


Comment on school uniforms 👔







Comment on school uniforms
In the United Kingdom school uniforms have turned out to be a must-have in schoo
Comment on school uniforms
In the United Kingdom school uniforms have turned out to be a must-have in schoo
Comment on school uniforms
In the United Kingdom school uniforms have turned out to be a must-have in schoo

Comment on school uniforms ARE SCHOOL UNIFORMS GOOD OR BAD? In the United Kingdom school uniforms have turned out to be a must-have in schools. However in Germany students could not even imagine being obligated to wear a uniform. But do school uniforms actually help the students and do they contribute to an atmosphere which encourages them to focus and study harder or do they take away ones freedom? This topic is of prime importance, since the youth sees clothes and materialistic things as an important part of being cool and up to date. In my opinion, school uniforms are a blessing and should be an important part of a students' day to day life. It does not only lead to a better atmosphere in school and in class, but also helps the students to achieve their goals without having to worry if their clothes will be seen as cool by other classmates. It is obvious that a big part of bullying between teenagers arise from their clothing. Simple clothing or non-brand shoes can be seen as an ideal criterion to make a student down. Therefore, school uniforms are the only way to fix that problem. For instance, if everybody wears the same clothing the prior mentioned problem would not be the case and students...

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would judge one another by their actions and character rather than shoes or jackets. Along with that, the income gap would to be felt less by poorer students and money would increasingly lose more value as peer pressure and competition amongst the pupils would cease to exist. The strongest argument against a school uniform would be that students would not be able to express themselves through their clothing and develop freely. I think that above all, we should take care that no student feels less in value and excluded. Our highest priority should be that pupils do not see school as a force or a burden, but rather as a healthy place to increase their knowledge and educate themselves. That is why they would have to sacrifice their creativity for a higher purpose. Children could alternatively express themselves at home or in their free time through their clothing. Consequently, students would not be bullied for their clothing at school, and they can still develop their creativity in their free time or at home. Without a doubt, a school uniform would also strengthen the cohesion and unity between students of a school. Due to the fact that we would give them another reason to feel united and to find another aspect that makes them similar, the relationships between students that are maybe not even the same age would change drastically. Older students defending their juniors and standing up for them in conflicts on the way to school or back home should not be an unusual occurrence. Another reason to implement school uniforms is that strangers could be identified quicker and easier. Especially in Germany, school are not enclosed and easy to enter from outside. That is why a school uniform would also protect students from outsiders on school property. It is safe to say that teachers would easily identify a stranger who would stand out with his different clothing so that they can ensure safety for the children. Therefore, in my opinion school uniforms lead to pupils feeling safer in school and poor children not having to suffer because of the latest trends and the competitive mindsets amongst classmates as they would judge one another based on their character traits and actions. In conclusion, I would be in favour of an introduction of school uniforms for students in Germany due to the prior mentioned reasoning.