


Brexit - Europe and Britain







Definition/ basic Information
blend of British and Exit
• withdrawal agreement transitional period (since 2016-2020)
> conducted by Theresa
Definition/ basic Information
blend of British and Exit
• withdrawal agreement transitional period (since 2016-2020)
> conducted by Theresa

Definition/ basic Information blend of British and Exit • withdrawal agreement transitional period (since 2016-2020) > conducted by Theresa May and Boris Johnson describes the UK's Exit from the EU on January 31st 2020/ January 1st 2021 > England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland . 51,9 % voted to leave the EU Key terms/ system explained • the EU = a political and economic Union > allows free-trade without additional costs or inspections at borders > free traveling - inhabitants can decide their living and working place • points to arrange about > free-trade agreement = Freihandelsabkommen > criminal prosecution = Strafverfolgung > security/ safety = Sicherheit > data interchange = Datenaustausch > aviation standards = Luftfahrtstandards Brexit - Britain and Europe > purveyance of electricity and gas = Lieferung von... > licensing and regulation of medicine > access to fishery-waterbodies - Fischereigewässer Short timeline overview 23.June 2016 Brexit referendum voted to leave (51,9%) January/March 2019 rejection of the withdrawal agreement in several parliamentary votes in the UK 17.October. 2019 revised draft agreement EU/UK 29.March 2017 withdrawal notification form UK's government June 2017 early general election in the UK and formation of a minority government 30.March.2019 originally Expiry of two-year periods to negotiate the withdrawal agreement 12.December 2019 early general election in UK and formation of a majority government UK chooses Brexit EU referendum results by region 48,1% 51.9% Turnout 72.2% England 53.4% May.2019 European parliamentary elections Remain 1.February.2020 UK is no longer an European member state, commencement the transitional period 55.8% 52.5% 52.6%* Leave 53.7% 23.March.2018 publication of guidelines for future relationship EU/UK by European Concil 62.0% 59.3% 58.0% 51.8% 57.7% 58.8% until...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

31.December.2020 access to the single market, participation in customs union, no voting right in EU constitutions 56.5% 59.9% 13.November 2018 draft withdrawal agreement between EU/UK 23/24.July.2019 Boris Johnson takes over the leadership of the Conservative party, becomes Prime Minister 31.December.2020 deadline for negotiation, end of transitional period Possible discussion topics/ problems/ questions Pro Brexit negotiate trade agreements on their own > not being bound by the EU rules. follow the example of Norway • become economically more successful Internat investors will see London as a safe and Independent haven too much immigration and even terrorism, because of free movement smaller companies would hardly be affected, because they do not trade with the EU • cultivate their traditional special relationship • get its sovereignty back • EU rules hurt British interests Possible Cartoon/ Statistics PARDON ME SIR, MAY I SUGGEST YOU TO TAKE A PARACHUTE WITH YOU? Con Brexit • free Trade among EU members > no trade barriers possible questions > How will the EU and UK resolve trade disputes in the future? > What were the main problems at the end? > What do the British expect from the exit? 000 > EU is a main trading partner financial advantages would lose their influence and suffer economically and political suffer on financial markets and reputation of London • free movement (working and living) many British might not have easy access to health services anymore • workers could lose their jobs (farmers, interns companies) > What does this mean for the Police and the justice? > What happens to the Republic of Ireland and North Ireland? > What happens to citizens of the UK currently living in the EU? > What happens to the international industries, fishing and farmers? THANKS, THE FLAG WILL DO ! US prefer the UK to remain a strong member of the EU (economically, politically and military) would lose influence, be an outsider • we have a globalized world, isolationism is not possible, solving world problems together (no influence then) subject to international treaties and laws