


Big Mouth and Ugly Girl







Big mouth and ugly girl
Matt Donaghy:
top studend
likes to make people bugh
-enjoys writing
- is accused of bomb threat
Big mouth and ugly girl
Matt Donaghy:
top studend
likes to make people bugh
-enjoys writing
- is accused of bomb threat
Big mouth and ugly girl
Matt Donaghy:
top studend
likes to make people bugh
-enjoys writing
- is accused of bomb threat
Big mouth and ugly girl
Matt Donaghy:
top studend
likes to make people bugh
-enjoys writing
- is accused of bomb threat

Lemzettel Englisch Big mouth and ugly girl Matt Donaghy: top studend likes to make people bugh - -enjoys writing - is accused of bomb threatening the school / IQ somewhere around 135 (p.58) / Matt's dad: - always travding -worried that Matt's behaviors will ruin the family name tends years • doesn't take. Ursula's life -like his wife Ursula Riggs 16 old taller high school student -two moods : plays basketball t Ursula's dad CEO of a big company Matt's mom: - fragile (zerbrechlich) worrisome (besorgt f concerned about (Ruf). reputation at Matt's his an interest in school _dresses roughly (in men's clothes) Though doesn't care what others say about her Ursula to thinks about it a lot and throughout life - Inky black fiery rea Ursula's mom - favors the little sister obssesed with saf image B & Big mouth Fiery Red Mood Inky Black Mood - fighter / warrior sometimes walks out of - great for basketball (p.12) class yawning ~ no energy consentraitet -might quit a test in the middle ugly girl cares about winning / future fact -Matt talking in the cafeteria at - - blocks were of glass She don't cares her feets were concrete her eyes and broken little pieces hurt (p. 22) rumour avoid trying to this mood by drawing in her notebook + sports (jogging j - A boy the bomb 2.8.19 said he'd heard that had been found in closet near the lunchtime saying a he was custo dian's going to eym (p.24 line 24-25) that a blow up the school- heard (p. 27 line 5-7) - Wouldn't our game machine gun A have been called - they're all into it (skeet, RUSS tevacuated (p.24 and Matt) (p. 26 line 26) line 27-29) - bay had been arrested (p. 28 line 5) boy, Junior, had brought a handgun or a 22 rifle (p.28 line 1-3) Big questions: mouth & a) setting: - January afternoon,...

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a Tuesday at Rocky River High School Drama Club b) Matt's reputation : c) exact title ugly - in e) other time girl - their for being brainy and comic character symbolic meaning, MISTAKEN IDENTITY d) first ideas : - house had plane crash something perfectionist on of Matts play: William Wilson students reactions: f) Matt's relationship with chrush "A case of Mistaken Identity " cought fire happened. at home L> to mother, brother, father - Stacy Flynn most stacy, but only "just friends" 26.8.19 gone deathly silent. - everyone was staring 1 - of he has the big mouth & ugly girl You will soon meet the book's two teenage protagonists, Matt Donaghy and Ursula Riggs. When they are referring to themselves, they, of course, normally use "I" or one of their names as the subject of a sentence, but very often they also employ the nicknames that together form the title of this book. Matt calls himself "Big Mouth", Ursula calls herself "Ugly Girl". Note: This is only their self-assessment, not necessarily what others think of them. Task: Spend some time thinking about what type of person might refer to him-/herself in this way. What character traits might be typical of him/her? (c) Steen/Zwergel 2004 (Matt) BIG MOUTH ·cheeky (frech) cranky (launisch) much -toor confident -high-spirited/jaunty (übermütig -rude -provocative open mindet -rebellious Lo they don't seem to match Introduction depressed introverd protagonist main character to employ to use self-assessment the way so. sees him- /herself character trait personal qualities (Ursula) UGLY GIRL self-concious anxious - not confident she pulls her - by giving herself this name down muscular dark hair + all casual manly clothes