


Analysing non-fictional texts (topic: Shakespeare)







Shakespeare's life
-born 1564
- 1582
・ marriage
-death on 23 April 1616
with Anne Hathaway
- his plays are about the topics: tragedy, comedy
Shakespeare's life
-born 1564
- 1582
・ marriage
-death on 23 April 1616
with Anne Hathaway
- his plays are about the topics: tragedy, comedy

Shakespeare's life -born 1564 - 1582 ・ marriage -death on 23 April 1616 with Anne Hathaway - his plays are about the topics: tragedy, comedy and history - he was an english playwrighter, poet and actor general information -sonnet 14 lines - iambic pentameter -alternative rhyme scheme - 3 quatrains & 1 couplet Analysing non-fictional texts stylistic devices alliteration (fish, fool)-grabs reader's attention, also creates mood -allows the reader to fill in the missing portions ellipsis (C...]) anaphora (fish, fish)-could create emotional effect like passion -creates amusing effect, also contrast -helps visualise hyperbole (übertreibung) -emphasises ideas antithesis (gegensatz)-making it easier to understand the point being made -conveys the importance of something -emphasises words/message epiphora (not,... not) metaphor Simile (Vergleich "like") parallelism (=Struktur) personification repitition rhetorical question enumeration -adds rhythm making it easier to read and remember -gives readers another way of thinking about something -creates an image for the reader - makes it easier to understand - usually used to convey some message -adds rhythm to sentences -gives deeper meanings as well -grabs the reader's attention -emphasise and create rhythm - used to persuade people - lets the audience think about the right answer -grabs the reader's attention Modemising Shakespeare advantages -free interpretation -language skills can be im- and to understand proved and expanded -topics are still relevant => society, personality & emotions become uninteresting -most important and well-known authors many plays are well known such as Romeo & Juliet disadvantages -language is hard to read ↳>can quickly become boring - when forced to, than it can structure Summary: The article "..."...

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written by..... ...and published on... in the..., deals with... =>general informations Analysis: In the following the article will be analyzed by paying o => line of argumentation, structure, language attention on... creative writing: depends on the task Comment >Introduction: The article illuminates... The author points out >main part: strongest->middle->lowest (contra) > strongest (pro) •give examples (experience, facts, quotes...) > conclusion: Sum up own opinion, answer the task mediation: depends on the task lowest-middle-> Describing tone, register, style register slang, colloquial, everyday English, written language, (in) formal, poetic, familiar, metaphorical choice of words Keywords, empathic/negative function of words style plain, sober, natural, matter-of-fact, clear, precise, fluent, elegant I humorous, play ful, colloquial, depressive, serious, ironic, sarcastic, warm-hearted, aggressive tone Writing about language/style formal/ rmal/colloquial/vulgar/academic/ e/vivid /..language clear /objective/v • complex/simple sentences • a serious/friendly/humoreous/ironic/polite/rude/critical/optimistic....tone • the style of the text is plain /condensed/vivid /pompous/artifical.... Methods of the author by using personal pronouns "I" and "you" the author . direct address of the reader • presentation of his argumentation as if in a dialogue • use of first pronouns to stress that the reader is addressed . grab's the reader's attention • audience immediately involved Writing a •to use emotive adjectives/adverbs that.... to appeal to the reader's emotions about choice of words • to express ideas in a more informal or colloquial way in order to... • to associate... with positive/negative words such as... in order to... .the... connotations of words like... are meant to make the reader...