









When we think about Britain we think automatically about drinking tea, the queen and fish and
But what exactly is Britishness?

When we think about Britain we think automatically about drinking tea, the queen and fish and chips. But what exactly is Britishness? Britishness is simply being British or embodying qualities that are considered typical of British people. Being British may mean different things to different people. Some people say being British is about loving the country, remembering the past and admiring the nature of the islands. Other people say that being British like being a part of a community where unity is important. Over time, Britain became a more multicultural community as people from other countries moved here and brought their religions and cultures with them. That is why some people say that to be British is to multicultural. The many peoples that conquered the country and the many have all contributed to their multi- cultural culture and multi-lingual language. British is also an identity people identify themselves with. The British identity is something to everyone chooses to have, in general younger people are attracted to this identity. In England and Wales, the generation least likely to have ticked the box marked "British" to describe their national identity is those who lived through the war and watched the sunset on the British Empire. Some people identify Britishness with the commonly British values. The most well known British values are...

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democracy, individual liberty, tolerance and the rule of law. Individual liberty means that you are free to express your opinions and views on things. The value of tolerance also links to the multicultural side of Britain because we know to embrace different cultures, ways of life and opinions.