


Australian English Vocabulary Topics and Grammar Exercises







<h2 id="interestingfactsaboutaustralia">Interesting Facts about Australia</h2>
<p>Listen to Fiona giving a presentation about Australia. Th

<h2 id="interestingfactsaboutaustralia">Interesting Facts about Australia</h2>
<p>Listen to Fiona giving a presentation about Australia. Th

<h2 id="interestingfactsaboutaustralia">Interesting Facts about Australia</h2>
<p>Listen to Fiona giving a presentation about Australia. Th

<h2 id="interestingfactsaboutaustralia">Interesting Facts about Australia</h2>
<p>Listen to Fiona giving a presentation about Australia. Th

Interesting Facts about Australia

Listen to Fiona giving a presentation about Australia. Then complete the sentences using one to five words or numbers. You will hear the text twice.

Part 1

  1. Fiona is staying with Vera's family for six months.
  2. Melbourne was the capital of Australia between 1901 and 1927.
  3. In Melbourne, the climate is unpredictable. Once, it was even too hot for a barbecue.

Part 2

  1. Because there are so many, everybody happens to swallow three spiders.
  2. At some beaches, you should not go into the water because there are sharks.
  3. There are twenty million humans but far more sheep.

Complete Brian's blog with the words from the box. Use the correct form of the words. There are more words than you need.

Brian's Blog

Hi! Today I'm telling you about my year abroad. Last year in January I decided to take part in an Australian high school in Perth. The exchange program with an Australian family was terrible: 24 hours in a plane seat. When I finally arrived, I was really happy and met my host family - they're really friendly and stunning.

Last week I spent some days in the outback. We stayed on a farm, about 40 miles from the next house. I saw kangaroos, rabbits, and even camels there. Isn't that cool?

My host family doesn't live in the center of Perth but in a waterfront area. It is great fun here because we are having barbecue with steak and sausages almost every day.

However, after a few months I became really homesick and wanted to go back home and see my family but my friends told me: "no worries. You'll be OK." And they were right: I'm already feeling much better and I just love the easy-going way of life here!

A Trip to Australia Essay

Brian and Sam decided to spend a day in the Australian outback. Read the text and complete it with the correct verb form. Use the simple present, present progressive, simple past, or present perfect.

Brian is really excited. "Wow! This is such a stunning landscape here. I have never seen anything like this! Where have you been, Sam? Look at all the red sand!" Brian usually hates city life and he spent his last holiday in Melbourne. He has never traveled to the outback before, but now he is enjoying himself there. But what was that over there? Was that a snake? He usually hates snakes and the last time he saw one, he got really scared. However, today he is not afraid.

Argumentative Text

You choose a) or b).

a) Write an argumentative text for your school magazine. The topic: "Is traveling to Australia as a tourist a good idea if you only have one week?"

Traveling to Australia in just one week will cost someone thousands of euros because of the flight, the hotel, sightseeing tours, or some famous attractions. If you just have one week to see every place in Australia you're just a see the most famous places. The flight there would also be 24 hours and just for coming there. Otherwise, you could see the other half from the world and all special animals you can't find in your hometown. You can travel through all parts of Australia and can go diving with sharks or something if you want to. There is so much to do. Although traveling to Australia would cast a lot of money, you can see some beautiful parts of the world and come back whenever you want. So, I think it is good to travel just one week to Australia.

b) Write an argumentative text for your school magazine. The topic: "Is participating in a club (e.g. music, cooking, sports) a great hobby or just a waste of time?"

Before you start writing your text, collect arguments for and against being a club member. Write about 150-200 words and remember to use typical expressions to structure your text.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • Australian high school exchange program
  • Differences in climate between Melbourne and Perth
  • Experience in the Australian outback
  • Exciting wildlife encounters
  • Debate on traveling to Australia for a short trip
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the capital of Australia between 1901 and 1927?

A: Melbourne

Q: Where did Brian spend his last holiday?

A: Melbourne

Q: What animals did Brian see in the outback?

A: Kangaroos, rabbits, and camels

Q: Should people be afraid of traveling to Australia in just one week?

A: No, there are beautiful parts of the world to see in Australia

Q: Is participating in a club a great hobby or just a waste of time?

A: It's a great hobby with lots of benefits for personal development

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