


Boris Johnson Speech Brexit







→ According to Boris Johnson, what will change for the better
in the British Citizen's live? Mention & changes!
•Boris Johnson's speech is a
→ According to Boris Johnson, what will change for the better
in the British Citizen's live? Mention & changes!
•Boris Johnson's speech is a

→ According to Boris Johnson, what will change for the better in the British Citizen's live? Mention & changes! •Boris Johnson's speech is about the Brexit, what was happened, what will happen and how the citizens and especially the UK will benefit from it. By leaving the European Union many advantages will arise for the people. These advantages will dwelop in technological, economic and social fields. First, Johnson talks about how people and their families can have the same opportunities as other people regardless of where they grew up ll. 24-25). He wants to give the citizens equality and that they feel accepted and created fairly. In line 27 he suggests that the british government wants to fight harder against defeating crime through police improvements for example.. Also the education and technology should and will always improve and clevelop. The reorganization of the NHS is also. advancing medicine and health aid in the uk (l. 27). Some lines later he mentions the climate change. By fighting against the climate change, one day the british citizens will have a normally air-conditioned summer and winter and reducing natural disasters (l.3.2). He also talks about women and human rights. The government wants to adapt for is/1.33) The big revival of the infrastructure will transform many parts of the lik into a metropolis and especially make it...

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look beautiful Cl. 28). Finally the Prime Minister would like to adopt the rules. and laws for the benefit of the people. That means creating an orderly and functioning system among each other/1. 15) Analyse Bork's folinson's speech was delivered on the 31th of january 2020. He establishs contact with his excience by using the worel "we" at the beginning of his speech. He develops a feeling to work with eachother together and not against. The purpose of the speech is the Bretch on this day. Great Britain is leaving the EU and is therefore an independent country, which is facing many advances and developments. At first Boris Johnson makes use of a metophor. He wants to draw a lively picture of the new Great Britain. By representing of the new world of the citizens with the dawn and a curtain, he I wants the citizens to see the new lk. The dawn is supposed to symbolize the ext from the El and the curtain symbolizes the new perspective of the citizens on the junctioning staterell. 9/101. Some lines Cater the employs an enumeration fee. 13/14) Johnson lists up five things that should be changed. For example the tighter controls on the border by immigrants. He wants the citizens to feel safe and make the country less intrusive. He also wants. to make it easier and better for ships and the fishing industry by doing free trade deals (ll. 13114). In line 45 he uses a metaphor again. He describes the problems they had as bumps on a road but these problems can be eliminated and improved. The citizens should imagine the improvements and solutions better. Boris Jolinson wants to fix the lik as well as the infrastructure. By fiting the infrastructure this is a beginning of a new peaceful atmosphere (l. (15).