


Analyse (Analysis) schreiben Englisch







→ do not follow text chronology
→ use evidence
→ use connectives + conjunctions
aspects to analyse

Analysis General → do not follow text chronology → use evidence quotes references → use connectives + conjunctions aspects to analyse choice of words: • helps to increase the impact on the audience • present rationality or emotions • positive negative connotations line of argumentation • chronological discussing things in order cause and effect ↳ explaining a cause and its effects problem and solution ↳ presenting a problem and offering a solution • compare and contrast ↳discussing similarities and differences classification -division ↳ sorting information into topics and catecories useful vocab english german to allow sth to atternt oth Attributes Ath to so to carry sth to contain 2th etw. ermöglichen etw. versuchen jam, etw. Buschreiben etw, transporteren stw erhalten stw, eu atw. beisteuern to contribute to sth to convey oth etw. vermitteln to camerstate sth stw. zeigen stw. bedeuten stw. feststellen sich bemühen etw. erläutern to denote sth to determine th to endeavour to exemplify oth illuminate imply indicate portray reinforce render signify sustain beleuchten bedenten/andexten teigen/hindeuten darstellen verstärken wiedergeben bedeuten, seigen aufrecht erhalten structure → use paragraphs > introductory + 1 for each topic + conclusions ↳ Leave one line empty in between paragraphs /indent first line for example → each paragraph has the paragraph is about example specifically in particular for one thing for instance such as as revealed by illustrated by Introductory Paragraph → topic sentence /transition from task one → restate message / hypo sisis → paraphrase task (in the following, I will...) → preview of aspects in the text/ of the text structure Other paragraphs → topic sentence connects to preview of the text structure → example of technical mean / stylistic device → explain how technical mean works in principle → explain how technical mean works in this specific exameple → (conclusion + transition to...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

following topic) connectives summary in sum after all anyway clearly to be sure place nearby beyond at that point on the other side here there in other words on the whole adjacent to in short a topic sentence stating what in brief in general result there upon hence in consequence as a result thus consequently accordingly therefore contrast conversely instead at the same time alternatively evth co on the contrary on the other hand never the less comparison equally likewise comparable similary as with a similar time addition meanwhile additionally Subsequently also currently besides eventually presently equally important in addition moreover furthermore