


Argumentative Essay - Student exchange







Today, a lot of students are goining on a student exchange, in many different
contries. This topic is often discussed be
Today, a lot of students are goining on a student exchange, in many different
contries. This topic is often discussed be

Argumentative essay Today, a lot of students are goining on a student exchange, in many different contries. This topic is often discussed because people tend to belive that stundent exchanges are a wast of time. In the following essay I will shown off some pros and cons about going on an exchange as a student. One of the main and most exciting advantages of foreign exchange is meeting new friends. Not only will you have an opportunity to meet different people from all over the world, but you will also have a special bond because a lot of them will be foreign exchange students, too. Additionally, you may have a host family who will welcome you into their home and treat you like a family member. Once you have arrived in a new country, you will be surrounded by a new language that you will have to learn. Although it may be difficult at first, you will be completely immersed in the community, which is a major advantage when it comes to learning a foreign language. It goes without saying that such an opportunity does not come that often. Studying abroad will open up new educational opportunities for you. Apart from getting to know a completely different educational system, you will have a range of study options. You...

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can expand your existing knowledge, acquire new skills and broaden your interests. In addition, you will have more options when it comes programs. While traveling and exploring a new country is always fun, living in it might be quite challenging, especially if the country is completely different from yours. Apart from not knowing the language, you will be faced with unfamiliar and strange customs, different beliefs and mentality, which can be overwhelming. Although foreign exchange provides you with an opportunity to meet new people, you may feel lonely and homesick because you will leave all of your loved ones behind. Despite being surrounded with people, you may be overwhelmed by loneliness because you miss your family and friends. You may also miss the familiarity of your hometown and your everyday routine. Living abroad may require a sizable amount of money depending on the standard of living in your host country. Apart from admission fees and scholarship, you will have plenty of travel, accommodation and other living costs. In addition, if you do not have health insurance, all the exams and medication can cost you a fortune. I have to come to that conclusion that while studying abroad is a valuable and enriching experience, it also comes with certain disadvantages. Nonetheless, if you feel ready to live and study abroad, no obstacle is insurmountable. Therefore I would not agree that student exchanges are a wast of time.