


Analyse a novel extract







• Meaning of a
word you can
look up in a
↳ emotional
meaning of
la word
positive negative

DENOTATON • Meaning of a word you can look up in a Dictionary. 1₂ CONNOTATIONS ↳ emotional meaning of la word 00 positive negative fish good association bad association => creates a general atmosphere 9 PI -7 STRUCTURE gatext P3 POSITIVE angry. Amused Compassionate harsh friendly peatful relaxed romantic how the infor- mation is or - ganized understand the main idea -> make paragraphs. -> effect of things NEGATIVE amoyed (logical) Tronic hopeless satins pessimistic teasing Lviolent comical Jacking direct bantering Ken Good -rate the structure good or bad NEUTRAL informal objective determined reflective impassioned questioning. sentimental ardent authoritative judgmental analysis Thetorical DEVICES P2 STAONG HUMORUE Confident (unlogical) LISTENING key words and phrases L> then concentrate on details, notes (ordered, use symboles) ( read the exercise Alliteration-> two words beginning with the same letter Anaphora-> sequence of words at the beginning Enumerato completely and ordered list of words. Hyperbole Exaggeration of a normal issue metaphor comparisson between 2 things (interconnected Oxymoron-> two or more words (impossible to combinate Paradoxon Irresolvable contradictions of a set of facts Parallelism-> Parallel or similar syntax in several sentences Personification-> Humanisation of animals, things or lifeless. Pretoncal Question Question where no response is expected Smile Comparison between two things (as, like than) Symbol-> Objekt which represents an idea or sth else Euphemism dimination Litotes - double negation.

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