


Brave New World







by Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1932
•Setting: Set in "Central London
L34 storeys
in 632 A.F. (after Foral)
•structure of the society: 5 castes
by Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1932
•Setting: Set in "Central London
L34 storeys
in 632 A.F. (after Foral)
•structure of the society: 5 castes

by Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1932 •Setting: Set in "Central London L34 storeys in 632 A.F. (after Foral) •structure of the society: 5 castes Brave New World ·motto: "Community, identity, stability" • atmosphere: cold, artificial, dead, sterile, scientific, not colourful, grey reproduction: artificial way of reproduction, babies grow in hatcheries • people / students: - write everything down they hear →→ believe what's said, get convinced social life / behavios: -do their work -people do their jobs, do not stop proud of it -want to develop (example: Mr. Foster) ・relationships: no real love, no deeper relationships, just sex •ways of controlling people: conditioning (achieving stability! sleep-teaching or hypnopaedia Hatchery and Conditioning Centre" ↳difference in intelligence and outward appearance no possibility to change the caste-> embryos are manipulated people produced to fulfill certain tasks / jobs in the society is can be easily controlled this way Social criticism government: Mustapha Mond ->one of the ten controllers • Betas > totalitarian State • religion / belief: they worship Ford -Gammas (green) • Deltas (khaki) the society • Alphas represent the intellectually superior group, (grey) who run the factory; the highest social class and are further subdivided into Plus, Minus or Double-Plus (Henry Ford → seen as the inventor of mass production) have adequate intelligence living similarly to Alphas but their positions require less thinking are semi-skilled workers; low-risk professionals or experts at repetitive tasks are mass-produced (literally-genetically created twins) who lack individuality and tend to menial jobs • Epsilons are mass-produced; can't...

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read or write; (black) work undesireable jobs like sewage-labor. and foundry-workers; are referred to as 'semi-marons 5 caste system Alphas Betas Gammas Deltas Epsilons Dystopian Elements and Characteristics • Stories are often about survival •primary themes: oppression and rebellion • important role: the environment • takes place in large cities devastated by pollution there is a back story of war, revolutions, overpopulation, other disasters features from reality and discusses them, not society in general •takes place in the future, but are about today or yesterday strict division of the citizens by intellect, ability and class •no social group except the State or such social groups are under government control independent religions don't exist, but there is a personality cult • institution of family has been eradicated->children reproduced artificially or to spy on parents powerlessness of the individuals, brutal government run by a totalitarian dictatorship or massive bureaucratic institutions •Societies are being monitored, betrayed or manipulated • hero always questions society although he / she is usually in a high-standing within the social system; sees what is wrong and tries to change the system •technology to manipulate: sleep teaching, electro shock therapy •the goal: 1) escape 2) destruction of the society's principals is but he/she fails in his intentions to change anything, sometimes they themselves end up changed to conform to the society's rule Compared to BNW the state's means to make the people happy and avoiding them to question the systear ->conditioning - sleep teaching /hypnopaedia -> soma (drug ->different free-time activities -> sexual recreation →Satisfaction of basic human desires/needs -> consumerism -> work = feeling worthy and useful skeeping them busy → the caste system = feeling good in your position in the society • role of sex →no real relationship between Sex and love or any deep emotion →->free-thought and fear of death do not exist isexual and reproductive habits : children play erotic. -games ->as adults sex is kind of entertainment conditioning centre > Promiscuity is celebrated in different ways ->in the 'Feelies' and cerenamies they use sex to make people happy -> World State controls everything whether women are sterilized or not is women who are not have to use "contraceptives" to not get pregnant -> they exclude people who get pregnant the natural way example: John was born in the reservation, he get a book of Shakespeare's complete works as a young boy and thinks that he has to work for a woman to get her love and have sex with her (f.e. with Lenina: he falls in love, but do not want sex, while lening is under influence of soma, which leads her to convince John to have sex with her) in the hatchery and