


Blog entry: travel to Nigeria: exciting or more dangerous for travellers?







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Travel to Nigeria: exiting or more dangerous for travellers?
You want to travel to Nigeria but you are not sure if it i
Block entry
Travel to Nigeria: exiting or more dangerous for travellers?
You want to travel to Nigeria but you are not sure if it i

Block entry 16.02.21 Travel to Nigeria: exiting or more dangerous for travellers? You want to travel to Nigeria but you are not sure if it is a good idea? Here are a few things you have to pay attention to when you travel to Nigeria. If you rely on what you see or hear in the media about Nigeria, chances you would miss out on an opportunity to experience what the "Giant of Africa" is really like. Nigeria is a beautiful country in West African, it is known as a land of opportunities, potential and diversity. Additionally, the creative economy with artists is expressed in "Nollywood". Nevertheless, Nigeria is still dangerous to tourists especially in the north of the country. Terrible people are kidnapping schoolgirls and they refuse their schooling. In addition they terrorise entire areas of land. Further aspects are that the poverty is widespread and when it rains the main roads can turn into rivers. But with a thriving nightlife, an abundance of natural landmarks, local and international restaurants, and a boisterous and globally renowned entertainment scene, there is never a boring moment in Nigeria. Nigeria and its country's various landscapes can make you escape from everyday life but that's not all Nigeria has a booming music scene. The list of artists who continue...

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to boost the country's global image with their Afrobeat, Highlife and Afropop tunes is endless. And there is so many more you can see and visit in Nigeria. To sum up everything that's been stated so far you can say that if you should travel to Nigeria you will not regret it. However, everyone has to take care of themselves and best to stay away from the north but if you decide to travel there, you will collect many great experiences. Block entry 16.02.21 Travel to Nigeria: exiting or more dangerous for travellers? You want to travel to Nigeria but you are not sure if it is a good idea? Here are a few things you have to pay attention to when you travel to Nigeria. If you rely on what you see or hear in the media about Nigeria, chances you would miss out on an opportunity to experience what the "Giant of Africa" is really like. Nigeria is a beautiful country in West African, it is known as a land of opportunities, potential and diversity. Additionally, the creative economy with artists is expressed in "Nollywood". Nevertheless, Nigeria is still dangerous to tourists especially in the north of the country. Terrible people are kidnapping schoolgirls and they refuse their schooling. In addition they terrorise entire areas of land. Further aspects are that the poverty is widespread and when it rains the main roads can turn into rivers. But with a thriving nightlife, an abundance of natural landmarks, local and international restaurants, and a boisterous and globally renowned entertainment scene, there is never a boring moment in Nigeria. Nigeria and its country's various landscapes can make you escape from everyday life but that's not all Nigeria has a booming music scene. The list of artists who continue to boost the country's global image with their Afrobeat, Highlife and Afropop tunes is endless. And there is so many more you can see and visit in Nigeria. To sum up everything that's been stated so far you can say that if you should travel to Nigeria you will not regret it. However, everyone has to take care of themselves and best to stay away from the north but if you decide to travel there, you will collect many great experiences.