


Blog Comment







Hi Neil,
blog comment
I just read about your Bonfire of the brands project and want to tell you my
personal thoughts a
Hi Neil,
blog comment
I just read about your Bonfire of the brands project and want to tell you my
personal thoughts a

Username: Date: Time: Hi Neil, blog comment I just read about your Bonfire of the brands project and want to tell you my personal thoughts about it. I see that you have been addicted to brands, but I cannot really understand why you plan to burn all your branded stuff. I get that you want to start a new brand- free life and you may think that burning your possessions will be the first step to accomplish your goal but I think there a better ways to deal with your old stuff. For example, you could donate it to charity organizations because they really need those things to make live better for poor people. In that case even your self-esteem would rise because you know you did something good. Nevertheless, I support you with your decision to get rid of your branded things because I also think that brands have a too high priority in society. They shouldn't have the power to make people feel better or worse and no one should be judged because of them. I am really disappointed that people often make snap judgements just because of the clothes others are wearing even if they don't know the person. Unfortunately, I think brands will even get more important in the future. They have a massive impact on the...

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first impression of someone and often decide if someone is interested in you or not. I hope that there will be more people like you in the future which get others to think about their opinions on brands and that they get less important. Therefore, keep up the good work!