


Artefact: Relationship Analysis - Kelly and Ibrahim (father)







The play ,,Artefact" by Mike Bartlett shows prejudices and conflicts of the Iraqi and
English cultures. In
The play ,,Artefact" by Mike Bartlett shows prejudices and conflicts of the Iraqi and
English cultures. In

ANALYSING CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS The play ,,Artefact" by Mike Bartlett shows prejudices and conflicts of the Iraqi and English cultures. In the given extract, teenager Kelly from Great Britain meets her father Ibrahim for the first time since he left the family in order to live in his home country, Iraq, when she was little. In the following, the relationship of father and daughter is analysed. Right at the beginning of their conversation, it becomes clear that their relationship is very distant, which is because they barely know each other. This distance is evident in the short sentences from both father and daughter (cf., II.1-7). Ibrahim does not seem to know what to talk about with his daughter, while Kelly talks to him in a very cold and ignorant way. When Ibraham tells her that she can have an Iraqi passport, she reacts very directly and a little rude by saying ,That's not much use" (1.8). Her father feels kind of offended by this statement and asks reproachfully whether she would prefer him to be American (cf., 1.9). After that Kelly states the advantages it would have and says that she [is] not going to go to Iraq" (l.13), which already shows a certain aversion towards her father's country. Moreover, when her mother walks in...

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and asks if the two are all right, none of them answers the question (cf., 1.17) and despite her apparent dislike towards the Iraq, Kelly is completely distracted wondering what parts of her body are Iraqi and does not react when she is called (cf., II. 18-28). That makes it seem like she is secretly somehow interested. Ibrahim tells her that he wish[es they] could've met earlier" (1.23) which means that she actually matters to him but even to that confession she shows no reaction. Furthermore he attempts to build up a connection to his daughter by saying that he „imagined [her to] might look like Kate Winslet“ (1.32) but Kelly must be really confused by her fathers interest in her and she does not hide her opinion from him but tells him directly and honestly that the meeting „isn't going very well" (1.33) and is „bit of a fucking disappointment" (1.35). The daughter is suspicious of her father and does not believe him that he is there to see her. Instead she asks „,You don't want money?" (1.45) which reveals one of her prejudices against Iraqi people. When Kelly visits her father's other family in Iraq and learns that one of his daughter's was kidnapped, she wants to know more about the incident and even insists that she has got a right to kn ab it (cf., 1.54) but Ibrahim does not agree. Instead, he immediately feels attacked and accuses his daughter of being arrogant (cf., 1.60-63). while she claims her father is careless (cf., 1.66). At this point the tension between . Kelly and Ibrahim escalates and all the prejudices come to the fore. First of all her father names several prejudices people have against Iraq, namely that Iraqis are poor, stupid, careless and tend to mess things up (cf., II. 70-77). At the same time, however, it can also be seen that he himself has prejudices against the English. He accuses the English of feeling superior, of having biased opinions, and of believing everything they hear on the news about Iraq (cf., II.69-72). In addition, he even says that because [Kelly is] English [she does not] know any better" (1.81). Further on, Ibrahim claims England is still teaching their kids that underneath they should rule the world and how Britain has always made the world better (cf., II.82-83). Finally, the father gives his daughter the advise that she can choose where she belongs (cf., 1.86). In conclusion, it can be said that both Kelly and Ibrahim are interested in getting to know each other. Ibrahim openly shows this interest, but Kelly is obviously still angry and hurt that he left her when she was young. Overall, it is mainly the many prejudices that stand between father and daughter and prevent them from gaining sympathy for each other.