









General Facts:
- population: 24 million
- independent since 1901
- Aboriginals: 2.5 %
- worlds largest crocodiles
- beautiful beaches (good

General Facts: - population: 24 million - independent since 1901 - Aboriginals: 2.5 % - worlds largest crocodiles - beautiful beaches (good for surfing) - Australians are open minded - traveling to other countries is not easy - has big bushfires Australians coat of arms: - from 1912 both animals can't walk backwards Location: - six states - surrounded by oceans - six climate zones Sights: Natural Sights Uluru - worlds largest monolith - huge rock - sacred by Aboriginies - oval shaped - located in the Australian Outback janx Urban Sights Sydney Opera house The great barrier reef - located on the coast of Queensland - one of the seven world wonders - made up of dead and alive corals - great tourist attraction - perfect for snorkelers and skin divers - is in danger = water pollution -UNESCO world heritage sight - by an danish architect in 1956 AUSTRALIA - took 16 years to built – Queen Elizabeth II opened it @jonx. Union Jack- - surrounded by dessert - can change it's color depending on the weather stands for the 6 states badges of the 6 Australian states golden wattle (national plant) Harbour bridge - heaviest and widest arch bridge in the world - built from 1923-1932 - main arch: 503m - complete length: 1.149m blue background: oceans History: 60,000-40,000 BC Aborigines came to Australia 1770 James Cook discovered Australia and claimed it by order of King George III of England 1788 First convicts arrived, their journey had taken them nearly eight months and many convict had died duo to terrible...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

conditions 1793 First free settlers came to Australia 1860 Robert Burke and William Wills led an expedition which crossed Australia from south to north 1870 First west to east crossing by John Forrest 1901 The colonies were united and they formed the commonwealth of Australia 1901-1939 Half aboriginal children were taken away from their families and brought to orphanages or white foster families 1945-2000 Almost 5.9 million immigrants settlers in Australia after world war II 1963 Aborigines got full civil rights just as Australien citizens Aboriginals: - scientists believe they came from Indonesia 30,000 years ago - developed a rich culture Aboriginal flag - most tribes were nomads - didn't have a written language -> tell their stories @janx