


Brexit: pro and cons







→ UK left the EU after an public vote (23.06.2016) by nearly 52% to 48%
on the Remain side
→ Brexit didn't happen straight
31 January

BREXIT → UK left the EU after an public vote (23.06.2016) by nearly 52% to 48% on the Remain side → Brexit didn't happen straight 31 January 2020 →→date of the Brexit PRO COAL - taking back control" →> EU threatens British economy largely relies on trade British Sovereignty with the EU - Britian poorer place EU-> too bureaucratic + complicates - Economic disruptions may lead to higher - political decision-making - EU overregulate nearly everything. L> irksome, unnecessary rule-making seek an even closer political and fiscal union stand - introduce the euro as a common currency - EU allows too much immigration financial contribution of the UK is too high - - - unemployment leads to insecurity and instability ↳> turn prevents companies from investing weakness the EU → EU guarantees peace + stability EU free movement rules also benefit British travellers + students financial contribution to EU isn't as high as claimed by the Leave side -

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