


American Dream, Manifest destiny, black history,







American Dream
What is the American Dream
- The AD is the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every per
American Dream
What is the American Dream
- The AD is the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every per

American Dream What is the American Dream - The AD is the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every person with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement.- →no single definition, it varies for each & every American →a nation with unlimited opportunities ->often used to inspire and motivate Americans to improve themselves basic idea. work hard and you will acleve prosperity regardless your background be recognized by others for what they are no race, class, gender or nationality distinction can prevent someone from living. the American Dream →Self-reliance responsibility for own fate: individual's responsibility to make a living and succeed in a competitive society →a dream of being able to grow to the fullest development as man & women "From rags to riches" if a person works hard that one will achieve his/her goals and position in life socially. financially through hard work. →individual rights, Personal liberty, becoming successful Political aream: democracy, freedom of political Speech economic dream: prosperity & Success, rising from Poverty to fame & fortune Manifest destiny (mid-late 19th centurary! continued as a key American Philosophy until world War I · "god-given-mission. -freedom. -equality -individualism -Success -mobility, flexibility -optimism - pursuit of happiness Personal dream: self-fullfillment, individualism, for men & women & people from different social backgrounds Freedom, equality, happiness, safety, personal aims: 4 Symbol: Statue of liberty family, happiness,...

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freedom, health stands for the belief that America has been chosen by God to expand from east to west coast and spread democracy •America as a country that is superior to all other countries as being the promised land". -independence religion dream religious freedom in a promised land" ..reach of the nation should be supported country chose isolationism over involvement →it means that the United States had the divine right (. göttliches Recht "J. to expand westward-meaning that U.S.expansion was the will of God =>used as a pretext. (vorwand) for U.S. to aquire (anschaffen) Land in Oregon country, Texas, Mexico & california. Editor: John L.O'Sullivan (coined by him): "The right of our manifest destiny to overspread (vorsening) expanding his idea in NY and to possess which Providence has given us for. Morning News Social dream covered old mistakes, more.equalitarian Society, classless society .counterpart to, Old-world" the development of the great experiment of liberty (förderrealistisch (onvertrauens and federated self-government entrusted to us." Declaration of Independence: The main idea of the AD can be found in the Declaration of Independence from the 4 July, 1776 4 first formal statement by nationals people asserting their right. to choose their own government All person are created equal & there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate (verfolgen) these.rights include .the.rigt. to life, lliberty & pursuit of happiness so.people have to establish a government which protect those rights 4 when government does not respect their rights, the people can abolish them idea from the Founding fathers to establish their own government built on democratic ideals leaders of the Revovolution that brought independence to Great Britain's Americans colonies. responsible for shaping those colonies into a new nation by drafting the United States Constitution ↳ They wrote Declaration & the Constitutionensured a balance of powers.on two levels to prevent the abuse of power: => without them there would be no USA 4: between the national government Estate government 2: between the three branches of government. →System of checks, and balances Bill of Rights • for limiting the power of the government →peoples were written amendments defend & Protects the Freedom of Americans guarantee American's citizens certain unallenable rights => so people were not setisfied, they wanted more rights to protect there freedom 4 they were written amendments because some delegates feared that the new American government would threaten everyones ability to achieve Personal freedom & the pursuit of happiness. amendments: :not violate freedom of sprech & Press ∙no main religion in the state; every person is free to exercise their religion. :people meet peacefully :if people feel treated badly, they can state their opinion to the government & -the government have to correct this mistake Black History. 1619) African Slavery established in virginia & in other British North American colonies during the next 40 years 1776: Declaration of independence (, all men created equal") →Northern States makes it easier to escape slavery or ban in entirely 1793: Fugitive Slave Act makes it a crime to help slaves trying to escape 1859: Harriet Tubman (known as the "Moses of her people") helps 300 slaves to escape nearly Philadelphia via the underground Railroad 1861: Civil war between the North & South for 4 years, takes over 600.000 lives, harshly cripples the USA's economy -=Slavery 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation ends slavery black people became a member & rights to vote were accepted for who they are 1868: amendment helps Black people to grants citizenship, equal legal & Civil rights 2 years later: right to vote regardless of race, colour = reconstruction 18805: ,, Jim Crow" System segregation laws: separates Black people from all aspects of white society. "separate but equal" 1908 racial segregation leads to race riots where the white citizens attack the Blacks & kill Go Black People were lynced per year 1919 = segregation 1955: Hontgomery bus boycott: Rosa Parks (Black women) refuses to give her seat to a white person and is arrested →leads to a large-scale protests & boycotts, with the aim of reaching equal rights & ending segregation 1963: Mirtin Luther King speech: "I have a Dream" → makes the peak of non-violent. struggle in the time where civil rights movement reaches a dramatic climax 1968: Dr. King is assassinated leads to a disillusionmend regarding the effectiveness of non-violent protest result, they think, only violent. resistance to white people could be effective until 1972: new acts from the Civil Rights Movement which officially end discrimination and segregation in Public but: gap between theory & practice. = Civil Rights Movement Modern times: black families moving away, disrupted families, street gangs, drugs...constant fear of police brutality 2018-2020: Barack Obama (new hope) first black president, successor: Donald Trump racist & divisive rhetoric exposes the USA's underlying racism problem Today