


Analysing the atmosphere of a literary text







analysing THE ATMOSPHERE of -
• What are you going
identify the atmosphere
list the aspects you will focus on

analysing THE ATMOSPHERE of - - A UTERARY TEXT- Introduction • What are you going identify the atmosphere list the aspects you will focus on D ➜ to do? 2 Main part > P-E-E method 1. Identify the device 2. exemplify the device by giving quotes 3. describe it's effect on the reader 3 Conclusion/ Evaluation ▸ The racters speach minors his emotional state. The sentence structure is in- terrupted and elleptical. summarize your most important observations LAs one can see from the analysis, the atmosphere is largely created by... USEFUL PHRASES - This hints at the characters confusion and suggests that.... Use present tense as the main tense. D The setting adds / links to... The surrounding is described as... The location evoces / conveys a mode of... The reader sees everything through the eyes of... The character remarks on... reflects his/her own... The following positively connoted adjectives underline...

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