









The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared
The Brexit-Handout
General information:
- Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU
- A political project which is being prepared

The Brexit-Handout General information: - Brexit="British Exit" idea of the UK leaving the EU - A political project which is being prepared since 2016 Relation between UK/EU a) General relation - UK is part of the EU since 1973 - Economical and political partnership b) Why does UK want to leave? - Main reasons: economy, immigration, identity, sovereignty Reasons against the Brexit - The Northern Ireland Conflict might revive - By giving money into EU-Budget, the UK received money back (as subsidy) for agriculture and other industries →Due to Brexit those subsidies will be lost - Lose privileges they had through EU (freedom of movement/...) Consequences for EU - EU has to organise itself new - Important trade with UK will be harder - EU has to compensate loss of UK with more effective cooperation on EU-level 04.02.2020 - Different regulations in international trade lead to competitive disadvantages Chronology: - June 2016: Brexit-Referendum, proposed by David Cameron (prime minister) → "leave" won by 52%, with a turnout of 72%→Exit from EU is decided - July 2016: Theresa May is the new prime minister →March 2019: date for actual Brexit - June 2017: Negotiations about the Brexit begin in Brussels →part of the most complex talks in history of diplomacy -January-March 2017: May has to accept 3 defeats, asks for more time fort the Brexit →Time until October - June 2019: May resigns as...

