


Book review “Big mouth & Ugly girl”







Book review
Dear readers,
in the following text I'm going to give a
review on the book "Big mouth & úgly
girl". First I'm
to sum
Book review
Dear readers,
in the following text I'm going to give a
review on the book "Big mouth & úgly
girl". First I'm
to sum

good! Book review Dear readers, in the following text I'm going to give a review on the book "Big mouth & úgly girl". First I'm going to sum up the plot and afterwards I'm going to review it and comment on the novel. The novel is about the two protagonists Ursula Riggs aka Ugly girl and Matt Douaghy aka Big mouth. Matt has been accused of threating to blow up his school the Rocky River High School, while Ursula is content with minding her own business and she doesn't even really know Matt Donaghy. At the beginning of the novel the two protagonists don't know each other, but during the plot, they get to know each other better and better and become friends. The novel deals with themes like bullying. social life, isolation, suicide and so on.... x problems at home, friendship. love x used two narrative techniques the The author Joyce Carol Oates (wrote. the novel in two perspective. On vone. hand it's written in Ursula's perspective, the first-person-narrative and on the other hand it's written in Matt's per- spective in the first-person-narrative · really like the transition between these two perspectives, you can read what they think and what's happening. Y. to in their minds. It really catches the reader's attention and it was amusing to read it. It was really interesting see Matt and Ursula, two different per. sonalities, confronting with the school bombing rumour and how they deal. with it. about Because of the dealing...

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with topics, for example, like bullying or social isolation, I would really recommend it to other students in my age. The thing I liked most on this novel was, that two totally different people.. who don't know each other become friends and helped) each other in really difficult situations.