


American Dream - mindmaps e.g. for short presentation







famous and
the American
grew up in a "black suburb"
was one of the few Successful
from there
famous and
the American
grew up in a "black suburb"
was one of the few Successful
from there
famous and
the American
grew up in a "black suburb"
was one of the few Successful
from there
famous and
the American
grew up in a "black suburb"
was one of the few Successful
from there
famous and
the American
grew up in a "black suburb"
was one of the few Successful
from there

famous and Successful the American dream grew up in a "black suburb" was one of the few Successful from there democratic principles Calvanism- beliefs religious matriotic 1923 January 15 Birth majority in O.J. Simpson professional trial was football player -televised live (NFL) media impact work hard → success jury 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott The puritans help the neebly ·self-government establishment of fundamental and basic values/ideals of present America racism 1 conflict in society first settlement in Massachusetts - the overpread all Washington Birmingham Campan accusation and trian tried to escape and commit Suicione Martin Luther King 1963 1964 • March of • 24th Amendment • Civil Rights Act • Nobel prize DNA evidence was not valid who 1638 Roger Williams. •new colony in Rhode Island I history detective, Marc Fuhrman. was accused of fals fying evidence reasons for leaving one of the lawyers: black civil right activist Jonnnie cochran ·early European settlers, that broke with the Roman catholic Church Protestants · religious persecution intolerance break between Catholicisan and protestans did not agree with people against the n 1620 Pilgrim Father' → first colony: Plymouth colony Late 1860S •efforts for winning economic rights for poor Americans 1968 April 4 Death independance es- Individualison equality Oportunities- soldiers thought of the initals as uncle Sam's" the media picked up the story and Samuel Willson (1766-1864) ↳meat packer from NY ↳supplied barrels of meat during war spred it across the country old testament: 1961 Samuel Willson was officially acknowledged by the united states Congress as the progenitor of Americas national symbol, Uncle Sam" his image ↳ Stamped them with the initials 'us" for "United States canaan Declaration of inde pendance The ancient hebrews fled from Egyptian captivity, guided by moses and gool, to the god given promised land justice became really famous in the late 19th century Today the hometown Troy, NY of Samuel calls itself Home of Uncle Sam was used for advertisement in many different areas it was used seeing an emblem of the federal government Uncle Sam still evakes a sense of patriotism and nationalison classless society 1 the American Dream freedom democracy Unde Saw isn't...

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the only personification of U.S. identified themselves with the hebrews ↳land given and people led by god today's patriotism the puritans fled from religious persecution in Europe, guided by god (?) to their god given (1) promised Land New Canaan 4 Columbia the country personified white hair Brother Jonathan Symbol of capitalise Stern- wearing a Stars on it -looking hot earliest image of the country recruitment posters during World War "I WANT You" painting at the viewer and demanding they listen ·Same initals as well "us" with Lillustrated by James Montgomery Flagg the American Dream place with possibility for the puritans and today's people to history: 13 British colonies in North America 1763 North America COUR Straight from the seven years war ↓ England had high debts ↓ "No texation Connetient. (1636) 1 New Hampshire (1630) Rhode Island (1636) new taxes for the colonies „Boxton Tea Party" (1773) + Declaration of independance (04.07.1776) 4th of July 1 without representation" Plymouth (1620) The New England - Massachusetts Bay ✓ Colonies (1630) 12.02. barn in kentucky 1809 focus on religieus freedom Indpendance Day Pennsylvania (1631)- middle New York (1626) focus on trade / profit 1830 moved out self-study Colony is celebrated witts large fireworts traditions became a deputy the nois legislature 1834 The thirteen colonies Delaware (1664) colonies I New Jesey (1660) Southern colonies Georgia (1732) 1 1837 founded a law firm place for politically- & religious persecuted focus on Virginia large plamations (1807) Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todo (they've had 4 Children) 1842 American - first celebration (in 1777) port of Philadelphia was decorated in national colors fired of 13 cannons solemn parades with large fireworks display since 1870 a federal holiday in the U.S. barbecues and neighbours parades and concerts take place English T settlers with family, friends reasons 1846 become a delegate to the us. congress was electet 16th prosiolent of the USA 1860 •place for free practise of Religion expansion of the British Empire -business and economic expansion Scottish Maryland (1634) The Carolinas (1663) outh & Capel south (. (1129) north (. - Dutch German 1864 was re-elected president civil war 15.04 died 4865 Term used in 1820-1950 Pros: The melting pot ·shared sense of identity • nobooly gets isolated ・ideals of Us (liberty, equality, etc.) cons: · pressure abandon their culture and identity ostracizes those who don't cultural vibrancy USA top destination for students willing to study abroad I facts and figures Total number of international students in us colleges: 1.085.299 STEM most widely recognizeSA fields of study Education essentials to achieving the American Dream most students come from China and India American Dream -better quality of life in generde students hope to have more freedom to become rich and famous than in their home countries diverse group melt into one metapher assimilate to dominant culture 48204 in the 2nd of the 2014 The salad bowl pros: increased racial tolerance issues opportunity to learn no need lively campus life & American Dream cons: increased racism ratio creation of cultural ghettos Fragmentation of society cultural diversity International Students studying in the US hard to achieve American dream because of discriminatory 21th century. growth of for profit higher eotucation to abadon their identity group each ethnic group keeps its own culture - metaphor Nowadays widespread acceptance of higher education as a means of legimacy, educa achieving prestige has had a profound impact on all sectors of American Society various cultures in a society about other cultures flexible education system Reasons for studying in the us history Csupporting system for international students 1636 first college: Harvard •HBCUS providing black youth they were prevented from attending established colleges academic exellence ·20th century: explosive growth in the number of colleges significant gap between white and minority students located: mouth of Hudson River (NY) opend 1882 closed 4854 largest and most active immigration station arrival point for 12 mil. migrams could simply process through only 2x were prevented from entering gateway to America Ellis Island symbol of freedom and opportunity American Dream named after Samuel Ellis (former owner) -isle of hope "golden door" 1 operna aero pen doorway to land of promise arte opportunity place where millions of newcomers began their new life "today: national museum of immigration Ellis Island Immigration hospital hope of a better life was granted