


British monarchy







Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
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Klausur 01/4
K Englisch
Sara S.
Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy
Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen
fiche Leistung

Klausur 01/4 K Englisch Sara S. Erwartungshortzont Great Britain/Monarchy Klausurtell A (80%): Schreiben mit Leseverstehen fiche Leistung Tellaufgabe 1 (Comprehension) The student- 1 presents the text: author Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian online, 18 April 2021, tople: the funeral of Prince Philip and the future of the monarchy, -coverage of Prince Phillp's funeral shows the Queen alone, Isolated -the bond between Queen and people has been strengthened by the feeling of sympathy towards her -the death of Prince Philip allows people to see a new era about to begin: a time when the younger generation of the royal family takes over -things that will not change: ceremony and drama Tellaufgabe 2 (Analysis) -things that will cause problems: Prince Charles is not as popular as his mother, he is not as neutral as she is -author concludes that the Queen and her husband did a perfect job, but now she is alone SUMME Tellaufgabe 1 The student deals with... 1 line of argument: II. 1-7: description of Queen during coverage, emphasizing her loneliness and invisibility; II. 8-13: author explains how the Queen won the sympathy of her people during the ceremony; II. 14- 19: funeral highlights the future: one generation is soon completely gone, a new generation will take over; II. 20-28: things that will not change: the royal family's ability to present a perfect show, the royal family's ability...

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to provide drama/entertainment; II. 29-34: things that might cause problems: Prince Charles as heir to the throne; II. 35-39: conclusion of the author 2 use of language (examples): I. 1: barely see her, but glimpse the future: paradox/metaphor, even though the queen is nearly Invisible, her appearance allows an impression of the future; I. 4: broke hearts, metaphor; emphasizing the sad occasion; 1. 5/1.7: bond, repetition; I. 11: simile, Queen suffers from Corona regulations like everybody else, emphasizing equality of people and monarch; II. 15 ff: platinum jubilee, 95 years old, contrast, occasions to celebrate but also reminders of a life drawing to its end; 1. 21: bowing to no one: metaphorical language/ humour, to stress the idea of great performances by the royal family; 1. 27: soap opera plot, metaphor, life of the royal family as a soap opera to entertain the subjects; use of strong adjectives for emphasis: sternest republican, extraordinary bond, fastidious neutrality 3 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium SUMME Tellaufgabe 2 04.5.2021 Punkta 4 4 70 12 Punkte 10 10 10 (4) 116 20 Tellaufgabe 3a (Comment) The student 1 Introduces the topic 2 presents their ideas about the future of the monarchy, positive or negative 3 comes to a conclusion 4 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kriterium SUMME Tellaufgabe 3 Tellaufgabe 3b (Re-creation of text) The student 1 writes an email considering the situation, the content and the addresee 2 expresses his feelings of sympathy and admiration for the Queen in the present very sad and difficult situation; expresses his criticism about the tone of the article, the remarks about presenting a show (which in his opinion is a tradition kept alive for hundreds of years) and the idea of the life of the royal family being a soap opera (which is outraglous); expresses his criticism about the derogatory remarks about Prince Charles and the Princes William and Harry (who are doing their best in the difficult situation). 3 erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabengezogenes Kriterium SUMME Tellaufgabe 3 SUMME Klausurtell A-Schrelben mit Leseverstehen: INHALT 2. Sprachliche Leistung/Darstellungsleistung Kommunikative Textgestaltung (24 P.) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 1 richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus (AUFGABENBEZUG). 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate (TEXTFORMATE) 3 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text (TEXTAUFBAU). 4 gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige gestalt Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten (ÖKONOMIE). 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten (BELEGTECHNIK). Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkelt sprachlicher Mittel [24 P.) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert EIGENSTÄNDIG. 