


analysing athmosphere + interior monoluge







2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
A is
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
A is
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
A is
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w
2. Klausur
A is
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R another
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the given extract of the
The novel "Nerve", w

2. Klausur 15.12.2020 A is 551711 not relevant for a summary R another not the best connective the given extract of the The novel "Nerve", written by Jeanne Ryan and published in 2015 deals with one. of Vee's dares in the grand prize dare round. At the beginning of the given. extract the scenery gets described. Vee sits in a simulation of a car where she enjoys to take a break from : the stressfull live rounds. But when she realises that therere is a smell of exhaust fumes. this break is over and Vee wants to escape out of this. и car 'll but she cannot because the button of the seat belt does not open. After realising shee cannot open about an other opportunity to get free. Then she remembers that there. must be an audience" and directly starts (to) J 3 begging them and also her friend (iv, Eulie and Sydney to call the police and help cher to escape this room. J However Vee is not shie Z & sure if she gets noticed of Prap by the odience. Due to this she tries again to set free from this car, which she also succeed. But she is still cathing in this room. Task 2. This extract is probably one of the heardest stats begging/starts to beg too detailed confronted with an accident in her past. Since the reader perceives the hole situation through the eyes of Vee the atmas- phere is nothing but thrilling and loaded. many emotions. A and she finally succeeds Gr caught and most difficult dare Vee has to complete & doves because she gets / food....

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At the beginning of this extract the atmosphere R hearted is light-hearded and relaxing. This can be pointed out through the detailed description of her sensual perception. well as her body reactions. For her it is very Soothing. So soothing' (6) and she "close[s]" as [her] eyes." (1.7). (This shows that Vee is very relaxed and just enjoys (this moment. For herit is a little break from →irrelevant the stressfull and tense situation in the VIP room. In addition, she compares this simulation of this car with her car! "This is as comfy as my own car." (1) which supports her related and may be also relieved feelings which leads to this relaxing. and light-hearded atmos- ✓phere. Through this good re pestition W replication detailed description of her expres sensual expressions. and body reactions I have. already mentioned ex the reader can imagine. the settings very well. In addition, the reader. closer to the come situation and can feel and imagine, repetition the next moment the Rong comes what Vee feels. ✓ I However, in t atmosphere changes Suddenly and unexpected Grunexpectedly an alarming and dangerous situation. That/ Vee is very axious and Ranxious shocked of this sudden Prap about A the sudden smell of Sumes which you can see in line thirteen at her choice of words hame one example uses. There she she uses two rethorical question in combination with short and uncomplete sentences. This shows the reader that she is very t shocked and cannot. think clear. Furthermare, Gr clearly Heft R. thoughts good an example what words? J Z Koy shows trong sympathizes King supports. it is like the reader could read her thouts which makes it even more realistic. Also her body reaction ! [her] bady Jolts forward U. 14) expresses how afraid she is and support the alarming atmosphere. After Vee realises that she even cannot escape the te tension rises and the atmosphere get desperate which can be seen at the choice. of wards. The use of a lot of rethorical questions support this and show the reader how desperate and worried Vee is. The reader sympathize with Vee and also asks how. Nerve can know this facts. about her life (cf. 11-19-20). I Due to the choice of words. with a lot of esta rethorical questions as well as exclamations the throug / the hole extract the tense never de- fuses. The Instead the tension rises and rises. ✓ because her panic rices as well. Especially in the situation W tension / Suspense A fades where Vee realises that there must be an audience she uses a lot. of erlamations and rethorical questions. This Gr These exclamations are in the most time imparatives ✓ which those with whose Vee tries to convince the audience and also her friends. to help her and call the police Rot. Il 30-46)4 (e.g "call 911, now! 1,33). This behavior and choice of words lead to an intimidating and unreary ✓ tromeak: verrifying atmosphere. Aditionally the reader also feels adressed reading and find out what happens to Vee. He is asking if she A most of the time Fath Hop wants and want to help Vee, but he is helpless Bez he/she which leads him to proceed. to Vee. ✓ good. But not asked in the Bz. He/She Takes task elf! (6) herself irrelevant The to task R anymore W release will get help or if she will gets out of the room by her own. I Somehow Vee cannot wait any longer for help from the police because through her description of her sensual perception the atmosphere gets very threatening and dangerous because Vee's "head feels seems lighter and lighter" (1.47) and she asks weather Nerve want to asphyxiate her (cf. l. 64). Due to this sensual perception which to damage her health the situation does not seems like a game