


Argumentative Essay- artificial intelligence







Englisch 10b-
1 Artificial intelligence and you
Final Mark:
Klassenarbeit Nr. 2
Write an argumentative essay and discuss ...
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Englisch 10b-
1 Artificial intelligence and you
Final Mark:
Klassenarbeit Nr. 2
Write an argumentative essay and discuss ...
You choose
Englisch 10b-
1 Artificial intelligence and you
Final Mark:
Klassenarbeit Nr. 2
Write an argumentative essay and discuss ...
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Englisch 10b-
1 Artificial intelligence and you
Final Mark:
Klassenarbeit Nr. 2
Write an argumentative essay and discuss ...
You choose

Englisch 10b- 1 Artificial intelligence and you Final Mark: a. 6 Klassenarbeit Nr. 2 Write an argumentative essay and discuss ... You choose Do a) or b). ...whether you think that an artificial superintelligent version of Alexa or Siri could one day become your best friend. What could be benefits as well as risks? U 6 Parent's or guardian's signature: 1 2 5 b. whether you think that an artificial superintelligence should be allowed to organise your smart home for you. What could be benefits as well as risks? 50 9 Name: SMART HOUSE Points2+ 4 Sophie 4 L O 4 06.12.2019 O 44/50 Thelps us not that easy 6 / 16.12.2019 not good for us break causing could take over 0 2,66 Sophie Klassenarbeit NELL 2 16) Is (thshastificial intelligence a rish or a benifit for wop. (The) actificial intelligence and (the) artificial ww superintelligense is a big topics nowadays. A lot gr., q. of people think it brings a huge rish with it and others think its a great benefit. But how is it actually going to effect when we Let of let it help us in the household or get rid of it as fast organize our home and should should we as possible? good intro US especially so sp the of the reasons 150 that people think that w artificial superintelligence should be able and allowed to control our smart home is that it it makes a lot of things easier, and a great helper because you can tell the a tificial Superintelligence for example that it has to heat the bedrooms of activate the...

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security alarm to do some good point thing. Another good reason is that it is not just or even remember. you that expensive and you can afford". Other derkes like smartphones are in comparison not that I style: cheap, and Even for the companies that produce weekends of develop those superintelligeness it is affordluble mye. and not too expensive. Many people think it's hard to control and difficult to work with but that is at true. (The artificial superintelligence is easy to install and to spa sp o control. Not only kids but also every other one could casily control it by talking to it or giving it commands example. for say On the other hand it's important to that the artificial superintelligence int good for Let the internet if us because We 5,0 etc to do 82 devices do all the work for us, we'll turn bazier and bazier and eventually we have may be nothing any more than laying the couch of our beds. Another risk is that the artificial super in belligence could break or cause to fical difficulties, hich hecause it has a problem or because of a hacker. This could lead to huge problem a because we could be relying a lot on those om smart homes of we could just not control anything in our home anymore and 3⁰ we'll be stuck in iris until someone tries to repair it! may be Finally its important to say that the super intelligences are made to help and Learn land if it's learning too much and fast it reference could take of on its own in increasing there fil it takes over our house and maybe es to be a own fing "thing" with their its nice to what an wer falked about in class! speed" "rights. This could lead to a real dangerous and serious problem where not only an house - hold is in danger but maybe everyone that has a smart home or even the whole Sophie world. This could also lead to the problem that they'll be too strong and eliminate a big amont of the world population. easy for All in all ist me to say that the risks overweigh the benifits and that (the) artificial w super intellicence shouldn't be able neither allowed to organise and control our smart homes because it could lead to big serious problems where the whole world is in danges or where we can't control it any more. strary conclusion Words x 457 Spi, om/style Language: 26/30 content: 18/20 Well done! neither.. nor