


Atticus Finch — To Kill A Mockingbird — Characterisation







Atticus Finch
The following text characterises Atticus Finch, who is known as the father of Scout and Jem
Finch throughout the novel "To Kil
Atticus Finch
The following text characterises Atticus Finch, who is known as the father of Scout and Jem
Finch throughout the novel "To Kil

Atticus Finch The following text characterises Atticus Finch, who is known as the father of Scout and Jem Finch throughout the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", written by Harper Lee in 1960. He is the common connection linking all the characters in the novel in one way or another, as he is related, by blood or marriage, to every family in Maycomb (p.5). Beginning with his outward appearance, his character will be analysed here in depth. Atticus is the single parent of Scout and Jem (p. 6). His outward appearance is not described in great detail. He is a tall guy (p. 149) with "greying black hair and square-cut features (p. 168). His wife died when Scout was two years old. Since then, their family cook Calpurnia, and later in the novel his sister Alexandra help him with the parenting of his children. Furthermore, he is almost 50 years old (p. 98) and a really good lawyer in Maycomb (p. 238). Atticus is a loving father to his children. He is calm (p. 51) and honest (p. 6) with them. In addition to that, he raises them according to his own views. His own views are different compared to his sister, so their way of parenting is completely different. Alexandra is strict and follows...

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the more classic style of parenting. Atticus, in comparison, tries to explain situations to his children as if they were grown-ups (p. 97). This is a very special way of parenting. He wants his children to think for themselves and make their own opinions about situations like for example the case of Tom Robinson. On top of that, this has a positive influence on the characters of both of his children. Over the course of the novel, they adapt his characteristics having a positive influence on them in the process of growing up. Scout and Jem slowly begin changing their attitudes towards Atticus when he shots a mad dog very precise with a gun (p. 107). Atticus has strong principles, which lead to honourable and courageous behaviour. He as a lawyer tries to protect Tom Robinson in the case of raping Mayella Ewell. He believes in justice but does not accept how black people like Tom Robinson are treated in court. Although Atticus knows that he is going to lose the case he accepts it because he knows that Tom has not done anything. That shows that Atticus is honourable. He is committed to equal rights for everyone, treats black people with respect (p. 6) and forgives people like Mrs Dubose (p. 120-124) their bad actions. He only focuses on the good part of people and says that "you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view" (p. 33). That is the reason why a lot of people in Maycomb respect him for his "unpleasant job" (p. 237). Furthermore, Atticus appreciates Calpurnia's assistance at home. He treats her with courtesy and respect and knows that she is indispensable for his family (p.6). Maybe his positive experiences with black people like Calpurnia could be the reason for his polite and respectful behaviour. Throughout the novel, Atticus is the most constant character. His moral attitudes remain largely the same. This consistency is one reason making him a role model for his children (p. 301). In conclusion, Atticus Finch is a dutiful lawyer and an exemplary citizen as he is honourable, courageous and respectful. His character has no prejudice and fights against injustice in court. Furthermore, he is the ideal father for Scout and Jem helping them growing up to good adult characters like him.