


Analyse du discours de Michelle Obama du 4 septembre 2012 sur le rêve américain


Analyse du discours de Michelle Obama du 4 septembre 2012 sur le rêve américain
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Michelle Obama's speech on September 4, 2012 highlights the importance of studying abroad and global cooperation. This political speech analysis example explores how the former First Lady emphasizes the value of international experiences for personal growth and global understanding.

Key points of the Michelle Obama American Dream speech:

  • Emphasizes the interconnectedness of the modern world
  • Promotes studying abroad as a way to shape one's future
  • Stresses the importance of cooperation in addressing global challenges
  • Encourages overcoming stereotypes through multicultural encounters

The speech effectively combines personal appeal with broader societal implications, making it a compelling example of American Dream speech analysis.



Analysis of Michelle Obama's Speech on Student Exchanges

Content and Structure Analysis

Michelle Obama's speech is structured to emphasize the importance of student exchanges and global cooperation. The content is organized into three main paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects of international education and its impact.

Paragraph 1: Globalization and Cultural Experiences

The speech begins by highlighting the interconnectedness of the modern world. Obama emphasizes the importance of understanding different languages, cultures, and societies for future careers. She argues that real experiences gained through studying abroad are crucial for personal and professional development.

Highlight: Obama stresses the relevance of technology in connecting the world, using terms like "E-mails" and "Skype" to relate to a younger audience.

Paragraph 2: Studying Abroad and Shaping the Future

This section focuses on the transformative power of studying abroad. Obama discusses how international experiences can help shape one's future and overcome challenges. She emphasizes that global issues require collaborative efforts from all countries.

Quote: "Getting good grades" is used as an alliteration to emphasize academic achievement.

Paragraph 3: Cooperation and Personal Growth

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of cooperation and how personal development through international experiences can positively impact global relations. Obama encourages listeners to move beyond stereotypes and embrace multicultural understanding.

Vocabulary: "Immersing" is used to describe the deep engagement with other cultures that studying abroad provides.

Language Analysis

Obama's speech employs several linguistic strategies to engage and persuade her audience:

  1. Everyday language: The use of common terms and modern references makes the speech accessible to young listeners.

  2. Inclusive pronouns: Words like "our" and "we" create a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

  3. Positive language: Strong, optimistic words like "improve," "shape," and "define" emphasize the potential for personal and global development.

  4. Metaphors: Phrases like "key to success" make abstract concepts more tangible.

  5. Contrasting words: Obama uses opposing terms like "cooperation" and "division" to highlight the importance of working together.

Example: The phrase "Young people like you" directly appeals to the target audience, making them feel addressed and involved.

This Michelle Obama speech 2012 analysis demonstrates how she effectively combines content and language to inspire young people to engage in international experiences and contribute to global cooperation. The speech serves as an excellent political speech analysis example, showcasing how personal anecdotes and relatable language can be used to convey broader societal messages and promote the American Dream of opportunity and global engagement.

Analysis Speech Michelle Obama
Dienstag, 14. September 2021 09:42
Assignments for the class exam:
1. Sum up the main ideas of the speech.

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Analyse du discours de Michelle Obama du 4 septembre 2012 sur le rêve américain

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156 Follower


Michelle Obama's speech on September 4, 2012 highlights the importance of studying abroad and global cooperation. This political speech analysis example explores how the former First Lady emphasizes the value of international experiences for personal growth and global understanding.

Key points of the Michelle Obama American Dream speech:

  • Emphasizes the interconnectedness of the modern world
  • Promotes studying abroad as a way to shape one's future
  • Stresses the importance of cooperation in addressing global challenges
  • Encourages overcoming stereotypes through multicultural encounters

The speech effectively combines personal appeal with broader societal implications, making it a compelling example of American Dream speech analysis.



Analysis of Michelle Obama's Speech on Student Exchanges

Content and Structure Analysis

Michelle Obama's speech is structured to emphasize the importance of student exchanges and global cooperation. The content is organized into three main paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects of international education and its impact.

Paragraph 1: Globalization and Cultural Experiences

The speech begins by highlighting the interconnectedness of the modern world. Obama emphasizes the importance of understanding different languages, cultures, and societies for future careers. She argues that real experiences gained through studying abroad are crucial for personal and professional development.

Highlight: Obama stresses the relevance of technology in connecting the world, using terms like "E-mails" and "Skype" to relate to a younger audience.

Paragraph 2: Studying Abroad and Shaping the Future

This section focuses on the transformative power of studying abroad. Obama discusses how international experiences can help shape one's future and overcome challenges. She emphasizes that global issues require collaborative efforts from all countries.

Quote: "Getting good grades" is used as an alliteration to emphasize academic achievement.

Paragraph 3: Cooperation and Personal Growth

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of cooperation and how personal development through international experiences can positively impact global relations. Obama encourages listeners to move beyond stereotypes and embrace multicultural understanding.

Vocabulary: "Immersing" is used to describe the deep engagement with other cultures that studying abroad provides.

Language Analysis

Obama's speech employs several linguistic strategies to engage and persuade her audience:

  1. Everyday language: The use of common terms and modern references makes the speech accessible to young listeners.

  2. Inclusive pronouns: Words like "our" and "we" create a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

  3. Positive language: Strong, optimistic words like "improve," "shape," and "define" emphasize the potential for personal and global development.

  4. Metaphors: Phrases like "key to success" make abstract concepts more tangible.

  5. Contrasting words: Obama uses opposing terms like "cooperation" and "division" to highlight the importance of working together.

Example: The phrase "Young people like you" directly appeals to the target audience, making them feel addressed and involved.

This Michelle Obama speech 2012 analysis demonstrates how she effectively combines content and language to inspire young people to engage in international experiences and contribute to global cooperation. The speech serves as an excellent political speech analysis example, showcasing how personal anecdotes and relatable language can be used to convey broader societal messages and promote the American Dream of opportunity and global engagement.

Analysis Speech Michelle Obama
Dienstag, 14. September 2021 09:42
Assignments for the class exam:
1. Sum up the main ideas of the speech.

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