


Analysis zu "Gap years: Wasted youth?"







In his article "Gap years: Wasted youth?", which was published on 6th September 2010 in "The
Guardian", Patrick Kingsley criticizes the way
In his article "Gap years: Wasted youth?", which was published on 6th September 2010 in "The
Guardian", Patrick Kingsley criticizes the way

In his article "Gap years: Wasted youth?", which was published on 6th September 2010 in "The Guardian", Patrick Kingsley criticizes the way some people choose to spend their gap-years. He tries to convince the reader of his opinion on this matter and uses various devices and strategies to do that. The author starts off with a description of the situation in Thailand as an example of where the young people party (II. 1-26). He then continues with quoting two experts (II. 27-40). In the end, he also lets two participants speak about their opinion. But every quotation and fact he includes goes hand in hand with the opinion that this type of gap years are repulsive. They are well thought through and create the impression that only this view makes sense. Kingsley uses an informal and partly vulgar language e.g., when he writes that "young western men are [...] peeing into the Gulf of Thailand" (II. 1-3). This rather rough choice of words establishes a contrast to the formal and professional way the issue of the gap year is described. The obvious contrast highlights the unmannerly behaviour of the gappers. Negative connotations as "footloose gap-year tourists" (II. 23-24) are used to empathize the opinion of the author parenthetically while the facts are in the...

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centre. The author also highlights the rude behaviour of the gappers when he calls their behaviour a "increasingly mindless hedonism" (I. 55) which is a strong emotive adjective. It is implied that what the gappers are doing is senseless and a waste of time when Kingsley writes that one could do "something more constructive" (l. 112). This comparative is not even defined which shows that the "something" could really be anything more constructive than taking a gap-year like those described in the article. Kingsley repeats the fact, that men are urinating in the sea three times (I. 2-3; 60; 109-110) to prove his point that the gap year students have a childish behaviour. The alliteration "Sun, sand and sangria" (I. 51) is presented as the 'motto' of the gappers who choose to spend a year with the purpose of having fun. When he uses another alliteration to describe the gap-year students as "Britain's brightest" (I. 65) the contrast to what those people are supposed to be in the future and how they behave in Thailand gets visible. The hyperbolic description of the "modern gap-year experience" as the party scene being the "epitome" and the "pinnacle" (II. 25-26) highlights the fact that these modern gap-years are different than what the reader might expect. The personification "mopeds belching out acrid fumes" (I. 75) depicts a part of the undesirable atmosphere which the author perceives. The realization of the possible importance of a gap-year has, according to the author, not yet "trickle [d] down" (l. 41) to the school leavers which metaphorically emphasizes the naivety of the gappers. Kingsley's article is underlined by expert opinions e.g., when he quotes Curnock Cook who says that the period should "be used in a focused way to support an application to the [...] university" (II. 34- 35) and many facts and figures as that "the number of university applications - [...] 660,000 - has dwarfed the number of university places available - 450,000 "(II. 36-39). By writing that "the chief executive of the universities and colleges declared [...] that 'the golden age of the gap years is over"" (II. 27-30) he brings another expert into play who is of the same opinion as Kingsley. The strategy of fact- and expert-orientated writing makes it easier for him to convince the reader of his point of view. Because even if it is just selected facts, it adds immensely to his credibility. The author also quotes personal statements of people he actually met which seems to be something fair and significant to do at first. But he manages to make the actual proponents of the gap-year look a little stupid e.g., by ironically saying that one of the gappers "enlightens" (1.70) him, so that he, with the facts on his side, looks much more serious when contrasted with a few drunken youngsters. All in all, the author uses a fact-based and professional looking cover to convince the reader of his opinion on both a subtle and a direct way. But he does not allow a true exchange of opinions and uses all sides for his argumentation and point of view. when who where What why Pitikk Kingsday Gap years: Wasted youth? Er dekat studest way to the pup? 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