annymore. The reader yet's worried to because there is nobody who could help Vee. But Vee also knows that it gets very dangerous when she stays and wait for help. Because of this she tries to relieve herself. This T proceed is described through ? process procedure her body reaction and. Sensual perception !" It sends a sharp pain up my •nedy but I'm able to free. myself from the top part of the seat belt" ll 54-56). But in the end what is mosphere for some seconds but through her ✓ the atmosphere like here? Shes "panting, but free" (8.59). This statment leads to a related at- A relieving question " Or am 92" a (8.60) it changes directly • back to the dangerous. and threatening atmosphere. Also her desperate question is it is her destery to dy in a garage (cf.167) R die and her sensual perception 4 buzzy and dizzy" shows z that Vee still is not free. So the reader still wants to read along what will to get to know what will happen. R desting 8 too strony: she still isina dare Roy were TI Summing up the findings concerning atmosphere one can say that the atmosphere is in the beginning very joy @us and cheerfull but as soon as Vel smells exhaused fumes it changes suddenly and unexpected to an dangerous and desperate atmosphere. Tash 3. Shit Vee! What the hack is happening? Where is my sweet, shy little mouse? I really can't understand why you take part in the live rounds and how also at the grand prize dare. The first dares was completly okay and supported you but ke too far now you go I told you several. times: DO NOT TAKE PART, you will get hurt! But you can't believe me. Sometimes it would be a nice Idea to believe your fridd you know far a long time. But you believe this lan. ( A didn't want to lishe mean... you just know I have him a veeery short time and trust him, instead of me ar but Syd. I'm sorry know it is too all up A trust R friends Thave known It's all Just W now late. I can't... may be also wantn't help you anny- & don't want to R anymore more.. to you. It's YOUR falt not my. Shit Tommy! Gr mine Z --Calm down! It's still BZ She's your friend... Is she? Gr Isn't she? I don't know! But for me she is still is an important person and I have to help. you. I can't let you Be her die in this room. Nerve Thee won't hell you. I mean I think they wouldn't do but I can't known Coun Rit's (10) Ah R rely erely Oh see how afraid you are and do nothing. So Vee! You can always relie on me, even if I can't relie on you. I think When everything is over we HAVE TO talk. I really hope everything will turn out good. I really miss the old vee, Vee. ♡ Year Very realistic and authentic. But do you really think that Tommy would let her alone fache a moutal breakdown. and your of death? Ilunk he night come up with a concrete plan to jet her out there. EXAM No. 2 Part A: Listening/Hörverstehen E R T 3 H4 N S U M M A The student 1 a) Young people, or "Generation 2" have... tons of buying power, in the billions. b) "Gen 2" are not persuaded to buy clothes by glossy magazines. Name: 2 a) How does Erica make her videos? Turn on both cameras, stand in front of the white backdrop and then model the clothes and then change out, and then just do it over and over and over again for hours. b) Where does Erica make her videos? How has she adapted her apartment for this? A corner of Louie's living room has been converted into a film set. She has a white floor-to-celling backdrop and a rack full of clothes, tags still on them. Part B: Leseverstehen/Schreiben Linda Anforderung What type of people do Erica's videos appeal to?-young women entering college, people who are already working, women trying to get internships a) Erica has to work hard, she works... 50 to 60 hours a week. b) Erica makes money from her videos because... she gets a percentage from the clothes sales. s Why do the videos from influencers appeal to people? Freedom and customization is and people are more interested in with I people than with companies. They are easy to identify with because they have normal jobs and are not rich and are close to the viewer's age 2 outlines the snow such as Anforderung The student... writes an adequate introductory sentence (title of the book, author, year of publication, main topic of the The ginen extract taken from the novel "Nerve which was written by Jeanne Ryan in 2012 deals with Vee's dare in the final round in which she has to relive the horrifying situation from the garage in her car where she almost died. at first she does not know what to expect J she gets more and more suspicious when the playlist sound familiar and the dashboard is a perfect copy of her car's SUMME INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG 20 -panic arises when she suddenly smells fumes and cannot unbud the seatbelt she manages to free herself from the seatbelt but cannot leave the room and is afraid that NERVE will actually let her die 3 mentions other relevant aspects tro too detailed 3 B /2 SUMME INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG (0/10 at sone 8 18 pant (Liv, Eulie etc) S Anforderung The student. starts with a task-focused introductory sentence with reference a first general statement concerning the atmosphere in the given extract (eg. During Vee's dare in the final round the atmosphere is almost relaxed at first and turns quickly into a terrifying horrifying and traumatising atmosphere full of panic, fear and horror which triggers Vee entirely and leads to a mental breakdown and fear of death) 1 analyses the choice of words as reflected in the extract referring to illustrative examples, e.g.: exclamations of shock: "No way!" (114)- alarming atmosphere -addressing the watchers with exclamations of despair: "Gayle, Guy, let me go!" (1.30), "call 911, now!." (1.31), - fearful atmosphere, dangerous atmosphere - rhetorical questions (112, 113, 119, 137, 140, 145,)-suspicion at first, disbelief, doubts about how cruel the game really is/what the game is capable of function/effect: choice of words reflects Vee's feelings and thoughts. It transmits/ conveys the panic/horror well analyses her body reaction as reflected in the extract referring to illustrative examples, eg "my body jolts forward" (1.14)-reflects her panic-horrifying atmosphere arises -"with a chill I realise" (1.17)-shock and fear-terrifying and traumatising atmosphere - "that thought sends another tremor through my chest" (11.26)-fearful atmosphere -"every muscle in my body squirms to escape" (149)- sheer panic-dangerous atmosphere function/effect.reader gets to know how much stress she is in this situation and understands her trauma (she almost died in that car) better and it was no suicide back then 3 analyses the sensual perception as reflective in the extract referring to illustrative examples, eg: 1410 feelings: gentle rumble with vibration of the seat (1.5), increasing fuzziness (1.21,147, 1.68) - dramatise the atmosphere-setting is well portrayed and conveys the perfidious atmosphere that was intentionally created for Vee, deadly danger is transmitted through increasing fuzziness smell: fumes (1.12, 1.21)-dramatises the atmosphere- deadly danger-threatening and alarming atmosphere sounds: music/soundtrack (1.1, 1.17, 171), sound of the engine (1.4, 1170), Gayle's laugther (132) music calms her first but also accelerates the process of losing her mind, sound of engine triggers her and starts the whole process of driving her crazy function/effect reader can experience this situation through all her senses. intensifies the situation. Reader is not sure if she is triggered and imagines the life: threatening fumes of if is is real. This also intensifies the situation. 4 concludes the results by emphasizing the central aspects of the analysis leading to the reader's overall perception of the atmosphere and its development in the given extract as stated in the introduction. 5 mentions other relevant aspects. too many les песоха х 12 SUMME INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG 18 des 2013 a · really long analysis. You facued too much "choice of words" though it me 3.1 O M E N T 3.2 0 R M. The student. 1 starts with an introduction that refers to the given quote 2 states his/her personal opinion 3 illustrates his/her opinion by giving evidence and at least two reasons from work done in class, eg 14 5 - identity is more complex, it is also shaped by our own personality. We cannot change our character (e.g. if we are shy or insecure) or the way we cope with problems or expectations. Anforderung the most dominant factor in terms of shaping identity definitely is our social environment: we are raised with certain values (e.g.religious belief) and adapt them or the way we perceive the world depends strongly on our social experience (support/peglect). draws a conclusion/comes to a final statement mentions other relevant aspects - shock The student. 1 slips into Tommy's character by showing an emotional reaction to the recent event, e.g. Anforderung -anger about the game and her taking part in it/about himself because he was not able to convince her to quiy - concern about her well being V 2 considers lan's use of language and choice of words, e.g.: informal language - stream of consciousness - rhetorical questions, short sentences etc. - is loyal 3- considers the relationship he has to Vee, e.g.: has a crush on her ✓ wants to protect her SUMME INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG 4- considers his plans to help her, e.g. -calls her parents -calls the police - calls Sydney to make a plan. - ends the game/stops the final rounds. 5 mentions other relevant aspects /2 14 /12 344 212 + /4/4/ + /12 12 SUMME INHALTLICHE LEISTUNG /12 Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung H & D G Kommunikative Textgestaltung: Der Prüfling... Anforderung Aufgabenbezug/Textformat richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus und beachtet 76 die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Textsorte 616 Textaufbau (z.B. Sinnesabschnitte, leserfreundliche Verknüpfung) erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen (connectives), Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte und aspektorientierte Gliederung Okonomie/Belegtechnik gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und S Umständlichkeiten (auch unter funktionaler Verwendung von Verweisen/Zitaten) 2 Ausdrucksvermögen: Der Prüfung.. Eigenständigkeit löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes 4--14 Wortschatz bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten, allgemeinen 9/10 und thematischen Wortschatzes 618 Satzbau bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus Identity: find your place EF EXAM No. 2 Assignments/Tasks Part B: 1. Outline the situation Vee is currently in and how she deals with it. 15th December 2020 2. Anaylse the atmosphere during Vee's dare. Consider choice of words, body reaction and perception of her senses¹. (Comprehension - 10 points) Remember 3. Choose ONE of the following tasks: 3.1. Comment on the following quote: "Our identity is shaped by people around us, by the values and beliefs we share." (Analysis 18 points) (Comment 12 points) 3.2. Imagine Tommy watches this situation. Write an interior monoluge including his thoughts and feelings about the