


Argumentative Essay







Topic Sentence
Supporting Sentence
Supporting Sentence 2
Supporting Sentence 3
Conclusion Sentence
The Hamburger Paragraph

K Topic Sentence ZIN Supporting Sentence - Supporting Sentence 2 ----- Supporting Sentence 3 Conclusion Sentence The Hamburger Paragraph Before you begin: - Collect ideas and group these ideas How to do it: - Write a topic sentence that clearly indicates what the whole paragraph is going to be about - Compose several sentences that give more information about the topic (details, examples, facts) - Write a sentence in which you restate your topic sentence concluding sentence Your essay should be made up of three different parts: 1. Introduction: - Arrange your ideas in the appropriate logical order - Whittle your ideas down to one clear concept Argumentative essay Note down all I you know about the topic and all the arguments for and against it. Decide if you want to persuade the reader to agree with you or if you want to remain neutral. If possible, do some research on your topic usig various sources. The Style you use depends on the kind of essay you wart to write. In oder to be persuasive, your tone should be less factual than in a mere presentation. You present the issue. To attract the reader's attention, you can include: - facts about the history/background of the problem - information about its relevance today - a quotation questions that you promise to give answers to Introduction: 1) Get your reader's attention 2) Tell your...

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reader what the topic is 3) Tell your Reader why the topic is important 2. Body/Main part: Here you have two opinions. You can either present two or even more different views on the topic (dialectic approach) or you can list several points in connection with the topic (enumerative approach). - If you choose the dialectical approach, you can either present the negative point first and then the positive, or the negative and positive point alternately. You can arrange the point according to their importance, from the weakest to the strongest or the other way round. - For the enumerative approach you don't divide the point into positive and negative aspects, they are presented neutral. - Whichever approach you use, each point should be presented in a separate paragraph. The first sestence states the point you want to make and the following sentences support this point with evidence (example, statistics, etc.). - If you want to persuade someone, it helps to use logic, good examples and good style. - You can write about how the problem started, who is affected by it, how serious it is, what has been done about it so far, what can be expected if there is no solution, and so on. 3. Conclusion: The presentation of your arguments should lead to a conclusion, in which you give a summary of what you have written. You should not introduce any new ideas here but you can give an outlook on further consequences.. - If you have not written a persuasive essay you can give your own opinion (a comment) and appeal to the readers to reach their own conclusion.