


Analyzing Non-Fictional Texts: Examples and Useful Tips







<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

<p>In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as

In this non-fictional text analysis example, we will be analyzing the argumentative structure of the text and the author's intention, as well as the use of communicative strategies and persuasive techniques. We will also explore the language used, including style, syntax, tone, and choice of words.


The introductory sentence of the non-fictional text includes the title, author, text type, place and date of release, and the main topic or thesis. It is important to provide a brief summary of the text to set the stage for the analysis.

Main Part

The main part of the non-fictional text analysis involves the examination of the argumentative structure of the text, the language used, and the author's intention. This includes identifying the introduction, definition of important concepts or terms, stating a thesis or suggestion, presenting opposing views and refuting counterarguments, providing background information, and offering a summary of the findings with a personal comment.

Analyzing a Non-Fictional Text

When analyzing a non-fictional text, it is essential to consider the author's intention and their use of communicative strategies and persuasive techniques. This may involve the use of pronouns, inclusive language, offering solutions, asking or predicting future outcomes, appealing to authority, using quotes, citing statistics or evidence, direct address, providing specific examples, sharing personal anecdotes, and using rhetorical questions.

Purposes of Writing an Article

Authors have various purposes when writing articles, which may include informing the reader or raising awareness of a problem, trend, or phenomenon, convincing readers of an opinion, worldview, or moving the reader, government, or society towards action.

Communicative Strategies and Persuasive Techniques

Authors utilize a range of communicative strategies and persuasive techniques to achieve their objectives, such as creating a sense of belonging or unity, offering solutions, predicting future outcomes, appealing to authority, using quotes and statistics, direct address, providing specific examples, sharing personal anecdotes, and utilizing rhetorical questions.


The language used in non-fictional texts, including style, tone, choice of words, and stylistic devices, plays a crucial role in conveying the author's message effectively. This may involve the use of specific details, rhetorical questions, provocative titles, generalizations, offering multiple viewpoints, and various other means to engage and connect with the reader.


In conclusion, the analysis of a non-fictional text involves examining the argumentative structure, language used, author's intention, and communicative strategies and persuasive techniques. By understanding these elements, readers can gain insight into the author's message and the effectiveness of their communication.

By applying the principles of non-fictional text analysis, individuals can enhance their understanding of written works and develop critical thinking skills essential for comprehending and evaluating non-fictional texts.

In conclusion, non-fictional text analysis is a valuable skill that allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed in written works and develop critical thinking skills essential for comprehending and evaluating non-fictional texts. Through the careful analysis of argumentative structures, language, author intentions, and communicative strategies, readers can gain valuable insights and perspectives from non-fictional texts.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • Non-fictional text analysis involves examining argumentative structure, language, author's intention, and communicative strategies
  • Authors use a variety of communicative strategies and persuasive techniques to achieve their objectives
  • Language, including style, tone, choice of words, and stylistic devices, plays a crucial role in conveying the author's message effectively
  • The analysis of a non-fictional text includes identifying the introduction, presenting opposing views, and providing a summary with a personal comment
  • Understanding these elements helps readers gain insight into the author's message and develop critical thinking skills for comprehending and evaluating non-fictional texts.
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Hochgeladen von Julia K.

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Bin Schülerin auf einem Gymnasium | NRW

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What are the key elements of the introductory sentence in a non-fictional text?

A: The key elements of the introductory sentence in a non-fictional text include the title, author, text type, place and date of release, and the main topic or thesis. It should provide a brief summary of the text to set the stage for the analysis.

Q: What is involved in the main part of non-fictional text analysis?

A: The main part of non-fictional text analysis involves examining the argumentative structure of the text, the language used, and the author's intention. This includes identifying the introduction, definition of important concepts or terms, stating a thesis or suggestion, presenting opposing views and refuting counterarguments, providing background information, and offering a summary of the findings with a personal comment.

Q: What are the purposes of writing an article in non-fictional text analysis?

A: Authors have various purposes when writing articles, which may include informing the reader or raising awareness of a problem, trend, or phenomenon, convincing readers of an opinion, worldview, or moving the reader, government, or society towards action.

Q: What communicative strategies and persuasive techniques are used by authors in non-fictional texts?

A: Authors use a range of communicative strategies and persuasive techniques to achieve their objectives, such as creating a sense of belonging or unity, offering solutions, predicting future outcomes, appealing to authority, using quotes and statistics, direct address, providing specific examples, sharing personal anecdotes, and utilizing rhetorical questions.

Q: What role does language play in conveying the author's message effectively in non-fictional texts?

A: The language used in non-fictional texts, including style, tone, choice of words, and stylistic devices, plays a crucial role in conveying the author's message effectively. This may involve the use of specific details, rhetorical questions, provocative titles, generalizations, offering multiple viewpoints, and various other means to engage and connect with the reader.

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