the country as all American citizens once used to be immigrants (or at least their ancestors) • living in a multicultural society à exchange of different languages, social habits, etc. • cultural pluralism generates a wonderful exchange of various cultural aspects, e.g. habits, food, etc. • mixed cultures allow new possibilities and might open up one's horizon • undocumented workers often do the hard or unwanted jobs • employers find low-paid workers in immigrants • guaranteed jobs for immigrants • more qualified workers (e.g. IT experts)à exchange of specific knowledge • If undocumented immigrants are given work permits and brought into the social system, they will contribute to the country's wealth (taxes) • contribute millions of dollars to Social Security à supporting the whole system a peaceful life for immigrants (often political refugees hope to live without war) • better chances of education + living conditions for immigration-children from countries around the world Problems of immigration • too many people / flood of immigrants problems of assimilation • 30% of parents of DREAMers - undocumented kids who were brought to the U.S. at a young age could be qualified • clash of different religious orientations • immigrants could develop into criminals (e.g. if they do not find any appropriate work) • increase of racism (à clash of too many different cultures) lower wages à increase of competitions on the labor market • immigrants could bring in diseases (The U.S. border fence restricts the entry of Mexican immigrants being afraid of diseases that they "bring" with them to USA. The police officials working at the border as well as many American citizens are horrified of "ill"-egal immigrants.) • increase of illegal or undocumented immigrants which cost a lot of money to the social sector (about $100 billion over a decade) • increase of taxes • many American citizens fear immigrants with a spirit of mischief after 9/11 or at the Mexican border • Mexican drug cartels that control the border smuggling rings also try to bring immigrants to the US Barack Obama's immigration laws... The president's action won't provide legal status Criticism on Obama's immigration laws for undocumented immigrants, but rather, a three-year delay for deportation proceedings. • Eligible parents of children who are legal permanent residents could also apply for work authorization • in the past millions of immigrants have been deported per year • millions of undocumented immigrants live in the country for at least three more years - some might be allowed to stay others like e.g. parents of so- called DREAMers and agricultural workers won't be explicitly protected by the executive action. DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals a program intended to allow undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as minors to legally remain in the country to study or work. a kind of administrative relief from deportation. PURPOSE →> to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the US when they were children from deportation THEY GET protection from deportation work permit