


Brave New World







Braye New World - general aspects
state's motto: . Community, identity and stability"
every aspect of s
Braye New World - general aspects
state's motto: . Community, identity and stability"
every aspect of s
Braye New World - general aspects
state's motto: . Community, identity and stability"
every aspect of s
Braye New World - general aspects
state's motto: . Community, identity and stability"
every aspect of s

ENGLISCH: KLAUSURAm 07 Mai 2024 .07. Braye New World - general aspects state's motto: . Community, identity and stability" every aspect of society follows the motto everyone belongs to everyone utopia & dystopia: → utopia: suffering. can be erodicated through the society society in the Brave New World is stable and perfected '. → dystopia anti utopia جا stability: Brave New World characters are blinded to the reality because of drug 'Soma? → control no free will and individuality; propaganda (no freedom of speech); genetic engeneering causes misuse of science to cause history & religion & history: forbidden; not taught no self-teaching; no going back; better economics → religion: forbidden, "Ford" is god. (Fordism) to cause, no deviding; progress as a goal media → media: disrespectingi no privacy; seperate people into castes; distract; manipulate => stability control is created; community. just created in castes social structure: caste system misuse of science: → hypnopedia sleep teaching; state's ideas are imprinted on people's mind during sleep →no critism or free thinking. → conditioning people grow up with an instinctive hate (due to. Freud's stimulus -. response principle) → consumption; no rebellion; no free thinking (hate books, nature) genetic engeneering predestination (cloning Bokanovsky process) → predetermine persons function & life ; loss of individuality → Soma take break from society; calm people down from rebellion; manipulation people's age is manipulated by infusing young...

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blood => creating and guaranteeing stability Themen der Klausur Brave New World Summary Analysis Comment Mediation division of labour; superiors & inferiors; no intimidate contact outside of own caste ↳ control of development; multi- sexual affairs to satisfy sexual drives, no family. life (due to genetic engeneering) => guarateeing, stability. soma makes people feel good and happy. soma. holidays takes people to another. "world" => no bad emotions. happiness is really important & don't think about problems Religion is abolished because it's. just for people with problems. => Fordism: massproduction Sexual. affaires are not emotional relationships => avoid establishment of families & having fun without love ENGLISCH KLAUSUR am 072 H 202Ả Mai Brave, New World- different castes. Alphas: grey uniform +; ; ++ Betas: mulberry uniform Gammas: → Deltas: Epsilons: attractive; individual, high class superiors, interlectual; leaders important; less than alphas adequate intelligence; less thinking; smart + ·; TTTTT green uniform politej stupid; cloned; serve alphas & betas semi-skilled workers; experts at repetive tasks j .+ khaki uniform Chapter 2: → Brave New World conditioned to hate things; serve alphas & betas mass produced; no individuality; menial jobs + Brave New World Chapter information Chapter 1 Fertilization: scientists fertilize eggs → babies are not born naturally ·1·→ ; black uniforms serve alphas & betas can't read and write; semi-morons ; mass -produced i undesirable jobs + Themen der Klausur Brave New World. Summary Analysis Comment Mediation two test tubes containing ova & gamets → fertilized egg-production of embrios. *Bokanovsky's Process: process of human cloning - →loss of individuality. fertilized human eggs in vitro → split into identical genetic copies (max. 96) only Gammas, Deltas & Epsilons ↳x-rays, dosing with alcohol.... Social Predestination conditioning. →with special treatment, hate things. ball undergo process before birth; caste system is created ↳embrios are pre-destined for social life in society =>stability.; efficient society; identity, community is created age of an eight months old child & delta - class is being conditioned ·lower castes transport things intro countryside → conditioned to it. → Neo-Pavlovian. conditioning conditioning babies to fit into their life roles with electric shocks (baoks, nature... are hated) stability is created no family, love and religion in BUW →.hypnopedia society's suggestions are repeated until it becomes own suggestions. ↳while sleeping ENGLISCH KLAUSURm 02 M 2021 07, Mai Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: planes are used for transportation long distance weapons television for entertainment Chapter 8: Chapter 9. Brave New World Mustapha Mond explains ideology of society; history revolves human fratalities & emotions cause loss of happiness Henry' Foster & Bernard Marx having conversation about Lenina Lenina & Fanny talking about Marx as an intimate partner to distract from Foster Bernard Marx is an aloner; physical misbuild; morally different Chapter 6: director tells. Marx about his experience with Reservation and wants to ban him because of his behaviour Chapter 7: Lenina is used to the clean world state. Bernard Marx thinks women aren't pure objects of pleaser, not only about. body & sexual attraction → characteristics are important. (Lenina thinks. opposite) Helmholtz & Marx are friends because both feel like outsiders & individuals Chapter 10: → Themen der Klausur Brave New World Summary Analysis Comment Mediation travelling to Reservation (Lenina & Bernard). Reservation: no escape; families; age; religion, no conditioning; children are born Bernard takes Soma & makes love with Lenina because of it' → Bernard: aloner; isolated; social anxiety; individual; privacy → Leņina: no individuality; likes social crowds → Lenina is embossed by state's suggestions (throug hypnopedia) In Reservation: breast-feeding mothers; old people → Meeting John and Linda → Linda is woman of director & John is son Pope and Lind met up a few times John can read & work the clay & likes shakespeare Bernard wants to bring John and Linda to London In soma holiday Lenina does not dream anything John touches her in her sleep. Bernard asks director for permission Bernard Marx is banned to Iceland because of his non-stable behaviour. Bernard presents John and Linda Linda tells director John is his son. director runs away ENGLISCH: KLAUSUR am 02 Mali 2012Ả 07. Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Linda: Soma addict; embaressed to be a mother; conditioned, can't function like a normal human Chapter 13: Chapter 14: Chapter 15: Chapter 16: Chapter 17: Chapter 18: Brave New World John refuses Soma; born like a human; wants to be loved; handsome; refuses to have sex with Lenina; likes her Lenina doesn't know what he feels for John; takes Soma Bernard arranges large party so people can see John, which doesn't came ↳Bernard is embarrassed Helmholtz and Marx are still friends Helmholtz found voice of his own John & Helmholtz meet→ Bernard is jealous takes Soma Themen der Klausur Brave New World Summary Analysis Comment Mediation Lenina only wants. John ; Fanny tells her not to get obsessed John declares love to Lenina → scaves her John & Lenina had a fight because she removed her clothes Linda dies while children are looking (death. conditioning). Linda Says phrase from hypnopedia & chokes help comes too late for Linda John tries to get children off of taking Soma John & Helmholtz get into a fight → police comes and get them t Bernard Shakespear is prohabited because his plays are beautiful. no new plays because everyone is happy workers are happy with their jobs. art is sacrificed & science is forbidden (happiness) Bernard behaves like a madman when is told he is banned to Iceland Mond read shakespear & explains to John why it's forbidden. Helmholtz is also banned controller got collection of religious books > nobody has to be noble in BUW → discussion John & Mond Soma is Christianity without tears. genetic engeneering got rid of mosquitoes unhappy when self-minded John whippes himself. John turned violent reporters film & write about it John collapsed → next morning remembers everything with horror.