dare and about Vee. Source: Jeanne Ryan's novel "Nerve" (2015) Permitted tools: monolingual dictionary (Langenscheid), bilingual dictionary (OED), the given extract Duration: 90 minutes 1 perception of her senses: feel, taste, hear, smell, see (Recreation of text - 12 points) GOOD LUCK & FINISH YOUR EXAM LIKE A BOSS to reread your text in the end to correct possible mistakes yourself. to give evidence from the excerpt in order to back up your findings. to use linking words/connectives in the 1st and 2nd task. to consider your BONUS from last exam's mistakes to relax! You got this! 5 10 I love the song that's playing and sing along. The next tune is even better. This is as comfy as my own car. Their set designer paid attention to the details, just like Tommy did for our play. There's even the faint smell of exhaust fumes. Fumes? Inside a closed room? Extract (taken from chapter 14) Frowning, I turn on the radio. It plays an indie song I have on my player, one I listen to a lot. Who fed NERVE the details of my playlists? Has Syd teamed up with them to get back at me? From underneath the dashboard, there's the sound of an engine starting, and my seat vibrates with the gentle rumble of a real car. It's kind of pleasant, actually. Soothing. So soothing I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes, even though I know it'll probably prompt NERVE to send in the spiders. Let them. My body jolts forward. No way! I jab at the button on the seat 15 belt, but it won't open. The more I yank at it, the tighter it seems to get. And the music becomes louder. 20 30 With a chill I realize that the soundtrack playing is the same one that played that night in my garage, which had also started out peacefully. How could they know? Or did they poll all my friends on my music tastes and take a lucky guess? The smell seems stronger and my head feels fuzzy. This can't be real. Someone's probably having a cigarette on the other side of the wall and blowing it in through a vent to scare the hell out of me. Which is working. 25 I pull out my phone to call for help, but there's no signal. Maybe these walls are made of steel. Like a prison. That thought only sends another tremor through my chest. I keep yanking at the strap, and then realize I must have an audience Of course I lift my head up a few inches, to where I'd expect a camera to be pointing. "Gayle, Guy, let me go!" I'm way past worrying whether this violates the integrity of the dare. Is that Gayle's laughter floating over the speakers? I yell, "Whoever's watching the dare, call 911, now! They're pumping in exhaust fumes and I feel dizzy. This isn't a joke Call 35 the police and have them come to the VIP lounge at Club Poppy Please!" Will anyone listen? Or will they assume that someone else will save me, like how they warn you about in CPR class? "Sydney. Liv, and Eulie, all of you call the cops now! I'm begging 40 you. NERVE is a totally twisted game." Will they see me? NERVE must have some kind of time delay to ensure that the Watchers only see what they're supposed to. With Daniella's and Jen's dares going on simultaneously, the game could be switching the feed from room to room. But they wouldn't actually harm me, 45 would they? There has to be a limit to what they can do. There has to. indie short for independent, music produced independently from major record labels (mainly rock and roll) rumble a continuous low sound Comparison with own car exhaust fumes Abgase to jab to push sth. quickly to yank to pull sth. forcefully to poll to ask a large number of members of the public what they think about sth. fuzzy (infml.) not clear vent opening that lets air or gas in or out tremor Zttern 911 emergency assistance telephone number in the US. CPR (abbr. for cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Wiederbelebung -getts desperate But my head feels lighter and lighter. I use all of my strength to tug against the belt. It's on so tight. Even if this is a huge hoax, every muscle in my body squirms to escape. I bend sideways, try- 50 ing to slip under the upper strap that goes across my chest. My arm and shoulder slide beneath it, but there isn't enough room: for my head to duck under it. I twist as far as I can to the right so that my body is almost lying on the seat, then press myself into the cushion and limbo my torso beneath the strap. It sends a 55 sharp pain up my neck, but I'm able to free myself from the top part of the seat belt. Using the steering wheel for leverage, I shimmy my lower body upward to get out of the lap belt as well. After a few minutes, I'm panting, but free. 60 Or am I? I jump out of the bucket seat and hold my arms out until I hit the wall behind the "car." It's cold and smooth, like marble, or a tomb. It takes me a moment to find the door handle, which I turn and tug. Locked, of course. Are they going to let me asphyxiate in here with a camera run- ning? Maybe this is one of those karmic things whe what would've been coming to you if you hadn't escaped it. Had dying in my garage been my destiny? No, no, this is crazy think- ing. If only my head weren't so buzzy and dizzy. you get I pound on the door. "Let me out." I turn toward the room and plead to anyone watching online to rescue me. The engine keeps purring. The music keeps playing. 70 65 hoax trick to squirm sich winden to limbo to perform a West Indian dance in which you lean backwards and go under a bar to shimmy to move in a way that involves shaking your hips and shoulders to tug to pull sth. quickly and with a lot of force karmic schicksalshaft, kormisch to plead to make an urgent, emotional statement for sth