5 Punkle 5 5 Punkta max. Punkt- relchte zahl Punkte 6 43 48 max. Punkt- zahl 16 5 5 4 5 2 er- reichte Punkte 5 5 Sara S. 7 verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten ALLGEMEINEN UND THEMATISCHEN WORTSCHATZ. 8 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten FUNKTIONS- UND INTERPRETATIONSWORTSCHATZ. 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen SATZBAU. Sprachrichtigkeit [24 P.] Anforderungen:Die Schülerin / Der Schüler beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation. 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) SUMME Klausurtell A-Schreiben mit Leseverstehen: SPRACHE Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurtell A-Schreiben mit Leseverstehen Klausurteil B (20%) : Hör-/Hörsehverstehen (isollert) Anforderungen: Die Schülerin / Der Schüler a b C d e students who had been to England answers 3 and 5 two surveys: people who went to Germany changed their attitude Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurteil B-Hör-/Hörsehverstehen weist durch die Bearbeitung der Teilaufgaben ihr / sein Hörverständnis nach. age 14-16; students in Britain: 1300; students in Germany: 1200 1-all answers correct; 2- answers 1-3; 3-answers 1,3,4,6; 4- answers 1,2,3,5,6; 5-answers 1, 4; 6-answers 3,4; 7-answer 2; 8- answer 3 GESAMTPUNKTZAHL KLAUSUR GESAMTNOTE Note gut gut- 31.5.2021 sehr gut + sehr gut sehr gut- gut+ Punkte 15 14 13 12 11 10 Note Punkte befriedigend+ 98-104 befriedigend erreichte Punktzahl 143-150 135-142 128-134 120-127 ausreichend + 113-119 ausreichend 105-112 befriedigend- 90-97 83-89 75-82 68-74 58-67 ausreichend- In (sehr ful) erreichte Punktzahl 9 8 7 6 5 4 Note 6 mangelhaft+ mangelhaft mangelhaft- ungenügend 5 00 8 max. Punkt- zahl 10 10 4 120 22 10 8 3 72 165 1 2 2 30 | | | max. er- reichte Punkt- zahl Punkte 3 6 Punkte 3 2 5 7 1 0 er- reichte Punkte 108 30 150 138 14 Punkte 22 1 2 erreichte Punktzahl 49-57 40-48 30-39 0-29 LK Englisch/Q1 Klausur 3 The Queen alone: how Prince Philip's death will change the monarchy by Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian online, Sun 18 Apr 2021 You could barely see her, but you could glimpse the future. The Queen was hardly visible in the live coverage of her late husband's funeral on Saturday. But when the camera did catch her, it made for a poignant sight: the widow alone, an image that broke hearts around the world but one that will resonate in the UK especially. Even 5 the sternest republican has long admitted that an extraordinary bond exists between Elizabeth and the people who have been her subjects for nearly seven decades. Now, if anything, that bond will be strengthened. Part of it will be natural human sympathy for a woman deprived of the man she had known for 81 years, who had been her "strength and stay" for 73 years. Traditionally, alteration, 10 a monarch is meant to inspire awe and deference in those she reigns over. Now Drama is not serious 30 there will be tenderness too. Like every other Briton who has suffered a loss this last simile (comparison year, the mourners had to sit apart and cover their faces. They could not sing. The widow had to sit alone, denied the consolation of touch. And so the ties that bind Elizabeth to her subjects become stronger: next year she 15 will mark her platinum jubilee, a milestone that has never been reached before. But in a few days, she will be 95 years old. Which means that Saturday's hour of mourning in Windsor, like the eight days that preceded it, offered a glimpse not only of the era that is ending, but of the one that is, inevitably, on its way - the one in which the royal family will be without its oldest generation, 2 20 Some things will not change. The royal family proved again at the funeral that it bows to no one when it comes to the staging of ceremony. The monarchy probably has a fraction of the budget Netflix can splash on The Crown's recreation of royal humorou! events, but it still knows how to put on a perfect show. Similarly, the British monarchy will not lose its knack for compelling storylines. The 25 drama of William and Harry walking behind the coffin of their grandfather, apparently needing to be separated by a cousin - only then to be seen chatting after the funeral - is an archetypal soap opera plot, brothers at odds if not at war, that could run for decades. There need be no worries on that score. 