


Gender Roles: Then and Now, Different Cultures & Media


Gender Roles: Then and Now, Different Cultures & Media
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Paulina Strom



140 Follower


Gender roles and societal expectations shape our understanding of masculinity and femininity, influencing behavior and opportunities. Gender roles in society have evolved, yet challenges persist in achieving true equality. Media representation plays a crucial role in perpetuating or challenging these norms.

  • Gender roles then and now have shifted, with women gaining more rights and opportunities
  • Toxic masculinity remains a concern, pressuring men to conform to traditional ideals
  • Advertising often reinforces gender stereotypes, impacting body image and self-perception
  • Progress is being made in diverse representation, but stereotypes persist in media



Gender Issues and Changing Roles

This page explores the concept of gender as a social construct and examines how traditional gender roles have evolved over time. It highlights the differences between male and female stereotypes and discusses the progress made in gender equality.

Gender as a Social Construct

Gender is not solely determined by biological sex but is largely shaped by societal norms and values. People often try to conform to gender expectations that have been ingrained since childhood.

Definition: Gender is a social construct upheld by society's values and norms, rather than being solely determined by biological sex.

Traditional Gender Roles

The page outlines traditional ideals for male and female roles:


  • Breadwinner and financial provider
  • Powerful and ambitious
  • Protector of family
  • Emotionally restrained


  • Homemaker and caregiver
  • Responsible for family happiness
  • Physically attractive and well-dressed
  • Emotional and in need of protection

Highlight: These traditional gender roles still exist in many people's minds, influencing behavior and expectations.

Changes in Gender Roles

The text discusses how gender roles have changed, particularly for women:

  • Legal equality and voting rights
  • Increased presence in traditionally male-dominated fields
  • More stay-at-home fathers

However, it also notes that progress is not uniform:

  • Persistent wage gap
  • Continued expectations for women to handle most childcare and household duties
  • Underrepresentation in top positions in politics and management

Example: While women have made significant strides in entering previously male-dominated workforces, they still face challenges such as the gender pay gap and underrepresentation in leadership roles.

Cultural Variations

The page acknowledges that gender roles in different cultures vary:

  • Non-western societies may have more restrictive roles for women
  • Conservative and religious households often maintain traditional gender roles

Quote: "Women's rights movements have already improved living situations and gender roles of women significantly, but they are still seen as beneficial and desirable within non-western communities, conservatives, religious households."

Gender issues
- gender isn't only determined by the sex you were born with -> gender is a social construct being held up by society
and its

Toxic Masculinity and Media Representation

This page delves into the concept of toxic masculinity, its impact on both men and women, and examines how gender is portrayed in media and advertising.

Toxic Masculinity

The text explains how societal expectations can be harmful to men:

  • Pressure to conform to traditional masculine ideals
  • Criticism for showing emotions or not being "manly" enough
  • Often enforced by male peers

Definition: Toxic masculinity refers to harmful social pressures on men to endorse traditional masculine traits, often at the expense of their emotional well-being.

Impact on Women

Women also face challenges due to societal ideals:

  • Pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards
  • Self-hatred and negative body image
  • High personal expectations

Highlight: Both men and women suffer from societal ideals that don't accommodate diversity in appearance or behavior.

Positive Developments

The text notes some progress in challenging harmful stereotypes:

  • Increased campaigns celebrating diverse body types
  • Growing awareness of the harm caused by unrealistic standards

Gender in Advertising

The page explores how gender in advertising perpetuates stereotypes:

  • Depicts "commercial realism" that reinforces gender roles
  • Influences body image and self-perception
  • Maintains social constructions of gender

Vocabulary: "Commercial realism" refers to the way advertisements present a stylized version of reality that seems normal but actually reinforces social norms.

Representation of Men in Advertising

Male representation often includes:

  • Upright posture and serious expressions
  • Adventurous and physically active portrayals
  • Focus on facial and hand shots

Representation of Women in Advertising

Female representation typically involves:

  • Submissive postures and confused expressions
  • Sexualized and vulnerable portrayals
  • Full-body shots that objectify

Example: In advertising, men are often shown with facial close-ups emphasizing strength, while women are frequently depicted in full-body shots that objectify their appearance.

Body Image in Advertising

The text highlights how advertising impacts body image:

  • Sets unrealistic expectations for physical appearance
  • Rarely represents diverse body types, especially for men
  • Uses idealized models that don't reflect reality

Quote: "Advertising is a tool to maintain certain social constructions (gender)."

