









Short Presentation - Thanksgiving
First overview
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that is celebrated every year on the last Thursday in

Short Presentation - Thanksgiving First overview Thanksgiving is an American holiday that is celebrated every year on the last Thursday in November. It's the most important family holiday in the United States and many families also invite friends. They eat a big dinner together. At airports and on the streets is more traffic around the holiday than at any other time of the year, as often all generations of a family meet. It's also celebrated in Canada, but at the beginning of October. Origin Story In 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock. There they celebrated together with the native Indians a three-day harvest holiday. Without their help, they wouldn't have survived the following winter. The story isn't historically proven, but for many Americans, the birth of Thanksgiving. In the year 1863 Abraham Lincoln declared the Last Thursday in November to the national thanksgiving day. Traditional Food Traditionally a turkey comes to the United States table. The selection of appetizers, side dishes and for the dessert is based on what is in the late fall season. For example pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, nuts and cranberries. Habits One of the most important habits in this holiday is the prayer of thanks. This is often spoken by the head of the family. In most families, everyone reveals what he...

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wants to thank and what his wishes are for the future. Many families also watch the Thanksgiving- Parade in NYC on TV. The parade is traditionally on 77th street. Then the move runs west of Central Park on the 6th Abenue and ends at the shopping center Macy's. Another habit is that every year the president pardons one turkey in the White House, which isn't slaughtered. This has been done since the 1990s. Fun Facts Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the National bird, not the eagle • Americans eat 46 million turkeys each Thanksgiving • Californians consume the most turkey in the United States on Thanksgiving • The Football-Team Detroit Lions always play on Thanksgiving .