


Argumentative Essay







Argumentative essay
1 Introduction
attract the reader's attention
-> interesting fact, personal anecdote, quotation,...
• introduction to th

Argumentative essay 1 Introduction attract the reader's attention -> interesting fact, personal anecdote, quotation,... • introduction to the topic • presenting the problem 2 Main body • argument: topic sentence, explanation, evidence/example • use wordplay, metaphors & irony • use linking words (see below) COMMENT -> give your personal opinion weakest argument strongest argument 3 Conclusion • summary of what you have found out outlook on further consequences your own opinion appeal to the reader linking words SEQUENCES first(ly), second(ly), third (ly) next, then lastly, finally following this COMPARISON similarly, similar to the same as likewise, like, just as, just like compared to, in comparison to REASON for, because (of) due to since, as DISCUSSION -> provide arguments for both sides of the issue ADDITION as well as, also, too not only... but also further, furthermore in addition; additionally interestingly, especially admittedly Recently there was ... Many people think/agree/claim that ... Is that right/true? In the following, I will discuss/comment on ... EMPHASIS obviously, undoubtedly, clearly indeed, in fact, particularly RESULT thus, therefore, hence as a consequence/result due to strongest argument you don't agree with weakest argument you don't agree with weakest argument you agree with strongest argument agree with All in all, it can be concluded that ... . Considering this,... In conclusion... That is why/Therefore... Therefore, future discussions might also think about ... CONTRAST however, nevertheless, but, yet despite, in spite of, still although, even though in contrast to, while, whereas EXAMPLE for example, for instance that is (= das heißt) like, such as including

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