


British monarchy







The Role of the Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy parlamentary democracy
Oldest form of government in the UK
British Sovereign important role

The Role of the Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy parlamentary democracy Oldest form of government in the UK British Sovereign important role for the nation The Parliament The Sovereign "Head of state" "Head of government" House of Commons House of Lords British Monarchy Ability to make and pass legislation resides Focus for national identity, unity and pride Gives a sense of stability and continuity Recognises success and excellence Supports ideal of voluntary service King or Queen (Queen Elizabeth 11) Has a lot of responsibilities Does not make political decisions anymore → represents the UK Appoints the Prime Minister Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) Member of House of Commons Leader of majority political party 630 elected members First-past-the-post voting (voters put one cross next to their favor candidate on the ballot paper; winner-takes-all and represents the own constituency) Predominant over the Hous of Lords Legislative power → create laws Represent the interests & concerns of the UK public 813 seats for high-ranking members of the church, life peers or hereditary peers Several judical funktions Unit supreme court assumed all tasks Approve laws from House of Commons Advantages Tourism Britains merchandise Historical places Economic benefit Royals as idol Ending old fashioned sexsism Gives stability and experience to state Disadvantages Progress and modernization is necessary Monarchy without any power, why still alive? Ascend the throne through hereditary principe Does not pay taxes Pressure on royal family Represent state → no important role

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