


BLF Englisch 2020







Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2019/20
Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch
Material für Schüler

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Kultus Schuljahr 2019/20 Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Englisch -ERSTTERMIN- Material für Schüler Allgemeine Arbeitshinweise Die besondere Leistungsfeststellung besteht aus den obligatorischen Teilen A, B und C, die innerhalb von 90 Minuten zu bearbeiten sind. Zeitliche Orientierung und organisatorischer Ablauf: Teil A: Teil B: Teil C: Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Text production Geltungsbereich: Schüler der Klassenstufe 10 an allgemeinbildenden Gymnasien Die Aufgaben der Teile A und B sind auf dem Arbeitsblatt zu lösen. Für die Aufgabe von Teil C wird eigenes Papier benötigt. Die Reihenfolge für die Bearbeitung der Aufgaben in den Teilen B und C ist freigestellt. Die einzelnen Aufgabenteile sind deutlich sichtbar zu kennzeichnen und voneinander zu trennen. ca. 20 Minuten ca. 20 Minuten ca. 50 Minuten Am Anfang jedes Aufgabenteils ist die erreichbare Anzahl von Bewertungseinheiten (BE) ge- nannt. Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: zweisprachiges Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch/Englisch-Deutsch - einsprachiges Wörterbuch Englisch Wörterbuch der deutschen Rechtschreibung zweisprachiges Wörterbuch für Schüler, deren Herkunftssprache nicht oder nicht ausschließlich Deutsch ist (Deutsch-Herkunftssprache/Herkunftssprache-Deutsch) Name, Vorname: Zugelassen sind jeweils nichtelektronische und elektronische Wörterbücher, sofern sie geschlossene Systeme ohne Möglichkeit der Speichererweiterung sind. Internetfähige Hilfsmittel sind ausgeschlossen. Erreichte BE-Anzahl: 39/40 Klasse: Note: Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Gymnasium, Klassenstufe 10, Englisch, Ersttermin 2019/20 - Material 1012 Seite 1 von 6 Name, Vorname: a) Complete the sentences with information from the text. The Prince's Trust was established in 1976. A Listening comprehension The Prince's Trust You will hear a radio feature about The Prince's Trust. You now have 3 minutes to read the following tasks. Then listen to the radio feature and do...

