









1.1) Data:
1.2.) Plot:
1.3.) Figure constellation:
by Ian McEwan
published in
1.1) Data:
1.2.) Plot:
1.3.) Figure constellation:
by Ian McEwan
published in
1.1) Data:
1.2.) Plot:
1.3.) Figure constellation:
by Ian McEwan
published in

1.1) Data: 1.2.) Plot: Cecilia 1.3.) Figure constellation: Briony: Robbie Lola Leon: Emily: Jack: Paul: ATONEMENT by Ian McEwan published in Genre: Novel 2001 Main Characters: Briony, Cecilia, Robbie Turner • about trying to alone for a sin Briony did as It covers an upper-class girl's mistake that ruins lives, her adulthood in the shadow of that mistake, and a reflection on the nature of writing. Briony Tallis is a 13-year-old girl who lives in an English country estate and, with a simple lie, ruins the life of her sister's lover, Robbie Turner. The novel holds a story within a story and centers Ground the Tallis Family- • at the beginning 13 years old been writing for two years • talented, precocious but stubborn, self-centered and arrogant a child Ilongs to be more grown-up • sees everything through a lens of a story & attempts to make sense of the world in that way as well as a gives up on going to Cambridge & becomes a nurse successful novelist - loves Robbie and is willing to wait for him after he is abondons her family and trains as a nurse in London Briony's (ten-year-) older sister graduated from Cambridge but unsure about her next step. • frustrated by her own aimlessness but does not want to do more than read literature and smoke cigarettes fond of her siblings but feels burdened by the need to...

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take care of her family (a mother's illness & father's abscences) (wrongfully) arrested Briony's fifteen-year-old cousin gives an impression of sophistication. • son of the Tallises' charlady, Cecilia's childhood friend & very smart content with his life, moving between social circles and confident about his future (despite lower social class) - extremely kind and tries to help others Passionately in love with Cecilia wrongfully imprisoned when accused of rape Ls treating Briony like a child & taking care of her nine-year-old twin brothers • manipulative with a streak of cruelty and naive (in the beginning only) letting Briony carry responsibility of accusing Robby in her rape • older Brother of Briony and Cecilia easy going optimist who is likely to only see the best in people. • Mother of Leon, Cecilia and Briony self-absorved and hypocritical Abi 2024 • has frequent migraines → unable to perform any parental duties, leaving them to lee old fashioned cares a lot about social class; thus, disapproves of Robbie • nurses a childhood grudge against her sister, Hermione (Mother of Lola & (wins) Father of Leon, Cecilia and Briony often absent from the Talli's house carrying affairs in London under the guise of his work (as an important government bureaucrat). Pays for Robbie's education & Supported Robbie's mother when Robbie's father left (usually kind and generous - Leon Tallis's friend. • Heir to a chocolate manifacturing fortune. originally seen as a romantic prospect for Cecilia (→she finds him exceedingly dull and stupid) later on rapes Lola and blames it on Robbie 1 Pierrot and Jackson: Corporal Nettle: Corporal Mace: Fiona Sister Drummond: Grace: Betty: Hardman: . •Lola's nine-year-old twin brothers. • traumatized by their parents' divorce •At the beginning: Later on . Briony's friend while working as a trainee nurse comes from a privileged London family. Danny Hardman: travels during war with Robbie to Dunkirk • Briony communicates with him to learn about Robbie's time during the war - also travels with Robbie to Dunkirk Robbie's mother and the Tallis family's maid never doubts her son's innocence Tallis family's cook who is though. • Tallis family servant serve as a fail to Briony's goal of putting, on : become closer with Briony as they grow older. Briony's strict supervisor at the hospital where she works during the war class system: Quincey: upper middle class 1.4.) important scenes: 1.5.) important sellings: The Tallis home: • Hardman's sixteen year-old son • Cecilia and Robbie mistakenly believe Danny to be Lola's true rapist. • The Fountain Scene: • (The Road to) Dunkirk: on the Quincey twins. Tallis: upper middle class . a play Hardman: working class. Turner working class w/ support. Marshall upple-middle class? Robbie & Cee standing in front of the fountain, Briony partly watching breaking of the precious family vase mixed, complicated feelings of love and desire bubbling up inside the two teens. Briony misunderstands the scene thinks Robbie wants to hurt lee "horny letter Robbie was accidently given to Briony worsens misunderstanding First scene with Focalisation (later on explained) symbol for upper class expensive furniture & great rooms is swimming pool, lake and • several servants at home. English countryside isolated house (p. 145) negative, 'spooky, dark atmosphere (p. 42) →shows great wealth an island with a temple (p.19) -> · comfortableness of upper class. battle field with a scary, oppressive atmosphere (retreat to Dunkirk) way more serious than part one + graphic writing style. ↳ no detailed description, neutral and • reinvented Robbie calm * Briony's writing style. as "Turner" / "Guv'neur" (?) horror of war Symbol of Determination. major evacuation operation of British people successful encouraged "Dunkirk spirit" 2 Hay field scene: •B's Hospital scene: 1.6) main topics: • Britishness: · Lola got raped by Paul Marshall Briony found her and assumed it's Robbie (based on his letter to Lee after the fountain scene the scene itself) 1.7.) Other: Lola doesn't deny Briony's wrongful accusations • main reason Robbie got wrongfully imprisoned • Briony trains as a nurse during WWII • sees horrible things (open skull, etc.) ↳3 starts to realize the horrible thing (s) she has done trying to redempt and seeking for atonement Starts writing the book "Atonement" • social class system! stereotypes like bad weather, tea, red telephone booths, queen, loving their country, flag, culture, etc. • no right definition • mainly binds and distinguishes the collective identity and unity of the British people • British identity has variations (f.e. British Muslim, British Asian) that are constantly changing along with traditions, culture and values. social class system: • Vascular Dementia : -rare opportunities to move upwards the social ladder • marriage amongst classes very uncommon • education can • Form of punishment: offer social mobility (f.e. Robbie) • tension when people from different classes meet → could lower family status. · 0 form of dementia leading to cognitive decline and memory loss • can affect a person's ability to perceive and recall events, impacting their capacity to provide an objective and reliable narrative • often leads to confusion, disorientation and gaps in memory →>> • making it challenging for Briony to present a consistent and unbiased account of the events she describes -> influences her perception of reality, leads to misunderstanding and false assumptions • the novel overall explores the theme of the fallibility of memory and the subjectivity of truth " Briony's deteriorating mental state exemplifies these themes. ↳ Disease or salvation for Briony?: • can be seen as both Form of salvation: escapes from unbearable guilt and remorse → blurring boundaries between reality and her own • fictionalized narratives form of self-protection, shielding from full weight of guilt, providing a disorted sense of relief provides a form of respite from the overwhelming guilt she experiences. a limiting her ability to seek redemption false accusations against Robbie wheigh heavily deteriorating mental state as a punishment. prevents her from finding redemption of seeking redemptions • disease serves as a physical manifestation of her burden. on her conscience throughout the story The novel leaves room interpretation, allowing readers to contemplate the complexities of Briony's situation and the impact. of her disease on her personal journey towards atonement. 3