


Looking for Alaska - main characters







- pretty/hot
-petite but curvy
- full lips
-green eyes
family background
- mother died
- complicated relationship
- pretty/hot
-petite but curvy
- full lips
-green eyes
family background
- mother died
- complicated relationship

ALASKA appearance outward - pretty/hot -petite but curvy - full lips -green eyes family background - mother died - complicated relationship >dad blamed her -no siblings Likes/dislikes + smoking; alcohol, sex; books; pranking, boyfriend (Jake) rich people, the Eagle; Dr.Hyde, Weekday Warriors character traits - brave -fearless - smart moody - unpredictable - wild "self-confident" is hard to read at the end of the poster. Chip/The Colonel - full name Chip Martin -short, muscular - 16 years old guy - brown hair Smells like cigarette smoke —> p. 13 ||. 24-28 -dad left their family, trucker. -'lives with his friendly mom ! -mom lives in a trailer P.141.14 -likes smoking and drinking - likes Alaska, Miles, Takumi - dislikes the Weekday Warriors L>p.17 1.21 - dislikes Mr. Starnes [The Eagle] -memorizes things p.15 1.8 -revengeful -outgoing - honest - helpful Lp. 134 11.24 ff. Miles Before boarding School - shy person introvert - good relationship to his parents polite behaviour - likes reading biographies -learns last words from celebrities - Doesn't smoke and drink - lived in Florida for 16 years. Pudge -Good student -Started to smoke and drink alcohol - Made new friends - fall in love with Alaska During boarding School FAMILY BACKGROUND: has a sister - Nickname: • Mum & Dad lives in Florida - Hates Sports no brothers and sisters mentioned 0 • his dad was on the same boarding School - Have first girlfriend - More confident - More fun and new experiences Rosario, la MILES OUTWARD APPEARANCE: skinny (p. 13 11. 7-11) • tall ♥ LIKES & DISLIKES: likes reading biographies (p.15 1.16) CHARACTER TRAITS: • quiet •can remember last words of popular celebrities (p. 151. 10) MENTIONABLE FACTS: • Nickname: "Pudge" (p....

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181.2) searching for "The Great Perhaps " 0 Searching for friends lonely o bullied in public school