


argumentative writing (comment + written discussion)







argumentative writing
1. the two different types
(persuasive essay)
to present your personal opinion on a
thesis, to convince the re
argumentative writing
1. the two different types
(persuasive essay)
to present your personal opinion on a
thesis, to convince the re

argumentative writing 1. the two different types Comment (persuasive essay) to present your personal opinion on a thesis, to convince the reader of your personal view on an issue Comment on..., Give your opinion..., Argue for/against... 1. introduction (catch attention, present the issue and its importance, state your opinion in the thesis) 2. body two or more paragraphs 3. conclusion (sum up your personal opinion and give a final comment) personal, emotional, strong argumentation 2. the text structure essay 3. useful phrases Introduction Con-argument Present the most important con-argument that supports a different opinion. Invalidate or weaken the argument. (Why does this argument. not count or what wrong with it?) aim task structure difference Bedy: 1st paragraph Introduction: attention grabbing first sentence explanation of the topic and its importance a thesis you are going to discuss (written discussion) • an epinien you are going to argue fer (comment) Written discussion (argumentative essay) to present general arguments on both sides of an issue, offers your opinion as a conclusion Discuss..., Examine..., Evaluate..., Assess... 1. introduction (catch attention, present the issue and its importance, state your thesis) 2. body = two or more paragraphs 3. conclusion (sum up the main arguments and give your personal opinion) general, formal, more balanced argumentation tepic sentence with argument you eppese supperting arguments and sentences (cenclusion of the paragraph) 2nd paragraph topic sentence with an argument you suppert supporting arguments and sentences (conclusion of the paragraph) (3rd paragraph) It is generally believed that.../ Many people think... You have all heard about... Conclusion: • a summary of your mest cenvincing arguments in other words • your conclusien...

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as a result of your argumentation yeur personal epinien a final statement (e.g. eutleek into the future) People/students/teenagers often ask whether they should... A question that is often discussed among students/biologists/parents is... Imagine... Should...? On the one hand, some people are convinced that... Although... / Even if it is true that... Certain people think.../ Some people feel that.../ You might argue that... Although x may have a good point... One of the main reasons/arguments why people think that...is that... You could argue that..., but. Some people take the view that... It is sometimes said that... I would first like to look at the reasons why... It could be argued that... Some teenagers might think.../ Parents could argue that... Admittedly,.../ I would not go so far as to say that... It must be admitted that.... Pro-arguments Present the pro- arguments that supports your opinion. Give details, statistics, supporting arguments and examples. Conclusion Summarize the main points of your text. (Don't write new arguments here.) Give a personal statement. Maybe call for action: you want your readers to do about it? On the other hand, ... There is, however, another way of looking at... Furthermore, it must be said that... In addition, people argue... That is why. There is no doubt that.../ it is obvious that.../ Nobody can deny that.... This is clear because... An additional argument I would like to bring forward is... That brings me to my final and most important point:... The main reason for...is... I would also argue that... All in all,.../ In a nutshell,.../ In short,.. After looking at both sides of the argument, ... Considering all these arguments,... Having weighed up all the arguments,... Although I can understand the people who think..., I still think... Personally, I believe that.../...I am convinced that... To sum up, I would say.../ I would conclude that... I hope that.../ I support the effort to.../ I suggest that....