


Argumentative text about learning foreign languages







Learning foreign languages is essential.
Many people ask themselves

WRITING AN ARGUMENTATIVE TEXT ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Learning foreign languages is essential. Many people ask themselves whether it is necessary to learn a foreign language. While some think they will benefit from speaking different languages other than your mother language, others believe that they will waste precious time and an entire year of their lives. Therefore, they do not even start learning the language. One of the main reasons why people are not willing to learn a language is the precious time that will be lost trying to learn that language. It definitely costs time and effort to learn a language and some people just have other priorities they find more important in their life for that. Another big disadvantage is that one will have difficulties speaking a foreign language. Most need a period to speak a foreign language fluently and correctly. Many might also be afraid of expressing themselves without being able to communicate properly. In addition, they might always feel anxious in saying the wrong things. The next aspect is that, to be able to learn a language properly you need to be in a surrounding where this language is executed in everyday- life. Whether it is going/working abroad; finding a language course to participate in; or using the internet through...

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various applications that help you learn a language, the expenses for the examples mentioned above are always going to be a huge problem. Even though there are many disadvantages, there are also many advantages to balance the scale. On the one hand, if you learn a foreign language, you have an opportunity to add to your resume that you are able to speak a foreign language (fluently). These days more and more employers are looking for qualified people who know several languages and this of course stands out in a resume. Another advantage is, one improves as a person, in which they gain multicultural experiences and language skills, by going abroad for example. Furthermore, you broaden your horizon and gain more self- confidence in speaking the language and in overcoming the difficulties encountered whilst learning the language. Besides that, you have the possibility to find new friends. Therefore, it can also be a fun activity to communicate with culturally/ethnically diverse people all around the world using the internet or going abroad, as you create long-lasting, unforgettable friendships for the rest of your life. I personally always want to improve myself: gain experience, try new stuff out, meet different people etc. In my opinion learning a foreign language means developing as a person. In order to communicate with people you need to learn languages. That is also why I agree with the statement, that learning a foreign language is important. In conclusion, I believe that learning a foreign language would only benefit you in the future.