13 exaggeration There are more serious concerns. Those with a closeup view testified that Prince Charles appeared to be broken-up by the death of his father, but he has stubbornly refused to arouse deep affection in the hearts of the public. Not least because the Prince of Wales has been unable to emulate the quality that is the foundation of his mother's standing: her silence on nearly every question of controversy, a fastidious neutrality that has made her acceptable to almost everyone. subjects -Unterton 04.05.2021 1 emulate -nachelfern 35 The Queen herself hardly needs to be told that no law of nature says a monarchy must exist for ever. She knows that royal stability and continuity are far from automatic, but take persistence, perseverance and deft personnel. She and her late husband fitted the bill perfectly. But from that couple, from that generation, there is now just her, alone. anaphora 4 Fundstelle: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/apr/18/the-queen-alone-how-prince- philip-death-will-change-the-future-of-the-monarchy Annotations: poignant - ergreifend; resonate - nachhallen; awe - Ehrfurcht; deference-Achtung; to bow to no one niemandem nachstehen in etwas; The Crown - Netflix series on the Queen's life; knack - Fertigkeit, Gabe; archetypal - urbildlich, prototypisch; stubbornly stur; fastidious- penibel; persistence - Hartnäckigkeit; perseverance - Ausdauer; deft-geschickt Tasks: 1.) Point out the journalist's views on the future of the monarchy. comprehension (12 points) 2.) Analyze how the journalist presents his views. Focus on the line of argument and the use of language. analysis (20 points) 3.) According to Freedland, an era is ending. Comment on how the British monarchy will or should change with a new generation of the Windsors taking over. evaluation - comment (16 points) or Write a letter to the editor from the point of view of a fervent British monarchist in which you comment on Freedland's article. evaluation-re-creation of text (16 points) Saras. Englisch Lt 4th English Exam l The article "The Queen alone: how Prince Philip's death will change. the monarchy" was written by Jonathan Freedland and published on Sunday, 18 April 2021 on the website of "The Guardian" The text deals with the death of Prince Philip and which consequences this loss will have in the future. The article can be clivided into. four parts.. In the first part, from line I to 13 the author explains how sad it was to the audience to see the Queen alone at her husband's. funeral. The Queen has a really good bond to the Britains. According to the author, this bond will be stronger after the Prince's death. Freed land also underlines that the Queen had to sit and mourn alone, without A Britons 04/05/21 f any consolation from others. From line 14 to 19, the author. emphasizes that due to the death and the Queen getting ending the royal family does not have older, an era is. the oldest generation anymore. 2. Analysis: With the article, Jonathan Freedland criticizes the ceremony. of Prince Philip's funeral, but also. and soon sympathizes with the older.. generation. He does this by using various stylistic devices. In the third part, from line 20 to 28, Fredland underlines how Staged the funeral of the monarchy the Queen. The expression "poignant was and that the drama happening at this ceremony will be a good story line. He suspects that the arguments between William and Harry also underlined in the metaphor will go on for a long time. sight" (1.3) shows how sad it was. to see the Queen sitting alone at her husband's funeral. This is fr "an image that broke hearts around the world "(11. 3. f.). It does. not only underline the loss of the Queen, but also how liked and is admired around the world? Freedland backs up this point he made that there is an "extraordinary. bond" (1.5) the Queen has to the British people. Even "the sternest republican" (1.5) would admit that. The author as well mentions the of the Queen many times. age The mention of the words " nearly seven decades"(1.6)," for 81 years" (1.9) the In the first part of his text, t author Shows his sympathy Br In the last part, from line 29 to 39, the author explains that Prince Charles did not want to arouse affection by the public for his father's death because in the past he has not been silent as his. muliner. In the end Freedland shows that from on, the has to face the hard work of the monarchy alone. Queen R "95 years old "(1.16) and "for 73 years "(1.g.) emphasize through how much the Queen had to go and that it is admirable how long. She endured. The fact that she is deprived of the man she had known for 81 years "(11-86.) underlines the great loss and Suffering she has to face all alone. The love and affection to her husband is being underlined in the alliteration ""Strenght and stay" for 73. years "(1.9). The Simile "Like every other Briton C..." (1.11) is as well an allusion to the Corona crisis. He Criticizes that "the mourners had to sit apart "(1.12) and that "They could not sing"C1.12). The autor also refers to the Queen as "The widow"C11.12 f.) to once again, underline her lass. 4 In the next part, the author Shows that due to Prince Philip's death, there is an era that is ending. He uses the metaphor or personification of an era "that is, inevitabily, an its way "(1.18). It shows that the Sara s. old generation is about to end. First, because of Prince Philip's death and as well because the Queen "will be 95 years old" (116) Freedland underlines the upcoming of this new era and its huges changes by mentioning that the era of the royal family will be "Without its oldest generation " (1.19). In line 20, with the phrase "Some things will not change C1. 