


Analysis & Comment







Analysis Speech Michelle Obama
Dienstag, 14. September 2021 09:42
Assignments for the class exam:
1. Sum up the main ideas of the speech.

Analysis Speech Michelle Obama Dienstag, 14. September 2021 09:42 Assignments for the class exam: 1. Sum up the main ideas of the speech. 2. Analyse how Michelle Obama keeps the audience interested in her ideas about student exchanges. Look at the structure of her text (what) and what stylistics means she uses to present her ideas (how). 1. Summary 2a) Analysis of the content main ideas of the speech analysis of the content Connectedness of the Paragraph 1: world (globalization) Experiences with languages, cultures, societies Paragraph 2: Studying abroad, shaping future, overcoming challenges Paragraph 3: Cooperation Summary Main ideas of the speech Paragraph 1: connectiveness of the world (Globalization), experiences with languages, cultures, societies, important for future career, real experiences via studying abroad Paragraph 2: Studying abroad -> multicultural encounters, shaping future by studying abroad, overcoming challenges, global challenges need to be faced by all countries Paragraph 3: cooperation, personal development with positive impact on global cooperation, leave behind/overcome past stereotypes → structure Why is that interesting? She's trying to convince her listeners with her speech to do something and her speech is mainly towards the younger generation because it also affects them. She wants to make us clear the importance of our generation. You can change. something by going abroad and it improves the cooperation between countries Analysis of the content. Analysis of the content -> structure Why is that interesting? line importance. f technology, important topic for young people -> interest (line 4f) Students can relate to grades/ being tested; real experiences -> appealing to young audience (line 10) Tell them how to be successful in their jobs (line 8) Presents herself as familiar with the world...