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prime minister →Boris Johnson becomes new prime minister - October 2019: Again more time for the Brexit (until January) - January 2020: Brexit is sure to happen, not clear if with/without Deal The Brexit 04.02.2020 Content What is the Brexit in general? a) general information Relation between UK/ EU a) general relation b)Why does UK want to leave? c) Reasons against the Brexit d) Consequences for the EU Chronology a) What happened until now? Current situation/ possibilities a) Brexit deals- possible options b) People's perspective c) Current situation (actual events) Current situation/ possibilities Possibilities: - Brexit-Deal: -agreement/ contract about terms of departure, political declaration about the trade and relation... -No-deal Brexit: -Brexit without any compromises/ agreements/... Current situation: - On Friday, 31st January 2020, at 0.00 o'clock (CET*), the UK left the EU David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson →main politicians in Brexit - Brexit deal was approved 3 days earlier - One last emotional assembly of the EU-parliament, with saying goodbye, tears of joy and of sorrow before Brexit - Until end of 2020, UK and EU have to organise themselves new Sources: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887 (01.01.2020) People's perspectives: First referendum: - Mainly older British voted for leaving the EU → Historical tradition https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/brexit-zusammenfassung-die-chronologie-des-brexits-der-eu-austritts-grossbritanniens zusammengefasst/24097616.html?ticket-ST-38878862-OSdrEbr1rxfsoMIkTtm0-ap6 (01.01.2020) https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/27/european-union-uk-important-brexit.html (04.01.2020) Current situation: - Main wishes: Remain in EU or Brexit with deal - "No Brexit is better than bad Brexit" https://www.wiwo.de/politik/europa/eu-austritt-grossbritanniens-eine-chronik-der-brexit-ereignisse/24155158.html (01.01.2020) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/world/europe/what-is-brexit.html (05.01.2020) https://www.bustle.com/articles/168688-why-does-britain-want-to-leave-the-eu-understanding-the-brexit-beef (05.01.2020) https://www.thebalance.com/brexit-consequences-4062999 (06.01.2020) https://time.com/5563689/britain-europe-relationship-history/ (06.01.2020) 04.02.2020 We still EU https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-basics-explainer/brexit-basics-what-is-brexit-and-why-does-it-matter-idUSKBN1WX1WI (06.01.2020) https://www.theweek.co.uk/100284/brexit-timeline-key-dates-in-the-uk-s-break-up-with-the-eu (06.01.2020) 2 What is the „Brexit"? Brexit "British Exit" → idea of the UK leaving the EU ● ● a political project which is being prepared since 2016 ● Question of leaving current, since their membership in the EU Götten Trans Relation between UK and EU a) General relation ● • ● UK has been part of the EU since 1973 (after three applications to the membership) Has been an important part of the EU in trade, politics and etc. Important contributor to the EU-budget Economical and political partnership Relation between UK and EU b) Why does the UK want to leave? . Main issues: Economy, immigration, identity, sovereignty ● Immigration: anyone can work/ live in UK⇒ “immigrants take British jobs" Identity: don't see themselves as European citizens, want their identity back Sovereignty: don't want to be restricted, by laws/ regulations of the EU →Sovereignty of the parliament to be more independent from EU ● Economy: UK invests money in other EU-countries⇒“Why should we pay that?" ● EU identity Brexit economy to be restricted=eingeschränkt sein 2Sovereignty-Souveränität Relation between UK and EU c) Reasons against the Brexit ● The Northern Ireland Conflict might revive because of the Brexit ● By giving money into EU-Budget, the UK received money back (as subsidy) for agriculture and other industries →Due to Brexit those subsidies will be lost → Danger of economical impact₁ • lose privileges they had through EU (freedom of movement/...) ● impact=Auswirkungen Relation between UK and EU c) Consequences for the EU ● ● ● ● UK was important partner for EU EU has to organise itself new important trade with UK will be harder EU has to compensate loss of UK with more effective cooperation on EU- level Different regulations in international trade⇒ lead to competitive disadvantages easier discussions/ processes ● Chronology June 2016: Voting of the Brexit-Referendum, proposed by David Cameron (Prime Minister) → "leave" won by 52%, with a turnout₁ of 72%⇒Exit from EU is decided June 2016 (one day after referendum): D. Cameron announces his resign, of prime minister July 2016: Theresa May is the new prime minister March 2017: She submits, an official letter, which initiates the Brexit →March 2019: date for actual Brexit ₁turnout=Wahlbeteiligung 2to resign-zurücktreten 3to submit einreichen 4to initiate-einleiten EU ? EQ D Lux ↓ ● ● ● Chronology April 2017: May announces re-election of the "House of Commons“₁ →her party ("Conservatives") loses the absolute majority 2 June 2017: Neg tiations about the Brexit begin in Brussels →part of the most complex talks in history of diplomacy November 2018: the EU states accept the exit agreement, unsure if they also accept May's deal "No-Deal-Brexit" possible January-March 2019: British Parliament votes about the exit- agreement →May has to accept three great defeats, applies for more time House of Commons-britisches Unterhaus im Parlament 2majority=Mehrheit negotiations-Verhandlungen EU DEAL Nope K.O. 4Ⓒ? + Chronology April 2019: to prevent a chaotic Brexit without agreement May receives again more time to organise a deal for the Brexit (until October) · ● ● ● June 2019: May resigns as prime minister July 2019: Boris Johnson becomes the new prime minister, parliament is partly replaced August 2019: Johnson sends parliament into vacation October 2019: Again more time for the Brexit (until January 20) +Ⓒ December 2019: no results for the discussion about the Brexit- Deal 2 6 January 2020: Brexit is sure to happen, not clear if with/ without Deal BYE Current situation/ possibilities. 2 possibilities: 1.Brexit with a deal 2. No-Deal-Brexit Brexit-Deal: - agreement/ contract about terms of departure, political declaration about the trade and relation,... - way to manage an organised and well planned Brexit No-Deal-Brexit: - Brexit without any compromises/ agreements/... declaration=Erklärung SK Esope People's perspective First referendum: Mainly older British voted for leaving the EU →Historical tradition Differences in voting between age, nationality, social classes, region they come from,... →People's opinions strongly divided Current perspective (before Brexit): Main wishes: Remain in EU or Brexit with deal "No Brexit is better than bad Brexit" ● Vote Leave ON 23 JUNE Vote Leave England, Scotland & Wales Wales Overall result Leave 52.5% Remain 47.5% Scotland Overall result Leave 38% Remain 62% England Overall result Leave 53.4% Remain 46.6% Current situation On Friday, 31st January 2020, at 0.00 o'clock (CET*), the UK left the EU Brexit deal was approved 3 days earlier One last emotional assembly of the EU-parliament, with saying goodbye, tears of joy and of sorrow before Brexit Until end of 2020, UK and EU have to organise themselves new British people divided more than ever over the topic ● ● ● ● Always United Reuters We still EU *Central European Time Thank you for listening Sources https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-32810887 (01.01.2020) https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/brexit-zusammenfassung-die-chronologie-des-brexits-der-eu-austritts-grossbritanniens- https://www.wiwo.de/politik/europa/eu-austritt-grossbritanniens-eine-chronik-der-brexit-ereignisse/24155158.html (01.01.2020) https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/27/european-union-uk-important-brexit.html (04.01.2020) https://www.bustle.com/articles/168688-why-does-britain-want-to-leave-the-eu-understanding-the-brexit-beef (05.01.2020) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/world/europe/what-is-brexit.html (05.01.2020) https://www.thebalance.com/brexit-consequences-4062999 (06.01.2020) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-basics-explainer/brexit-basics-what-is-brexit-and-why-does-it-matter-idUSKBN1WX1WI (06.01.2020) https://time.com/5563689/britain-europe-relationship-history/ (06.01.2020) https://www.theweek.co.uk/100284/brexit-timeline-key-dates-in-the-uk-s-break-up-with-the-eu (06.01.2020) https://www.ig.com/uk/financial-events/brexit/pros-and-cons-of-brexit (12.01.2020) https://orange.handelsblatt.com/artikel/46503 (12.01.2020) https://www.euronews.com/2019/11/01/brexit-draft-deal-first-of-many-hurdles-to-a-smooth-exit (12.01.2020) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-50043549 (26.01.2020) https://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu referendum/results (31.01.2020) https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-so-feierte-london-den-austritt-aus-der-eu-a-cc0412d0-a4c8-4c8c-8958-cbed46d26566 (01.02.2020) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-48880939 (01.02.2020) Image/GIF/ Reference sources • https://www.flickr.com/photos/ladymolly/43035949840/in/photostream/ https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/04/a8/3304a81117768b97f1278e659848283b.jpg https://www.irishtimes.com/polopoly_fs/1.2698065!/image/image.png_gen/derivatives/landscape 300/image.png https://img.posterlounge.de/img/products/560000/556244/556244_poster_1.jpg https://www.welt.de/img/politik/ausland/mobile 120591411/9352506677-ci1021-w1024/Prime-Minister-David-Cameron-Delivers-His- Keynote-Speech-At-The-Conservative-Par.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBWSntQMSBbMRbLDSbpqo2tmUXxheqOWX9098HCx6fvQyhhJeG&s https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/Boris Johnson official portrait %28cropped%29.jpg/330px- Boris Johnson official portrait %28cropped%29.jpg https://www.tagesspiegel.de/images/tagesspiegel/23860456/2-format43.jpg https://tenor.com/search/brexit-gifs https://tenor.com/search/boris-johnson-gifs https://tenor.com/view/baby-yoda-drink-sip-blink-the-mandalorian-gif-15693643 https://media.voltron.voanews.com/Drupal/01live-166/styles/892x501/s3/reuters-pictures/2020/01/RTS3016T.jpg?itok=znfZdYIR https://youtu.be/SYsNhE gJfg?t=1499