20), the author Shows an antithesis to the fact that a new era is "on its way" (1.19). It shows that even there are though huge changes within the royal family, there are many negative aspects the author wants to criticize. In the third part, the author mates use. of a humorous tone to underline the behaviour of the royal family. He mentions that the family "bows to no one when it comes to the staging of a ceremony " (1. 21). This emphasizes.. that even a funeral, which should be a serious event to remember the life of Prince Philip, is staged by the Royals. The author also refers to "The Crown C1.22> 2 R geries Inhalt they are able to put on a good show mad cheaper than Netflix which is a show that recreates seen ridiculous. ✓ royal events. He mentions that the In the next part, the author does "a fraction of the also try to make fun of Prince family gains Charles. He explains that even though Prince Charies was "broten up. Netflix budget" (122) in an ironical tune. Freedland wants to criticize the amount the Royals gain, not only through the show, but also due to by the death of his father "C1.305, every other perfect shew1.23) he stubbornly "(1.30) did not they put on. In this part, he enticizes hon fake and Staged the ropa Family it. He also comparester the "drama "C1.25 want to seem weak. The author makes it seen like Charles wanted. to be as the Queen, by being silent on nearly every question of to "an archetypal soap opera plot" controversy, (...)" (1.335. But he (1.27). This shows that he does not take the disputes and arguments serious, especially. those between William and Harry was. was not successful with that because " with a closeup view "(1.29) the others could see how broken he (1.25). He is trying to criticize the The author also underlines that his sympathy for the Queen by saying that "her silence "(1.33) and "fastidious neutrality" (11.336.) is the reason why everybody likes and accepts her.. The fact that he does not see the within "drama" in the royal family as serious and that it seems to him like one of the family's storylines, is also made clear in the last part of the text. He says that "There are More serious concerns" (1.29) with which he makes the "drama" and the "archetypal soap opera plot" (1.27) indirectly says that the Queen has From line 35 on, the author ance again shows that the Queen is one of the "smart people" within the royal family. He mentions that a monarchy needs "persistence, perseverance and deft personnel. "(1.37) and he younger generation of the royal family, who are "brothers at odds if not at wa C...]" (1.27). fr all of this. He undenines this by that she and Prince Saying Shows Philip "fitted the bill perfectly. "(1.38). This also shows his positive.. view for the older generation. The anaphora "from that couple, from that generation" (1.38) that this couple and generation was a good one, but now the Queen is alone. She still is a good Queen, but the repetition. of "now just her, alone "(1.39) Shows how sad it is that this perfectly fitted (1.38) is now over. In conclusion, one can say that the author is strongly in favour of the Queen and her late husband. He admires her work. and perservance. But he does. criticize the nee newer generation by using the example of "compelling Storylines" who are fate and staged because they want the public's attention... which Sara S. 3. a) Comment' within the In his article, Freedland explains that due to the death of Prince Philip, a new era is on its way. If the Queen dies, there will be huge changes. -royal family because a whole. new generation is taking over. The old generation, with all its old and monarchic traditions will loose its importants and new and modern values will be more. important and significant. In my opinion, there should be some changes when the new generation takes over. Nowadays, there are still some old. and kind of primitive rules in the monarchy that are not in accordance with today's todays. horms and values. For example the Inequality of and men in women within the royal. family is a factor that is not R modern and rather a conservative point of and old view. In the royal R family, the man inherits first, even though the woman is older. tha In my opinion, this should be R importance