


Brexit: Argumentation







The possible pros and cons of the Brexit from the British perspective
Membership fees ¹
Leavers argue that leaving the EU would result
The possible pros and cons of the Brexit from the British perspective
Membership fees ¹
Leavers argue that leaving the EU would result
The possible pros and cons of the Brexit from the British perspective
Membership fees ¹
Leavers argue that leaving the EU would result

The possible pros and cons of the Brexit from the British perspective Pros Membership fees ¹ Leavers argue that leaving the EU would result in saving the UK's contribution of £ 8.5 bn per year. Sovereignty Leavers say that EU membership weakens the British Parliament since laws are made in Brussels and not in London. Cons Trade Brexit voters propose that Britain should leave the common market but install its own trade agreements with other countries (e. g. like Canada with the EU). Investment Leavers argue that free from EU regulation Remainers say that investments will go down, Britain will be a much more attractive place for since foreign companies are keen on gaining the finance industry. access to the European market. The British market is too small to attract investments from big companies. Security/immigration Pro Brexiteers say that staying in the EU will leave the door open to uncontrolled immigration. Remainers put forward the argument that being a member of the EU would bring investments to the country, which outweigh² the contribution to the EU budget. More than 50% of Britain's export goes to EU countries. If Britain leaves the single market³, it loses its influence on the EU's trade regulations. Remainers argue that although some laws and regulation are now passed in the EU, British government can still strongly influence European law-making. Remainers say that national security is better guaranteed within the EU, since the intelligence agencies and police work...

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together and exchange data on terrorists and other possible threats. Personal opinion: Brexit After years of negotiations, discussions and a very narrow majority in the referendum, Great Britain finally left the EU recently, on January 1, 2021. Reactions about this event differ and the countries opinion is divided, as it was to be expected after the result of the election, in which just 52% voted for Brexit. The question arises whether it was the right decision for Great Britain to leave the European Union. There are several different fields and factors that the British are discussing. The most common argument is the high membership fee that the UK has to pay each year. With a total of 8.5 billion pounds, Great Britain is one of the countries that pays the highest amount. On the one hand, an exit from the EU, this large sum could be saved but on the other hand, being a member of the EU brings investments into the country that outweigh the high contribution to the EU budget or are definitely worthwhile Moreover, many Britons believe that Britain should leave the common market and instead conclude its own trade agreements, such as Canada with the EU. Others argue that more than half of Great Britains exports go to the EU and that if Great Britain leaves the common market, it will lose its influence on EU trade rules. Another frequently discussed topic is the assumption that without EU regulations Great Britain is making itself a much more attractive place for the financial industry. Against this, however, is the fact that investments will certainly fall because foreign companies are more interested in gaining access to the European market. The British market is simply too small to attract investment from large companies. Sovereignity is an aspect that is very important to the British. Proponents of Brexit say that EU membership weakens the British Parliament, as laws are no longer passed in their own country (in London) but in Brussels. However, this argument is not particularly meaningful, because precisely because the UK is so influential and important meaningful to the EU, it was able to influence the legislation significantly. Finally, one of the most important topics, the security and immigration in Great Britain. Due to the many terrorist attacks in particular, there was a certain fear of uncontrolled immigration should Great Britain remain part of the EU. But even more important to mention is national security, which is better guaranteed within the EU as intelligence services and police work together and exchange data on terrorists / possible threats. Taken everything into consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it would have been better for Britain if they had stayed in the EU. In my opinion the arguments against the Brexit are way stronger, especially those regarding trade, common market and national security.