Gender issues
- gender isn't only determined by the sex you were born with -> gender is a social construct being held up by society
and its


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Gender Roles: Then and Now, Different Cultures & Media
user profile picture

Paulina Strom



140 Follower


Gender Roles: Then and Now, Different Cultures & Media

Gender roles and societal expectations shape our understanding of masculinity and femininity, influencing behavior and opportunities. Gender roles in society have evolved, yet challenges persist in achieving true equality. Media representation plays a crucial role in perpetuating or challenging these norms.

  • Gender roles then and now have shifted, with women gaining more rights and opportunities
  • Toxic masculinity remains a concern, pressuring men to conform to traditional ideals
  • Advertising often reinforces gender stereotypes, impacting body image and self-perception
  • Progress is being made in diverse representation, but stereotypes persist in media



Gender Issues and Changing Roles

This page explores the concept of gender as a social construct and examines how traditional gender roles have evolved over time. It highlights the differences between male and female stereotypes and discusses the progress made in gender equality.

Gender as a Social Construct

Gender is not solely determined by biological sex but is largely shaped by societal norms and values. People often try to conform to gender expectations that have been ingrained since childhood.

Definition: Gender is a social construct upheld by society's values and norms, rather than being solely determined by biological sex.

Traditional Gender Roles

The page outlines traditional ideals for male and female roles:


  • Breadwinner and financial provider
  • Powerful and ambitious
  • Protector of family
  • Emotionally restrained


  • Homemaker and caregiver
  • Responsible for family happiness
  • Physically attractive and well-dressed
  • Emotional and in need of protection

Highlight: These traditional gender roles still exist in many people's minds, influencing behavior and expectations.

Changes in Gender Roles

The text discusses how gender roles have changed, particularly for women:

  • Legal equality and voting rights
  • Increased presence in traditionally male-dominated fields
  • More stay-at-home fathers

However, it also notes that progress is not uniform:

  • Persistent wage gap
  • Continued expectations for women to handle most childcare and household duties
  • Underrepresentation in top positions in politics and management

Example: While women have made significant strides in entering previously male-dominated workforces, they still face challenges such as the gender pay gap and underrepresentation in leadership roles.

Cultural Variations

The page acknowledges that gender roles in different cultures vary:

  • Non-western societies may have more restrictive roles for women
  • Conservative and religious households often maintain traditional gender roles

Quote: "Women's rights movements have already improved living situations and gender roles of women significantly, but they are still seen as beneficial and desirable within non-western communities, conservatives, religious households."

Gender issues
- gender isn't only determined by the sex you were born with -> gender is a social construct being held up by society
and its

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Toxic Masculinity and Media Representation

This page delves into the concept of toxic masculinity, its impact on both men and women, and examines how gender is portrayed in media and advertising.

Toxic Masculinity

The text explains how societal expectations can be harmful to men:

  • Pressure to conform to traditional masculine ideals
  • Criticism for showing emotions or not being "manly" enough
  • Often enforced by male peers

Definition: Toxic masculinity refers to harmful social pressures on men to endorse traditional masculine traits, often at the expense of their emotional well-being.

Impact on Women

Women also face challenges due to societal ideals:

  • Pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards
  • Self-hatred and negative body image
  • High personal expectations

Highlight: Both men and women suffer from societal ideals that don't accommodate diversity in appearance or behavior.

Positive Developments

The text notes some progress in challenging harmful stereotypes:

  • Increased campaigns celebrating diverse body types
  • Growing awareness of the harm caused by unrealistic standards

Gender in Advertising

The page explores how gender in advertising perpetuates stereotypes:

  • Depicts "commercial realism" that reinforces gender roles
  • Influences body image and self-perception
  • Maintains social constructions of gender

Vocabulary: "Commercial realism" refers to the way advertisements present a stylized version of reality that seems normal but actually reinforces social norms.

Representation of Men in Advertising

Male representation often includes:

  • Upright posture and serious expressions
  • Adventurous and physically active portrayals
  • Focus on facial and hand shots

Representation of Women in Advertising

Female representation typically involves:

  • Submissive postures and confused expressions
  • Sexualized and vulnerable portrayals
  • Full-body shots that objectify

Example: In advertising, men are often shown with facial close-ups emphasizing strength, while women are frequently depicted in full-body shots that objectify their appearance.

Body Image in Advertising

The text highlights how advertising impacts body image:

  • Sets unrealistic expectations for physical appearance
  • Rarely represents diverse body types, especially for men
  • Uses idealized models that don't reflect reality

Quote: "Advertising is a tool to maintain certain social constructions (gender)."

Gender issues
- gender isn't only determined by the sex you were born with -> gender is a social construct being held up by society
and its

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