


Britishness, Englishness, Being British Today, Great Britain







Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima
Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima
Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima
Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima
Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima
Wochenplan Englisch
GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting)
Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?!
- The U.K Between Tradition
and Modernity Tasks Awareness
Which ima

Wochenplan Englisch GK Q1 (bis zum Meeting) Thema: Shaken, Not Stirred?! - The U.K Between Tradition and Modernity Tasks Awareness Which image of "Being British"/"Britishness" does it convey? A) What I associate with Britishness : ▪ Mr. Bean ■ ■ ■ ■ Sea power Royal family Red phone booth School uniform ■ Double decker bus ■ Queen Elisabeth ■ Monarchie Accent Proud about they country ■ ■ Britishness? Englishness? − Being British Today — ■ Special humor = Love to see how people fail Food like tea, baked beans, short bread, fish and chips Special breakfast B)Which is commonly is presented as "typically British"? ■ Royal family ■ ■ Constitutional monarchy Sea (separates Britain from Europe, they are isolated) ■ House of common I Madame Tussauds 4 different countries Remember History Comprehension Important British characteristics are: •Mistustful of abroad •Pride with self-effacement •Pragmatism with tradition •Reserved, polite, calm Absolute self-control •Stoicism •Avoid physical contact •Use of handgestures is viewed with deep suspicion us on he negative Never go too far •Encentricity with privacy Being British is about : - to love Britain - remember the past honour people who did special things for the country - look into the future - learn from the history - build up from the mistakes of the passt not to be a specific race or culture - - multicultural - to be proud to call yourself "British" - critizen and help ALWAYS British culture is based on: THEE ON TIME - the past/ history - Values to be respectful, democratic, tolerant -red post boxes, red buses - multicultural drinking tea Analysis S.22 Nr.2 In the following I will analyse and examine the choice...

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of words and the use of positive and/ or negative emotive words in the 6 statements and answer what they reveal about each person's stance on Britain's culture and traditions. Statement 1 Toby's idea of being British is that they need to remember and commemorate some historical events, such as "fights from French battlefields, North African deserts, Arabian beaches and Asian jungles" (compare 1.1-5). Toby uses the negative word " [...] against the Evils of Hitler Nazi German and Stalin's Soviet Union [...]" to express the power in difficult times. Toby often say "we" to show and gives people a sense of unity and family feeling (cf. II.15). Statement 2 Loren often use rhetorical questions like "Does that give us the right to judge on what identity they are?” (II.14), to make the reader to think about if there is a real definition for "Being British". He has the opinion that white people speaking the language of the country where you live is not enough to identify yourself. She deliberately uses "Biased" (1.11) to describe people's behavior. Statement 3 James uses negative and positive words" at the same time in II.3. James stance is t that everything on this road has made contributions to British society (cf 1.5). Statement 4 Tim wants to describe the British characteristics by using adjectives, such as "contradictory" (1.1), "proud to boast of self-esteem" (1.2), which are also positive words Statement 6 Mary uses a enumeration in her whole text with typical British things, which shows that in this country are many interesting things (cf. I.1-10) Statement 5 Safia explains her personal experience to show what it means to be British or have to nationality. She is proud to have to nationality (cf. 1.3). Nr.3 External view (your findings) : Siehe Aufgabe A und B Awareness Internal view: ➤ 4 different countries ► Mary enumeration ➤ Honouring people who did special things (Toby > Personal experience (Safia) Nr.4 A&B Cliché: ➤ Food (tea, baked beans, fish and chips) ➤ Accent Stereotype: 4 countries ➤ To meet the royal Family is not normal Shaken, Not Stirred?! - The U.K. Between Tradition and Modernity Page 18/19 Nr.1 What does the Queen's performance as a Bond Girl convey about Great Britiain? Teamplay/ family feeling As a nation, they have a tradition of fair competition Olympia has roots in Britain ➤ People get more interest About the Queen in general She brings stability ➤ She was not the first person of their family who "open" the game ➤ Fairness B) Most appealing and convincing elements: ➤Queen as a Bond girl (not often, usually) ➤ Daniel Craig = James Bond ➤ People celebrate Great Britain with national flag (they are proud) C)" Solar Queen"(2) and "Solar Cogi" (1) 1. Best friend from the Queen 2. Represent Great Britain Nr.2 Self- image of the British nation : In the Kaleidoscope Federation : The queen is according to the law, equal land for men and women regardless of life, appearance or love Queen: Nr.4 ■ ▪ ■ Land of variety, with with consist of races Kaleidoscope country ■ Kaleidoscope queen She gives stability She is the reason why everybody can live in peace, equality Wants to maker the economic better Great Britian have many colonies in Africa The colonies shows power and superiority It this the of cheap raw materials market for exports (trade) made Britain a world power Nr.3 What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Great Britain? British empire ➤ ➤ ➤ A lot of amazing sights Capital City London Special Food UK trap Royal Family (Queen) Oxford ➤ Scoland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland