


cartoon analyse







How hard is it to
In the black / white cartoon, you can see a
boy, who plays video games on his lap-
top. In the first pictur
How hard is it to
In the black / white cartoon, you can see a
boy, who plays video games on his lap-
top. In the first pictur

How hard is it to рау attention? In the black / white cartoon, you can see a boy, who plays video games on his lap- top. In the first picture you can read the boy wants to stop playing, because he needs to do a lots of stuff. in the second picture he sais. that his is already late. so he really that work need to do it now, because everybody tried to influence to stay on the computer. On the last picture, he ask his friend, how he supposed to work. properly if everybody is against him quiting the Behind is Laptop are game Behind some App-Symbols, like facebook, Youtube and a lot more. And the facebook sign says: ,, Come on, just play with 11 Us one more minute wants to say I think the cartoonist that social media took hands about our life. We are not doing what we should do, cause the apps are binding apps. Often we also know that we actually need to need to do some- thing else. The us to the social media controlls life. The cartoonist our critize, that addicted dependent and we are to social medias. is kind a right All in all, I can say that the cartoonist in his thinking. we are all bounded to the inter- net. Aufgabe 2 - Yes, it reminds me A of myself, il If I don't do open all the messages I will not get concentrate back, So I will stop Aufgabe. 3 The author critizice, that we are all addicted to our phones and are not able to stay,...

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some minutes without our phones even if we know, the thing we are doing is much more important. He blames the developer, much more. US for the act. we are often more concentradet but in our social media and the real world, than in important life. He says that technogogy and constant. connectivity ruined a lot of our life and will the future to us b) dddicting to in