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the tasks according to the information from the text. You will hear the text twice. The Prince's Trust offers people free courses so that they can get a job. Employers in the "Getting a job" programme are willing to hire fresh talent b) Tick the correct box. Only one answer is correct. Bob Clewley is a retired ... * policeman. social worker. □ gardener. According to Bob the Trust's employees help people who have to cope with ... conflicts at work. X problems at school. □mental issues. When Lucy first came to the Trust she had... □ lost her job. a heart disease. Xlow self-esteem. Bob appreciates that Lucy... is actively involved in the process. has ambitious career plans. does not make decisions without him. According to Bob a good mentor should ... □ have a lot of experience. X listen well to their mentees. □concentrate on small problems. c) Answer the following questions. Complete sentences are not necessary. What is the best possible reward for mentors like Bob? See Someone growing What is Lucy's advice for people in need? to Come Klasse: 10/2 confidence Seite 2 von 6 to Prince's Trust 10 BE Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Gymnasium, Klassenstufe 10, Englisch, Ersttermin 2019/20 - Material B Reading comprehension Read the text about a BBC series and do the following tasks according to the information from the text. Text 10 BE Meet the children of BBC2's Generation Gifted [a] Anne-Marie is 13 and lives in Port Talbot with her mum, stepdad and four younger siblings. She is one of the top students in her school year and should be destined for a bright academic future. But her teachers are concerned that Anne-Marie - whose family is on benefits - is losing confidence, and that economic disadvantage might stop her fulfilling her 5 potential. [b] Her story, and those of five other 13-and-14-year-olds, feature in a TV series called Generation Gifted that will help reveal whether social mobility in Britain is a myth. It follows the teenagers' progress over three crucial years leading to their GCSE exams. Each of them has been identified by their school as gifted in at least one subject; each, for different 10 reasons, has a challenging life at home. [c] "Why is it that half of the children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds don't do so well at GCSE?" asks programme-maker Edmund Coulthard. "The answers are partly to do with confidence and partly aspiration. If your horizons are small and very few people around you have gone to university, it seems the best thing you can hope for is to get a job rather 15 than move into higher education." Coulthard's team looked at hundreds of schools in areas where the number of students going into higher education is below average. "We spoke to dozens of headteachers; they were very keen to talk about the unequal playing field in children's lives," he says. [d] Having identified potential contributors, the makers of the TV series then brought in a 20 child psychologist to assess their suitability for television. "Children that age are very shy," says Coulthard, "but they had to be able to express themselves." Were they worried the cameras might add to the pressure already felt by the children? "Of course," admits the filmmaker, "13 is a tender age, and when you're having a film' made about you, there are moments that can be tou You deal with that in the most responsible way you can 25 so that you're not intruding." [e] The first two programmes will be updated next year and the year after, though Coulthard accepts that there's no guarantee the children will want to take part. "You can't safeguard against dropouts." [f] Coulthard believes that money and class are assuming greater significance in the lives 30 and prospects of those about to enter adulthood. "It's even more shocking when seen through the eyes of a child. If you come from a family where going to university is an expectation, or you don't live in a disadvantaged part of Britain, you'll have no idea about children who don't have those opportunities." Adapted from: Meet the children of BBC2's Generation Gifted. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2018-02-14/generation-gifted-bbc2-children/ [downloaded 30 October 2019] Seite 4 von 6 Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Gymnasium, Klassenstufe 10, Englisch, Ersttermin 2019/20 - Material Name, Vorname a) Match each ot nime a) Match each of the paragraphs a- f with one of the headings 17. You may use each number only once. There is one more heading than you need. An explanation for bad results 2) The show will go on 3) Fit for the cameras? 4) The wrong choice 5) Worries about a smart girl 6) Social background divides 7) Six teenagers monitored paragraph a b с d e f b) Tick the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The TV series presents ... □a competition between 13- and 14-year-old students. □a game show with smart British teenagers. talented teenagers from difficult social backgrounds. Headteachers at British schools were ... unable to talk about their students. blamed for the inequality at British schools. willing to discuss social factors in their students' lives. heading 5 7 1 3 2 6 Mr Coulthard states that wealthy people... are not aware of the problems children from poor families have.. should help children from poor families to succeed in life. do not care about children from poor families. c) Choose the sentence that best summarizes the main idea of the text. Tick the correct box. Some children fail because nobody understands how talented they really are. Young people's social background may make it difficult for them to develop their full potential. TV shows can help people solve the problems of children from poor families. Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Gymnasium, Klassenstufe 10, Englisch, Ersttermin 2019/20 - Material Seite 5 von 6 C Text production Choose one of the following topics a) or b). a) Your partner school in Canada is running a regular blog on the topic of Volunteering. Contribute to the blog, illustrating the role volunteering plays among young Germans and outlining the personal benefits that could be gained from volunteer work. Write your blog entry (about 250 words). 1 OR . voluntary work quite popular among in Germany FSJ young people 5. gain valuable 20 BE work experience + employers like to see it on your application Social competences contribute smith to community (by helping ugain 3 b) You see this announcement on an English website. 2 Articles wanted! The most useful skill I have learned so far - at school and beyond. What is the most useful skill you have learned so far? Who did you learn it from? Where did you learn it? Why is it useful? We will publish the best articles on our website. Write your article for the website (about 250 words). where people are needed) time between school & university C get through Search for identity and what the really want to do in their life Inhaltliche Reichhaltigkeit und Textstruktur Sprachgebrauch Ausdrucksvermögen und Textfluss Erreichbare BE-Anzahl a2 10 BE 05 BE 05 BE 20 BE A Seite 6 von 6 Besondere Leistungsfeststellung Gymnasium, Klassenstufe 10, Englisch, Ersttermin 2019/20 - Material bet englisch a) tille? Hey guys. I am Martha from your partner school in Germany and in today's blog post I will write about volunteer work in Germany and the advantages of volunteering. At first I want to point out that rolunteer work in Germany is quite popular among young people. Many teen ages volunteer for their sports club by coaching younger kids. Besides is popular volunteer ram prog there called FSJ. a 'FSJ' means 'free voluntary year' and it is a program which connects youths to organizations looking for volunteers. It is often used to get through the time between. higschool-graduation and university. want to find out what do in their career by Moreover, young people they really want to the participating There are work. Besides valuable year you which work in very in makes lot career program. social competences. During voluntary work lot with other people. you -open-minded and able to team. a of advantages of volunteer orientation, it gives youths acquire more 1 1012 04.03.2020 29 122 7 163 espr IL 4 Additionally, you gain show you example: if teacher it a is useful if kids before. Beside that, employers always like to see volunteer work on your application so it 212 gives you other applicants. Last that Lif really that but you you 2 a 258 life of not least it has to be mentioned. contribute a lot to the community volunteer work. Although this is personal benefit it is not nice to know Something good and improve the do others. you do valuable work experience. Let me you want to become voluntamy with you worked ✓ To conclude, I can say that volunteering not the also only helps community but gives the volunteer personal benefits. That is why it should. be seriously considered by youths looking for do in their free-time. 295 Something to advantage over I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post, feel free to leave your opinion in the commentary section! 314 Martha C.:. 9/10 16: 5/5 کری F IL