









Analysis: Willys relationship and his self image vs. reality
In sections 3 to 5 from act 1 of ,,Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Mill
Analysis: Willys relationship and his self image vs. reality
In sections 3 to 5 from act 1 of ,,Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Mill

Analysis: Willys relationship and his self image vs. reality 18.11.20 In sections 3 to 5 from act 1 of ,,Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller published in year 1949 it is about Willy, a Salesman, who often has to think of situations from his past and is constantly caught in flashbacks. In the beginning of section 3 Willy is already talking to himself. He is remembering advices he gave his sons about women. Willy also remembers the time, Biff showed him a new football and when Willy asked him where he got it, Biff said he borrowed it from the locker room. Willy realizes that he stole the ball and first he tells his son to take it back but quickly he changes his mind and excuses him because the Couch will probably congratulate him because of his initiative. Willy ads that it's important that the coach likes Biff. He continues with promises he gave his sons and pretends to be a good dad by buying them a punching back designated by Gene Tunney. Linda enters the flashback and the couple discusses Willys Commissions the family's finances and the money they owe on several of their appliances. Willys optimism fades as he privately tells his wife that he's not popular and that people laugh...

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at him. In response Linda praises Willy as the handsomest man in the world. Section 4 is again remaining in a flashback from his affair he had with another women and in section 5 Willy gets confronted by Bernard and Linda what makes him aggressive. Willy's reality is probably the opposite of how he describes himself and what his dream is. He is obsessed with the idea of being liked and having a good reputation is the key to success. This is shown on p. 25 II.28+29, when he says "Bigger than uncle Charley! Because Charley is not liked. He's liked, but he's not - well liked." He explained that "the man who makes an appearance...is the man who gets ahead." (p. 28 II. 7 ff.) and he brags that "people up and down New England know the name Willy Loman" (p.26 1.11 ff.) Willy is lying to himself and contradicts himself quite a lot, not even being aware of it. For example on page 25 1.7, when he first corrects Biff by telling him to bring the football back, but then in 1.14 he embraces the idea that the rules don't apply because Biff is well liked by his Couch. Or another example on page 31 II.7 ff. "Well, I figure, what the hell, life is short, a couple of jokes. I joke too much." He seems strong and confident in front of his boys and when he's with Linda alone, he is full of self doubts and insecurities. He opens up in front of his wife and is totally pessimistic, what is again very contradicting to page 26 11.9 ff., when he makes his sons know how honored and respected he is. One more contradicting point is on page 30 l. 19 ,,I'll go to Hartford. I am very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is, Linda, people don't seem to take to me. When it comes to the relationship between Willy and his family, it is noticeable that Willy behaves completely different towards his sons than towards his wife. It seems like he wants to be a role model for his sons by teaching them how to treat women "just wanna be careful with those girls" (p.23 1.8), acting like he is an important person "and then he had coffee with me" (p.25 1.37) and giving advice "You want to watch your schooling first" (p.23 1.15). He really tries to be a good father and it works. Or at least it works on Biff. He echos him saying "He's liked, but he's not well liked." (p.28 I.1) just his father. It is obvious that Willy likes his son Biff more than he likes Happy. He condones the fact that he stole and even supports him doing it. Or on page 23 I. 26 ff. "Show him how to do it Biff! You see, Happy?". He only praises Biff "Terrific, Terrific job, boys. Good work, Biff..." (p.24 1.17) and he is mostly proud of Biff, because he is the sporty one and well liked and just waites for the moment he can brag wit his son. "(Kisses Biff): Oh wait till I tell this in Boston!" (p.27 1.4). Willy feels neglected, because he's not as famous as his brother is. Happy would do anything for his dad to get recognized ,,I am losing weight, you notice. Pop?" (p.24 1.31), ,,we will carry your bags, pop!" (p.26 1.18), but Willy does not appreciate his behaviors. Linda seems for Willy being his safe place, where he can open up with all his disappointments and self doubts. Here he doesn't have the confidence he had towards his boys. Instead he worries, that he is in financial trouble and ,,he knows it when he walks in. They seem to laugh at him" (p. 30 l. 24). Linda always has to remember him, how wonderful he is doing (p. 30 1.31) to keep him calm.