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of the young people line 2b) Analysis of the language analysis of the language →stylistic devices At first she tells about her main idea after that she gives the reason. Additionally she explains her point more and and only gives positive arguments. While giving her speech she uses the pronoun you that means she talks straight up to the listeners. She appeals. What also stands out is that she doesn't use too complicated language so more people can understand • Emphasises the positive impact of studying abroad on young people • Indicates that this leads the way for a better and more peaceful future Line L. 4f., 1.8, 1. 10 17-19 • Creates a feeling of unity among all the people L. 15, I. as we live in a "world we all share" show them the challenges awaiting them now and in the future ("climate, economy, nuclear weapons") -> they can only be dealt with "together" She's trying to convince her listeners with her L. 20ff., I. speech to do something and her speech is mainly 23 towards the younger generation because it also affects them. She wants to make us clear the importance of our generation. You can change something by going abroad and it improves the cooperation between countries Analysis of the language Analysis of the language ->stylistic devices • Everyday language, choice of words "our, we" -> pronouns demonstrate togetherness, "E-Mails, skype,...-> modern words (line 6ff) "Key to success" -> metaphor (line 8) • Positivity "Getting good grades" =alliteration • she knows what she is saying because she might have the experience You can develop the habit otherwise • How can you live and study abroad when you're not financially stable • Strong/positive nouns: "experience, culture, society" (enumeration) -> idealistic thinking • Proverb/quotation: catchphrase that explains certain things easily • Strong and positive verbs: "improve, shape, define"> indicating both personal and global development Opposing words with positive and negative. connotation ("together"-"confront") At first she tells about her main idea after that she gives the reason. Additionally she explains her point more and and only gives positive arguments. While giving her speech she uses the pronoun you that means she talks straight up to the listeners. She appeals. What also stands out is that she doesn't use too complicated language so more people can understand Content: • importance of technology, important topic for young people > interest (line 4f) • Students can relate to grades/ being tested; real experiences -> appealing to young audience (line 10) Tell them how to be successful in their jobs (line 8) "Young people like you"-> appeal • "Cooperation, immersing, getting past stereotypes" -> ideal scenario between countries Opposition of words "cooperation"-"division" Line LI. 6-7, 1.8, 1. 9, 1. 10-12f LI. 14-16, I. 18f L. 20, 1. 21-23 Analysis Michelle Obama's speech: The present speech was made by Michelle Obama and published on March 2004 at Stanford Center at peking University. It deals with the importance of student exchange years. The purpose of delivery is to convince younger people/students to do more activities abroad. The audience is mainly the younger generation. The text is structured into four paragraphs. In the first paragraph there are already multiple subjects like connectiveness of the world, your own and real experiences with languages, cultures and society by for example studying in another country. Michelle Obama is also pointing out the importance going abroad has for your own career. The second paragraph is more about the challenges, which we should face together. In the third paragraph the main idea is about cooperation world wide and its also about personal development here. In order to involve the audience of her speech, she makes use of language and communicative strategies effectively. First of all she catches the audiences attention by mentioning the importance of our everyday technology through this she wants to make herself familiar in the modern world, in the world of young people (line 4). As you can already see in the first line she praises the technology we already have. To look good with the younger ones and to build up a bond in the course of the speech, she tells them how to be successful in their future. She wants the students to know that she can relate to them (line 8). In line fifteen and the following lines she wants to give her audience the feeling of togetherness. Her intention is to unite us so our countries will deal with the problems of for example climate change, economy and nuclear weapons together (II. 16f.). Also she wants us to see that we all share the same world and it is like our destiny to face problems together (II. 15f.). Moreover she's trying to emphasis which positive impact studying abroad has on young students (II. 20f.). Michelle Obama is not only giving advantages, she's also explaining that now we have the chance to shape our future and make it a better and more peaceful one Michelle Obama chose an everyday language for her speech to make it more understandable for her audience. But also she uses some modern words which proves that she has informed herself about that (II.6f.). In general the speech is very positive, there are no noticeable negative aspects in her speech. Shes using a metaphor "key to success" (1. 8), it shows that Michelle Obama knows about being or becoming successful. For the audience this metaphor is kind of a keyword and they will remember that. It also influence the audience emotionally because everyone is interpreting the word "success" different. Furthermore there is an alliteration "getting good grades", this shows the importance of this words or draws the attention to it (l. 9). On top of that you can find a lot of strong and positive verbs, which are indicating personal and global development (II. 14f.). Besides Michelle Obama is opposing positive and negative verbs but because there are mostly positive words are these the one that dominate the text and the impression of it (I. 18). In addition personal pronouns are used, for example "we", "us", "our", it creates the feeling of togetherness and arouses responsibility, the pronouns can be already found in the first lines. Also there is an appeal which makes the listeners think about an issues, convince them to change something or make them feel involved into the whole situation. In general you can say that the speech is very involving because of all the appeals and pronouns. And the fact that Michelle Obama seems to know about the technology nowadays, she and her audience have created a kind of familiar bond. In my opinion the speech is pretty convincing because you get a know a lot of reasons why you should stay or do something abroad. The reasons are also convincing because you get multiple reasons and they are also explained. Writing a comment "That's why it is so important for young people like you to live and study in each other's countries, because that's how you develop that habit of cooperation" (II. 20f.) Dear Mrs. Obama, I have heard/read about your speech you held, in March 2004 at Peking University. I am a fifteen year old student and I would like to give a statement to your speech because it also affected us and it might be useful for you to hear a students opinion about living and studying abroad. On the one hand I agree with your sentence you said at the end of your speech. Going abroad is for personal development and without really knowing, the development also has impact on global cooperations. And I believe in some of your arguments because I am sure that you have experience in being successful, for example in jobs. But on the other hand I believe that not only my generation and the following younger generation are responsible for cooperating and shaping the future. There are other ways to help countries to cooperate. To be honest I do not really get how such a young student is able to do something, like it would not change a lot. It would strengthen the cooperation between students or schools but not on a political level And you probably want that. Some of us are not even 18 or whatever so basically we do not have a voice to speak up and change a lot. It is rather the job of adults and not of the younger ones. Of course it could make a relationship better between countries but on a school level. Also not every student is financially stable so that you could live and study abroad and I do not think that the country could pay the whole journey abroad. Language: • Everyday language, choice of words "our, we", "E-Mails, skype,..." (line 6ff) "Key to success" (line 8) Positivity