


Cartoon Analysis - Gender Issues







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11EN2 | Advanced Course English
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11EN2 | Advanced Course English
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Cartoon Analysis
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Cartoon Analysis
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School year 2020/2021 Full Name Good luck! Cartoon A: 11EN2 | Advanced Course English Big Test: Снаррачче о Cartoon Analysis Analyse one of the two given cartoons. In your evaluation, provide a detailed assessment of both the cartoon's message and its effec- tiveness. 3/50 CP Content 12/20 languap. 13/2 Style: 5/10 DER SPIEGEL I'M QUITTING YOU! AND IT HURTS! NP ...AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! 21st June 2021 EU ☆☆☆ By Patrick Chapatte, 15th January 2019 Source: https://www.chappatte.com/prod/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Sp181215ce-small-950x713.jpg; Cartoon B: MERITOCRACIA carlin By Carlin, 2019 Source: https://humansoftumblr.com/this-illustration-of-the-obstacles-working-women-face-is-too-accurate- and-people-flipped/ Näones: Frauen: Rock, eine tible connection. no blaming ! Anzug, bequeme Schuhe - free kane Absakschuhe laundry, ironing love to keep of ewith men -> tional pack house weniger bezahlt al part in base -- für Kinder da - Gelntigraße. Comment Dobo gender pay gap boys in education! Erreichbare BE-Anzahl: more. → Verwendung der fraven ober inequality in leading positions men männer. in sozialen Berufen. Inhaltliche Reichhaltigkeit und Textstruktur Sprachgebrauch / Sprachliche Korrektheit Ausdrucksvermögen und Textfluss برای 20 BE 20 BE 10 BE 50 BE Cartoon- Analysis 21 Juni 2011 The cartoon was drawn by Carlin and human softumblr.com in published on 2019. Judging by the title Merito- cracia" and it's first impression, the cartoon criticizes gender mequality in our society. The cartoon depicts three men and three women that are waiting at the start of a running track to start ronning to dress, Grlwe All the people are wearing a t so it seems as // they The would be working somewhere. tracks of the menu is free, while the tracks the women. eve obstacles like filled with the laundry, a cooker an ironing board. What stands as well is that the women and out aren't looking at their track, but at the men. there is a ✓ G rouning сесиег In the upper left textbox, in that is written Gowo with black MERITOCRACIA" is evrillen with black capital letters. A The track in might be a...

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symbol of career, and R. the obstacles on the women's track could symbol for household and family. So what the cartoonist be the cartoon. tries to show in an is that women. have more difficult chance to do and get the A, Jug men. Something live society is the gender The gender pay gap shown. less money women earn doing the same things as and jobs as In the past years, this around 22 percent. cooker and so was Same as that in pay gap. how much men. percentage Oor The laundry, the any are symbols for what is coming or womens life. The amount in up a of stuff 04 the women's tracks helps. the cartoonist to convey his message. What stands out as well is, that the twee suit and men wearing. comfortable shees, while exaggerating ways a are of heek. the women. dressed with a skirt and a pair Because of it, that the women. are wearing these it can be symbol of the woman So the reason. AS Jug seen as a itself. So it is not for that difference is not, Gr mostly doing the household bearing children. No, it is just because A they are women! That helps the cartoon to convey it's message. Bet Nevertheless Woman women still have that women and to try to keep part of expressions of the Our with op society. The facial a men. not that women shows that G the women. are slightly confused and to understand that don't seem evhy there is inequality. Their facial expressions J exaggerates are exag- guating the cartoons message, be- Gr cause this is one of the things that the reader notiees first. The cartoons Gr title describes the situation with word meritocracia. The cartoon ече 3 of as a whole is a symbol of merito. cracia. has to It exaggerates, that a woman t put more effort in it to A reach the "goat" their "good goal" than So all in all they are chances as шеи Wightipo e the male women many This also the reason, having it. why in our society there are men in leading positions than women. To hold this this tion, a at many companies. The se rate stipulates that there always. has to be a certain percentage of leomen employed at a company. сет To this whole thing up, the shows the Sum cartoonisk cartoon having for A 6₁, Gr ist Grlwo more S up se silva-A rate got introduced J women 6r. Gr the A À inequality between wale and female our job world тие in cartoonist's use of symbols. supports conveiying it's message. But is this really the case ? a harder life Are the women having regarding their job earreer ? I would agree partly with cartoon's message. a hard Women having life in lots of situations. They often have to deal with things men don't have to deal the birth of a JZs with, for instance child. They often don't get payed b high as as and men that yes, Gr en't fair. Women often are the emotional port asinkhouse, because or A they stay home to take eace the for G kids and every men is happy J Gr that he hasn't to do it. If the most for of the kids would ask their dads. what shoe size they Gr the dad's exend might would answer, Gr Its that they have no clue, but our J A ww part is earning money and that's war mainly the father. A mother does. One part of the parents has a better abbility to connecte kids, while the other with their lee (Gr. Grywan So true. yes, getting disadvantaged in our Oref Another reason for our society from the past are society. that is it's a decades, #where women Women mostly Grlwo G Seen that is still somehow in our there is a Society. But the weaker gender and were process is a long process. done with just Que change, change from inequality to equality. government Many campaigns from the Blug trying to change that stronger gender. are because there is 19 Little girls u gelting molivated, already in kindergarden, to be able to do Jlig the same men. But such a way men. modern t A # thing. Tha We shouldn't forget that there is inequality agains! men as well and that is why I just agree partly. 1 Men don't get payed less than but for instance in social Jodfan buanse women. jobs, there are were utta Macy aren't allowed In our schools to take them per ? women than there it's the Gr society just caes at the in about girls at the moment. schools right boys are wsing leasing the in our now it isn't Alldatash same problem. Our But many young Fly A Gr Jel connection. & The whole gender equality-movement is good, but we should take care, that we don't have to deal issue just for boys t with the same bottom line. in some years. this now, without blaming To the cartoon shows, shows, that there someone, male and their jobs. The is inequality between male female / regarding their jobs. topie nowadays highly relevant. because of the wish of equality. between men and women. I think it is an important topie bo lalk about and I agree partly with the cartoon's message, having a hard one Men have this that women Mig due to situations and of them as well, because otherwise in some years. we will need campaigns for the equality of their job. A!! this too, just in other A we should take eare men. von Gr fr S B: 3. Notes in the foreground In the background there is beneath grass and trees the course of the running track. elese to 3: that comes 414