


Comment écrire un commentaire et analyser des textes


Comment écrire un commentaire et analyser des textes
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Ein umfassender Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Analysen und Kommentaren im Englischunterricht, mit Fokus auf Struktur, Stilmittel und sprachliche Formulierungen. Der Text bietet praktische Tipps für Schüler, um ihre analytischen und argumentativen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern.



How to Write an Analysis and Comment in English

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of writing analyses and comments in English, focusing on structure, stylistic devices, and language use. It is particularly useful for students preparing for English exams or essays.

Analysis Structure

1. Introductory Sentence

  • If the analysis follows a summary, no new introductory sentence is needed.
  • Begin with "The author of the text [...] employs various [stylistic devices] to underline [...]."

Highlight: When an analysis follows a summary, you can directly start with the author's use of stylistic devices.

2. Analyzing Stylistic Devices and Language

  • Mention and analyze various stylistic devices used in the text.
  • Use appropriate phrases to describe the author's techniques.

Example: "The author employs a metaphor to emphasize the importance of digital literacy in the modern age."

Useful Phrases for Analysis:

  • The author states/employs/describes/makes use of/emphasizes/underlines/reflects/mirrors/reveals/shows


  • Employ: to use or apply
  • Emphasize: to give special importance to something

Connectives for Smooth Transitions:

  • This is why...
  • Therefore...
  • For this reason...
  • Because of that...
  • In addition to...
  • Furthermore...
  • Moreover...
  • Additionally...
  • Besides...

Highlight: Using a variety of connectives enhances the flow and coherence of your analysis.

3. Conclusion

  • Sum up the important points.
  • Use phrases like "All in all," "To sum up," or similar expressions to introduce your conclusion.

Comment Structure

1. Interesting Introductory Sentence

  • Name the problem or issue discussed in the text.
  • Mention your personal opinion on the matter.

2. Main Part

  • Provide arguments to support your opinion.
  • Start with your strongest argument.
  • Incorporate stylistic devices and clever use of language to strengthen your points.

3. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points of your comment.

Highlight: Write in a formal style and use present tense throughout your comment.

Stylistic Devices

The most useful stylistic devices for analysis and comments include:

  • Metaphor
  • Personification
  • Comparison
  • Repetition
  • Hyperbole


  • Metaphor: A figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.
  • Personification: Giving human characteristics to non-human things or ideas.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with these stilmittel (stylistic devices) to enhance your Kommentar schreiben Aufbau (comment writing structure) and Stilmittel Analyse Beispiel (stylistic device analysis example).

This guide provides a solid foundation for writing effective analyses and comments in English, emphasizing the importance of structure, language use, and stylistic devices. By following these guidelines and practicing regularly, students can improve their analytical and argumentative writing skills, which are crucial for success in English exams and essays.

1. Introductory Sentence → Wenn die Analyse auf eine Summary folgt, ist kein neuer Einleitungssatz nötig. - es reicht:

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Comment écrire un commentaire et analyser des textes
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349 Follower


Comment écrire un commentaire et analyser des textes

Ein umfassender Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Analysen und Kommentaren im Englischunterricht, mit Fokus auf Struktur, Stilmittel und sprachliche Formulierungen. Der Text bietet praktische Tipps für Schüler, um ihre analytischen und argumentativen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern.



How to Write an Analysis and Comment in English

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of writing analyses and comments in English, focusing on structure, stylistic devices, and language use. It is particularly useful for students preparing for English exams or essays.

Analysis Structure

1. Introductory Sentence

  • If the analysis follows a summary, no new introductory sentence is needed.
  • Begin with "The author of the text [...] employs various [stylistic devices] to underline [...]."

Highlight: When an analysis follows a summary, you can directly start with the author's use of stylistic devices.

2. Analyzing Stylistic Devices and Language

  • Mention and analyze various stylistic devices used in the text.
  • Use appropriate phrases to describe the author's techniques.

Example: "The author employs a metaphor to emphasize the importance of digital literacy in the modern age."

Useful Phrases for Analysis:

  • The author states/employs/describes/makes use of/emphasizes/underlines/reflects/mirrors/reveals/shows


  • Employ: to use or apply
  • Emphasize: to give special importance to something

Connectives for Smooth Transitions:

  • This is why...
  • Therefore...
  • For this reason...
  • Because of that...
  • In addition to...
  • Furthermore...
  • Moreover...
  • Additionally...
  • Besides...

Highlight: Using a variety of connectives enhances the flow and coherence of your analysis.

3. Conclusion

  • Sum up the important points.
  • Use phrases like "All in all," "To sum up," or similar expressions to introduce your conclusion.

Comment Structure

1. Interesting Introductory Sentence

  • Name the problem or issue discussed in the text.
  • Mention your personal opinion on the matter.

2. Main Part

  • Provide arguments to support your opinion.
  • Start with your strongest argument.
  • Incorporate stylistic devices and clever use of language to strengthen your points.

3. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points of your comment.

Highlight: Write in a formal style and use present tense throughout your comment.

Stylistic Devices

The most useful stylistic devices for analysis and comments include:

  • Metaphor
  • Personification
  • Comparison
  • Repetition
  • Hyperbole


  • Metaphor: A figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.
  • Personification: Giving human characteristics to non-human things or ideas.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with these stilmittel (stylistic devices) to enhance your Kommentar schreiben Aufbau (comment writing structure) and Stilmittel Analyse Beispiel (stylistic device analysis example).

This guide provides a solid foundation for writing effective analyses and comments in English, emphasizing the importance of structure, language use, and stylistic devices. By following these guidelines and practicing regularly, students can improve their analytical and argumentative writing skills, which are crucial for success in English exams and essays.

1. Introductory Sentence → Wenn die Analyse auf eine Summary folgt, ist kein neuer Einleitungssatz nötig. - es reicht:

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