


The Commonwealth of Nations







The Commonwealth of Nations
Bilateral costs for trading partners are on average 19 cent less.
•$13 trillion combined.
Half of the
The Commonwealth of Nations
Bilateral costs for trading partners are on average 19 cent less.
•$13 trillion combined.
Half of the

The Commonwealth of Nations Economics: Bilateral costs for trading partners are on average 19 cent less. •$13 trillion combined. Half of the top 20 global emerging are in the Commonwealth Many small and developing Commonwealth countries are among those with the lowest ecological footprints worldwide ● • no multilateral trade ogreement, but the trade between Commonwealth countries is up to 50% higher Commonwealth games/Sports: . a multi-sport event, every four years . usual athletic disciplines (Summer Olympic Games) & lawn bowls, netball, vugby sevens popular sports: cricket, football, rugby, netball also other commanwealt championships Politics: • promoting development, democracy and peace. . The Commonwealth of Nations History and Membership: •Leaders of the Dominions csemi-independent) attended conferences. with Britain ~ 11887 Imperial Conferance was attended by the leaders of Australia, Canada, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa ~ 1926 •Britain and the Dominions agreed to a community/Commonwea (thr (1926) - all equal members - owed allegiance to the British king/queen - UK did not rule over them •The Dominions and other territories of the British Empire became fully independent • India becam independent. ~ [1847 - wanted to become a republic, dich't' owe allegiance to British Kinglqueen, wanted to stay member of Commonwealth Modern Commonwealth was born ~ [1949) -) republics / other countries could be part of the Commonwealth, 26. April • Since 1969 independent countrics have joined the Commonwealth. • The...

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Commonwealth Secretariat was created as a central intergovermental organisation to manage the commonwealth's work. Organisations Commonwealth Secretariat-supporting member countries. Commonwealth Foundation supporting civil society. Commonwealth of learning promoting distance learning and education Commonwealth Games Federation - promoting sports development facts Leaders: Head: Queen Elizabeth II Secreaty-General: Pallicia Janet Scotland Chair-in-Office: Boris Johnson. Population: 2,4 billion Member states: 54 Area: 30 millions Working language: English